4 Matching to a Post-Newtonian Source
By Theorem 2 we control the most general class of solutions of the vacuum equations outside the source, in the form of non-linear functionals of the source multipole moments. For instance, these solutions include the Schwarzschild and Kerr solutions for black holes, as well as all their perturbations. By Theorem 4 we learned how to construct the radiative moments at infinity, which constitute the observables of the radiation field at large distances from the source, and we obtained in Section 3.3 explicit relationships between radiative and source moments. We now want to understand how a specific choice of matter stress-energy tensor
4.1 The matching equation
We shall provide the answer to that problem in the case of a post-Newtonian source for which the
post-Newtonian parameter defined by Eq. (1*) is small. The fundamental fact that permits the
connection of the exterior field to the inner field of the source is the existence of a “matching”
region, in which both the multipole expansion and the post-Newtonian expansion are valid.
This region is nothing but the exterior part of the near zone, such that
(exterior) and
(near zone); it always exists around post-Newtonian sources whose radius is much
less than the emitted wavelength,
. In our formalism the multipole expansion is
defined by the multipolar-post-Minkowskian (MPM) solution; see Section 2. Matching together
the post-Newtonian and MPM solutions in this overlapping region is an application of the
method of matched asymptotic expansions, which has frequently been applied in the present
context, both for radiation-reaction [114*, 113*, 7, 58*, 43*] and wave-generation [59*, 155, 44*, 49*]
Let us denote by the multipole expansion of
(for simplicity, we suppress the space-time
indices). By
we really mean the MPM exterior metric that we have constructed in Sections 2.2
and 2.3:

We now transform Eq. (102*) into a matching equation, by replacing in the left-hand side by its
near-zone re-expansion
, and in the right-hand side
by its multipole expansion
The structure of the near-zone expansion (
) of the exterior multipolar field has been
found in Theorem 3, see Eq. (53*). We denote the corresponding infinite series
the same overbar as for the post-Newtonian expansion because it is really an expansion when
, equivalent to an expansion when
. Concerning the multipole expansion of the
post-Newtonian metric,
, we simply postulate for the moment its existence, but we shall show
later how to construct it explicitly. Therefore, the matching equation is the statement that

We recognize the beauty of singular perturbation theory, where two asymptotic expansions, taken
formally outside their respective domains of validity, are matched together. Of course, the method works
because there exists, physically, an overlapping region in which the two approximation series
are expected to be numerically close to the exact solution. As we shall detail in Sections 4.2
and 5.2, the matching equation (103*), supplemented by the condition of no-incoming radiation
[say in the form of Eq. (29*)], permits determining all the unknowns of the problem: On the
one hand, the external multipolar decomposition , i.e., the explicit expressions of the
multipole moments therein (see Sections 4.2 and 4.4); on the other hand, the terms in the inner
post-Newtonian expansion
that are associated with radiation-reaction effects, i.e., those terms which
depend on the boundary conditions of the radiative field at infinity, and which correspond in the
present case to a post-Newtonian source which is isolated from other sources in the Universe; see
Section 5.2.
4.2 General expression of the multipole expansion
Theorem 5. Under the hypothesis of matching, Eq. (103*), the multipole expansion of the solution of the Einstein field equation outside a post-Newtonian source reads
where the “multipole moments” are given by Here,
Proof (see Refs. [44*, 49*]): First notice where the physical restriction of considering a post-Newtonian
source enters this theorem: The multipole moments (106*) depend on the post-Newtonian expansion
of the pseudo-tensor, rather than on
itself. Consider
, namely the difference between
which is a solution of the field equations everywhere inside and outside the source, and the first term in
Eq. (105*), namely the finite part of the retarded integral of the multipole expansion

