11 Spinning Compact Binaries
The post-Newtonian templates have been developed so far for compact binary systems which can be described with great precision by point masses without spins. Here by spin, we mean the intrinsic (classical) angular momentum
In recent years an important effort has been undertaken to compute spin effects to high post-Newtonian order in the dynamics and gravitational radiation of compact binaries:
- Dynamics. The goal is to obtain the equations of motion and related conserved integrals of the motion, the equations of precession of the spins, and the post-Newtonian metric in the near zone. For this step we need a formulation of the dynamics of particles with spins (either Lagrangian or Hamiltonian);
- Radiation. The mass and current radiative multipole moments, including tails and all hereditary effects, are to be computed. One then deduces the gravitational waveform and the fluxes, from which we compute the secular evolution of the orbital phase. This step requires plugging the previous dynamics into the general wave generation formalism of Part A.
We adopt a particular post-Newtonian counting for spin effects that actually refers to maximally
spinning black holes. In this convention the two spin variables have the dimension of an
angular momentum multiplied by a factor
, and we pose

As usual we shall make a distinction between spin-orbit (SO) effects, which are linear in the spins, and spin-spin (SS) ones, which are quadratic. In this article we shall especially review the SO effects as they play the most important role in gravitational wave detection and parameter estimation. As we shall see a good deal is known on spin effects (both SO and SS), but still it will be important in the future to further improve our knowledge of the waveform and gravitational-wave phasing, by computing still higher post-Newtonian SO and SS terms, and to include at least the dominant spin-spin-spin (SSS) effect [305*]. For the computations of SSS and even SSSS effects see Refs. [246, 245, 296, 305, 413].
The SO effects have been known at the leading level since the seminal works of Tulczyjew [411*, 412*], Barker & O’Connell [27*, 28*] and Kidder et al. [275*, 271*]. With our post-Newtonian counting such leading level corresponds to the 1.5PN order. The SO terms have been computed to the next-to-leading level which corresponds to 2.5PN order in Refs. [394*, 194*, 165*, 292*, 352*, 241*] for the equations of motion or dynamics, and in Refs. [53*, 54*] for the gravitational radiation field. Note that Refs. [394, 194, 165*, 241*] employ traditional post-Newtonian methods (both harmonic-coordinates and Hamiltonian), but that Refs. [292, 352] are based on the effective field theory (EFT) approach. The next-to-next-to-leading SO level corresponding to 3.5PN order has been obtained in Refs. [242, 244] using the Hamiltonian method for the equations of motion, in Ref. [297] using the EFT, and in Refs. [307*, 90*] using the harmonic-coordinates method. Here we shall focus on the harmonic-coordinates approach [307*, 90*, 89*, 306*] which is in fact best formulated using a Lagrangian, see Section 11.1. With this approach the next-to-next-to-leading SO level was derived not only for the equations of motion including precession, but also for the radiation field (energy flux and orbital phasing) [89*, 306*]. An analytic solution for the SO precession effects will be presented in Section 11.2. Note that concerning the radiation field the highest known SO level actually contains specific tail-induced contributions at 3PN [54*] and 4PN [306*] orders, see Section 11.3.
The SS effects are known at the leading level corresponding to 2PN order from Barker &
O’Connell [27, 28] in the equations of motion (see [271*, 351*, 110] for subsequent derivations), and from
Refs. [275, 271*] in the radiation field. Next-to-leading SS contributions are at 3PN order and have been
obtained with Hamiltonian [387, 389*, 388, 247, 241], EFT [354, 356, 355, 293, 299] and
harmonic-coordinates [88*] techniques (with [88] obtaining also the next-to-leading SS terms in the
gravitational-wave flux). With SS effects in a compact binary system one must make a distinction between
the spin squared terms, involving the coupling between the two same spins or
, and the interaction
terms, involving the coupling between the two different spins
. The spin-squared terms
arise due to the effects on the dynamics of the quadrupole moments of the compact
bodies that are induced by their spins [347]. They have been computed through 2PN order in
the fluxes and orbital phase in Refs. [217, 218*, 314]. The interaction terms
can be
computed using a simple pole-dipole formalism like the one we shall review in Section 11.1. The
interaction terms
between different spins have been derived to next-to-next-to-leading
4PN order for the equations of motion in Refs. [294, 298] (EFT) and [243] (Hamiltonian). In
this article we shall generally neglect the SS effects and refer for these to the literature quoted
11.1 Lagrangian formalism for spinning point particles
Some necessary material for constructing a Lagrangian for a spinning point particle in curved spacetime is presented here. The formalism is issued from early works [239*, 19*] and has also been developed in the context of the EFT approach [351*]. Variants and alternatives (most importantly the associated Hamiltonian formalism) can be found in Refs. [389, 386, 25]. The formalism yields for the equations of motion of spinning particles and the equations of precession of the spins the classic results known in general relativity [411*, 412*, 310*, 331*, 135*, 409*, 179*].
Let us consider a single spinning point particle moving in a given curved background metric
. The particle follows the worldline
, with tangent four-velocity
is a parameter along the representative worldline. In a first stage we do not require
that the four-velocity be normalized; thus
needs not be the proper time elapsed along the
worldline. To describe the internal degrees of freedom associated with the particle’s spin, we
introduce a moving orthonormal tetrad
along the trajectory, which defines a “body-fixed”
The rotation tensor
associated with the tetrad is defined by

