"Gravitational Radiation from Post-Newtonian Sources
and Inspiralling Compact Binaries"
Luc Blanchet 
1 Introduction
1.1 Analytic approximations and wave generation formalism
1.2 The quadrupole moment formalism
1.3 Problem posed by compact binary systems
1.4 Post-Newtonian equations of motion
1.5 Post-Newtonian gravitational radiation
A Post-Newtonian Sources
2 Non-linear Iteration of the Vacuum Field Equations
2.1 Einstein’s field equations
2.2 Linearized vacuum equations
2.3 The multipolar post-Minkowskian solution
2.4 Generality of the MPM solution
2.5 Near-zone and far-zone structures
3 Asymptotic Gravitational Waveform
3.1 The radiative multipole moments
3.2 Gravitational-wave tails and tails-of-tails
3.3 Radiative versus source moments
4 Matching to a Post-Newtonian Source
4.1 The matching equation
4.2 General expression of the multipole expansion
4.3 Equivalence with the Will–Wiseman formalism
4.4 The source multipole moments
5 Interior Field of a Post-Newtonian Source
5.1 Post-Newtonian iteration in the near zone
5.2 Post-Newtonian metric and radiation reaction effects
5.3 The 3.5PN metric for general matter systems
5.4 Radiation reaction potentials to 4PN order
B Compact Binary Systems
6 Regularization of the Field of Point Particles
6.1 Hadamard self-field regularization
6.2 Hadamard regularization ambiguities
6.3 Dimensional regularization of the equations of motion
6.4 Dimensional regularization of the radiation field
7 Newtonian-like Equations of Motion
7.1 The 3PN acceleration and energy for particles
7.2 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations
7.3 Equations of motion in the center-of-mass frame
7.4 Equations of motion and energy for quasi-circular orbits
7.5 The 2.5PN metric in the near zone
8 Conservative Dynamics of Compact Binaries
8.1 Concept of innermost circular orbit
8.2 Dynamical stability of circular orbits
8.3 The first law of binary point-particle mechanics
8.4 Post-Newtonian approximation versus gravitational self-force
9 Gravitational Waves from Compact Binaries
9.1 The binary’s multipole moments
9.2 Gravitational wave energy flux
9.3 Orbital phase evolution
9.4 Polarization waveforms for data analysis
9.5 Spherical harmonic modes for numerical relativity
10 Eccentric Compact Binaries
10.1 Doubly periodic structure of the motion of eccentric binaries
10.2 Quasi-Keplerian representation of the motion
10.3 Averaged energy and angular momentum fluxes
11 Spinning Compact Binaries
11.1 Lagrangian formalism for spinning point particles
11.2 Equations of motion and precession for spin-orbit effects
11.3 Spin-orbit effects in the gravitational wave flux and orbital phase


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