The latter proof makes it clear how crucial the analytic-continuation finite part is, which we recall
is the same as in our iteration of the exterior post-Minkowskian field [see Eq. (45*)]. Without a
finite part, the multipole moment (113*) would be strongly divergent, because the pseudo-tensor
has a non-compact support owing to the contribution of the gravitational field, and the
multipolar factor
behaves like
. The latter divergence has plagued the
field of post-Newtonian expansions of gravitational radiation for many years. In applications
such as in Part B of this article, we must carefully follow the rules for handling the
The two terms in the right-hand side of Eq. (105*) depend separately on the length scale that we
have introduced into the definition of the finite part, through the analytic-continuation factor
introduced in Eq. (42*). However, the sum of these two terms, i.e., the exterior multipolar
itself, is independent of
. To see this, the simplest way is to differentiate
with respect to
; the differentiations of the two terms of Eq. (105*) cancel
each other. The independence of the field upon
is quite useful in applications, since in
general many intermediate calculations do depend on
, and only in the final stage does the
cancellation of the
’s occur. For instance, we have already seen in Eqs. (93*) – (94*) that the
source quadrupole moment
depends on
starting from the 3PN level, but that this
is compensated by another
coming from the non-linear “tails of tails” at the 3PN
4.3 Equivalence with the Will–Wiseman formalism
Will & Wiseman [424*] (see also Refs. [422, 335]), extending previous work of Epstein & Wagoner [185] and Thorne [403], have obtained a different-looking multipole decomposition, with different definitions for the multipole moments of a post-Newtonian source. They find, instead of our multipole decomposition given by Eq. (105*),
There is no

Let us show that the two different formalisms are equivalent. We compute the difference between our
moment defined by Eq. (106*), and the moment
given by Eq. (115*). For the comparison we
into far-zone and near-zone pieces corresponding to the radius
. Since the finite part
present in
deals only with the bound at infinity, it can be removed from the near-zone piece, which is
then seen to reproduce
exactly. So the difference between the two moments is simply given by the
far-zone piece:

4.4 The source multipole moments
In principle, the bridge between the exterior gravitational field generated by the post-Newtonian
source and its inner field is provided by Theorem 5; however, we still have to make the
connection with the explicit construction of the general multipolar and post-Minkowskian
metric in Section 2. Namely, we must find the expressions of the six STF source multipole
moments ,
parametrizing the linearized metric (35*) – (37) at the basis of that
To do this we first find the equivalent of the multipole expansion given in Theorem 5, which was
parametrized by non-trace-free multipole functions , in terms of new multipole functions
are STF in all their indices
. The result is
![ˆxL ≡ STF [xL]](article976x.gif)

where the ten tensors are STF, and are uniquely given in
terms of the
’s by some inverse formulas. Finally, the latter decompositions yield the
Theorem 6. The STF multipole moments and
of a post-Newtonian source are given, formally
up to any post-Newtonian order, by (
These moments are the ones that are to be inserted into the linearized metric that represents the
lowest approximation to the post-Minkowskian field
defined in Eq. (50*).
In these formulas the notation is as follows: Some convenient source densities are defined from the
post-Newtonian expansion (denoted by an overbar) of the pseudo-tensor by
(where ). As indicated in Eqs. (123) all these quantities are to be evaluated at the spatial
and at time
For completeness, we give also the formulas for the four auxiliary source moments , which
parametrize the gauge vector
as defined in Eqs. (37):
As discussed in Section 2, one can always find two intermediate “packages” of multipole moments,
namely the canonical moments and
, which are some non-linear functionals of the source
moments (123) and (125), and such that the exterior field depends only on them, modulo a change of
coordinates. However, the canonical moments
do not admit general closed-form expressions
like (123) – (125).31
These source moments are physically valid for post-Newtonian sources and make sense only in the form
of a post-Newtonian expansion, so in practice we need to know how to expand the -integrals as series
. Here is the appropriate formula:

Needless to say, the formalism becomes prohibitively difficult to apply at very high post-Newtonian
approximations. Some post-Newtonian order being given, we must first compute the relevant relativistic
corrections to the pseudo stress-energy-tensor ; this necessitates solving the field equations inside the
matter, which we shall investigate in the next Section 5. Then
is to be inserted into the source
moments (123) and (125), where the formula (126*) permits expressing all the terms up to that
post-Newtonian order by means of more tractable integrals extending over
. Given a specific model for
the matter source we then have to find a way to compute all these spatial integrals; this is done in
Section 9.1 for the case of point-mass binaries. Next, we must substitute the source multipole moments into
the linearized metric (35*) – (37), and iterate them until all the necessary multipole interactions taking place
in the radiative moments
are under control. In fact, we have already worked out
these multipole interactions for general sources in Section 3.3 up to the 3PN order in the full
waveform, and 3.5PN order for the dominant
mode. Only at this point does one have the
physical radiation field at infinity, from which we can build the templates for the detection and
analysis of gravitational waves. We advocate here that the complexity of the formalism simply
reflects the complexity of the Einstein field equations. It is probably impossible to devise a
different formalism, valid for general sources devoid of symmetries, that would be substantially