We look for an action principle for the spinning particle. Following Refs. [239*, 351] and the general spirit of effective field theories, we require the following symmetries to hold:
- The action is a covariant scalar, i.e., behaves as a scalar with respect to general space-time diffeomorphisms;
- It is a global Lorentz scalar, i.e., stays invariant under an arbitrary change of the tetrad vectors:
is a constant Lorentz matrix;
- It is reparametrization-invariant, i.e., its form is independent of the parameter
used to follow the particle’s worldline.
In addition to these symmetries we need to specify the dynamical degrees of freedom: These are chosen to be
the particle’s position and the tetrad
. Furthermore we restrict ourselves to a Lagrangian
depending only on the four-velocity
, the rotation tensor
, and the metric
. Thus, the
postulated action is of the type
As it is written in (369*), i.e., depending only on Lorentz scalars, is automatically a Lorentz scalar.
By performing an infinitesimal coordinate transformation, one easily sees that the requirement that the
Lagrangian be a covariant scalar specifies its dependence on the metric to be such that (see e.g., Ref. [19])

Note that the right-hand side of Eq. (370*) is necessarily symmetric by exchange of the indices and
. Finally, imposing the invariance of the action (369*) by reparametrization of the worldline, we find
that the Lagrangian must be a homogeneous function of degree one in the velocity
rotation tensor
. Applying Euler’s theorem to the function
immediately gives

We now investigate the unconstrained variations of the action (369*) with respect to the dynamical
variables ,
and the metric. First, we vary it with respect to the tetrad
while keeping the
fixed. A worry is that we must have a way to distinguish intrinsic variations of the tetrad
from variations which are induced by a change of the metric
. This is conveniently solved by
decomposing the variation
according to
![αβ A [α β] δ𝜃 ≡ e δeA](article2856x.gif)

Up to now we have considered unconstrained variations of the action (369*), describing the particle’s
internal degrees of freedom by the six independent components of the tetrad (namely a
matrix subject to the 10 constraints
). To correctly account for the number of degrees of
freedom associated with the spin, we must impose three supplementary spin conditions (SSC). Several
choices are possible for a sensible SSC. Notice that in the case of extended bodies the choice of a SSC
corresponds to the choice of a central worldline inside the body with respect to which the spin angular
momentum is defined (see Ref. [271*] for a discussion). Here we adopt the Tulczyjew covariant
SSC [411, 412]

Henceforth we shall restrict our attention to spin-orbit (SO) interactions, which are linear in
the spins. We shall also adopt for the parameter along the particle’s worldline the proper
, so that
. Neglecting quadratic spin-spin (SS) and
higher-order interactions, the linear momentum is simply proportional to the normalized four-velocity:
. Hence, from Eq. (375*) we deduce that
. The equation for the
spin covariant vector
then reduces at linear order to

In applications (e.g., the construction of gravitational wave templates for the compact binary inspiral) it
is very useful to introduce new spin variables that are designed to have a conserved three-dimensional
Euclidean norm (numerically equal to ). Using conserved-norm spin vector variables is indeed the most
natural choice when considering the dynamics of compact binaries reduced to the frame of the center of
mass or to circular orbits [90*]. Indeed the evolution equations of such spin variables reduces, by
construction, to ordinary precession equations, and these variables are secularly constant (see
Ref. [423*]).
A standard, general procedure to define a (Euclidean) conserved-norm spin spatial vector consists of
projecting the spin covector onto an orthonormal tetrad
, which leads to the four scalar
components (

The evolution equation (382*) for the original spin variable now translates into an ordinary
precession equation for the tetrad components
, namely

11.2 Equations of motion and precession for spin-orbit effects
The previous formalism can be generalized to self-gravitating systems consisting of two (or more generally N) spinning point particles. The metric generated by the system of particles, interacting only through gravitation, is solution of the Einstein field equations (18*) with stress-energy tensor given by the sum of the individual stress-energy tensors (378*) for each particles. The equations of motion of the particles are given by the Mathisson–Papapetrou equations (377*) with “self-gravitating” metric evaluated at the location of the particles thanks to a regularization procedure (see Section 6). The precession equations of each of the spins are given by

We shall investigate the case where the binary’s orbit is quasi-circular, i.e., whose radius is constant
apart from small perturbations induced by the spins (as usual we neglect the gravitational
radiation damping effects). We denote by and
the relative position and
We introduce an orthonormal moving triad
defined by the unit separation vector
) and the unit normal
to the instantaneous orbital plane given by
the orthonormal triad is then completed by
. Those vectors are represented on Figure 4*, which
shows the geometry of the system. The orbital frequency
is defined for general orbits, not necessarily
circular, by
represents the derivative of
with respect to the
coordinate time
. The general expression for the relative acceleration
decomposed in the
moving basis

Here we report the latest results for the spin-orbit (SO) contributions into these quantities at the
next-to-next-to-leading level corresponding to 3.5PN order [307*, 90*]. We project out the spins on
the moving orthonormal basis, defining and similarly for
. We
which has to be added to the non-spin terms (228) up to 3.5PN order. We recall that the ordering
post-Newtonian parameter is . On the other hand the next-to-next-to-leading SO effects into the
precessional frequency read
where this time the ordering post-Newtonian parameter is . The SO terms at the
same level in the conserved energy associated with the equations of motion will be given in
Eq. (415) below. In order to complete the evolution equations for quasi-circular orbits we need
also the precession vectors
of the two spins as defined by Eq. (388*). These are given
We obtain from
simply by exchanging the masses,
At the linear SO level the precession vectors
are independent of the
We now investigate an analytical solution for the dynamics of compact spinning binaries on quasi-circular orbits, including the effects of spin precession [54*, 306*]. This solution will be valid whenever the radiation reaction effects can be neglected, and is restricted to the linear SO level.

In the following, we will extensively employ the total angular momentum of the system,
that we denote by , and which is conserved when radiation-reaction effects are neglected,

Our solution will consist of some explicit expressions for the moving triad at the SO level in
the conservative dynamics for quasi-circular orbits. With the previous definitions of the orbital frequency
and the precessional frequency
we have the following system of equations for the time evolution of
the triad vectors,
Equivalently, introducing the orbital rotation vector and spin precession vector
these equations can be elegantly written as
Next we introduce a fixed (inertial) orthonormal basis as follows:
is defined to be the
normalized value
of the total angular momentum
is orthogonal to the plane spanned by
and the direction
of the detector as seen from the source (notation of Section 3.1) and is
defined by
; and
completes the triad – see Figure 4*. Then, we introduce
the standard spherical coordinates
of the vector
measured in the inertial basis
. Since
is the angle between the total and orbital angular momenta, we have

We now derive from the time evolution of our triad vectors those of the precession angles , and of
an appropriate phase
that specifies the position of
with respect to some reference direction in the
orbital plane denoted
. Following Ref. [13], we pose
such that forms an orthonormal basis. The motion takes place in the instantaneous
orbital plane spanned by
, and the phase angle
is such that (see Figure 4*):
from which we deduce
Combining Eqs. (402*) with (399*) we also get By identifying the right-hand sides of (397) with the time-derivatives of the relations (401) we obtain the following system of equations for the variations of

On the other hand, using the decompositon of the total angular momentum (396*) together with the fact
that the components of projected along
are of the order
, see e.g., Eq. (4.7) in
Ref. [90*], we deduce that
is itself a small quantity of order
. Since we also have
, we conclude by direct integration of the sum of Eqs. (404a) and (404c) that

The combination being known by Eq. (405*), we can further express the precession angles
at linear order in spins in terms of the components
; from Eqs. (399*) and (403*):
where we denote by the norm of the non-spin (NS) part of the orbital angular momentum
It remains to obtain the explicit time variation of the components of the two individual spins ,
). Using Eqs. (407) together with the decomposition (396*) and
the explicit expression of
in Ref. [90*], we shall then be able to obtain the explicit time
variation of the precession angles
and phase
. Combining (388*) and (397) we obtain
where is the norm of the precession vector of the
-th spin as given by (394), and the precession
is explicitly given by (393). At linear order in spins these equations translate into
We see that, as stated before, the spin components along are constant, and so is the orbital
given by (392). At the linear SO level, the equations (409) can be decoupled and integrated
Here and
denote two quantities for each spins, that are constant up to terms
The phase of the projection perpendicular to the direction
of each of the spins is given by

Finally we can give in an explicit way, to linear SO order, the triad in terms of
some reference triad
at the reference time
in Eqs. (411*) and (406*). The
best way to express the result is to introduce the complex null vector
its complex conjuguate
; the normalization is chosen so that
. We obtain
The precession effects in the dynamical solution for the evolution of the basis vectors are
given by the second terms in these equations. They depend only in the combination
and its
complex conjugate
, which follows from Eqs. (407) and the known spin and non-spin
contributions to the total angular momentum
. One can check that precession effects in the above
dynamical solution (412) for the moving triad start at order
11.3 Spin-orbit effects in the gravitational wave flux and orbital phase
Like in Section 9 our main task is to control up to high post-Newtonian order the mass and current radiative
multipole moments and
which parametrize the asymptotic waveform and gravitational fluxes far
away from the source, cf. Eqs. (66) – (68). The radiative multipole moments are in turn related to the source
multipole moments
through complicated relationships involving tails and related effects; see e.g.,
Eqs. (76).86
The source moments have been expressed in Eqs. (123) in terms of some source densities ,
defined from the components of the post-Newtonian expansion of the pseudo-tensor,
. To lowest order the (PN expansion of the) pseudo-tensor reduces to the matter
which has compact support, and the source densities
reduce to
the compact support quantities
given by Eqs. (145). Now, computing spin
effects, the matter tensor
has been found to be given by (378*) in the framework of the
pole-dipole approximation suitable for SO couplings (and sufficient also for SS interactions between
different spins). Here, to give a flavor of the computation, we present the lowest order spin
contributions (necessarily SO) to the general mass and current source multipole moments (
Paralleling the similar expressions (304) for the Newtonian approximation to the source moments in the
non-spin case, we posed with
[see also Eqs. (305)]. In Eqs. (413)
we employ the notation (389) for the two spins and the ordinary cross product
of Euclidean vectors.
Thus, the dominant level of spins is at the 1.5PN order in the mass-type moments
, but only at the
0.5PN order in the current-type moments
. It is then evident that the spin part of the current-type
moments will always dominate over that of the mass-type moments. We refer to [53*, 89*] for higher order
post-Newtonian expressions of the source moments. If we insert the expressions (413) into tail
integrals like (76), we find that some spin contributions originate from tails starting at the 3PN
order [54*].
Finally, skipping details, we are left with the following highest-order known result for the SO contributions to the gravitational wave energy flux, which is currently 4PN order [53, 89*, 306]:87
We recall that and
, with
denoting the combinations (389), and
the individual spins are the specific conserved-norm spins that have been introduced in Section 11.1. The
result (414) superposes to the non-spin contributions given by Eq. (314). Satisfyingly it is in complete
agreement in the test-mass limit where
with the result of black-hole perturbation theory on a Kerr
background obtained in Ref. [396].
Finally we can compute the spin effects in the time evolution of the binary’s orbital frequency . We
rely as in Section 9 on the equation (295*) balancing the total emitted energy flux
with the variation of
the binary’s center-of-mass energy
. The non-spin contributions in
have been provided for
quasi-circular binaries in Eq. (232); the SO contributions to next-to-next-to-leading order are given
by [307, 90]
Using and
expressed as functions of the orbital frequency
) and of the spin
variables (through
), we transform the balance equation into
However, in writing the latter equation it is important to justify that the spin quantities and
are secularly constant, i.e., do not evolve on a gravitational radiation reaction time scale so we can
neglect their variations when taking the time derivative of Eq. (415). Fortunately, this is the case
of the conserved-norm spin variables, as proved in Ref. [423] up to relative 1PN order, i.e.,
considering radiation reaction effects up to 3.5PN order. Furthermore this can also be shown
from the following structural general argument valid at linear order in spins [54, 89]. In the
center-of-mass frame, the only vectors at our disposal, except for the spins, are
Recalling that the spin vectors are pseudovectors regarding parity transformation, we see that
the only way SO contributions can enter scalars such as the energy
or the flux
through the mixed products
, i.e., through the components
. Now, the same
reasoning applies to the precession vectors
in Eqs. (388*): They must be pseudovectors,
and, at linear order in spin, they must only depend on
; so that they must be
proportional to
, as can be explicitly seen for instance in Eq. (394). Now, the time derivative of
the components along
of the spins are given by
. The
second term vanishes because
, and since
, we obtain that
constant at linear order in the spins. We have already met an instance of this important fact in
Eq. (409c). This argument is valid at any post-Newtonian order and for general orbits, but is
limited to spin-orbit terms; furthermore it does not specify any time scale for the variation, so it
applies to short time scales such as the orbital and precessional periods, as well as to the long
gravitational radiation reaction time scale (see also Ref. [218] and references therein for related

PN order | ![]() |
![]() |
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1.5PN | (leading SO) | ![]() |
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2.5PN | (1PN SO) | ![]() |
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3PN | (leading SO-tail) | ![]() |
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3.5PN | (2PN SO) | ![]() |
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4PN | (1PN SO-tail) | ![]() |
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We are then allowed to apply Eq. (416*) with conserved-norm spin variables at the SO level. We thus
obtain the secular evolution of and from that we deduce by a further integration (following the Taylor
approximant T2) the secular evolution of the carrier phase
This expression, when added to the expression for the non-spin terms given by Eq. (318), and
considering also the SS terms, constitutes the main theoretical input needed for the construction of
templates for spinning compact binaries. However, recall that in the case of precessional binaries, for which
the spins are not aligned or anti-aligned with the orbital angular momentum, we must subtract to the
carrier phase the precessional correction
arising from the precession of the orbital plane. Indeed the
physical phase variable
which is defined in Figure 4*, has been proved to be given by
linear order in spins, cf. Eq. (405*). The precessional correction
can be computed at linear order in
spins from the results of Section 11.2.
As we have done in Table 3 for the non-spin terms, we evaluate in Table 4 the SO contributions to the number of gravitational-wave cycles accumulated in the bandwidth of LIGO-VIRGO detectors, Eq. (319*). The results show that the SO terms up to 4PN order can be numerically important, for spins close to maximal and for suitable orientations. They can even be larger than the corresponding non-spin contributions at 3.5PN order and perhaps at 4PN order (but recall that the non-spin terms at 4PN order are not known); compare with Table 3. We thus conclude that the SO terms are relevant to be included in the gravitational wave templates for an accurate extraction of the binary parameters. Although numerically smaller, the SS terms are also relevant; for these we refer to the literature quoted at the beginning of Section 11.