2 Degenerate Horizons and Near-Horizon Geometry
2.1 Coordinate systems and near-horizon limit
In this section we will introduce a general notion of a near-horizon geometry.
This requires us to first introduce some preliminary constructions. Let be a
codimension-1 null hypersurface in a
dimensional spacetime
. In a neighbourhood of any such
hypersurface there exists an adapted coordinate chart called Gaussian null coordinates that we now
recall [179
, 86].
Let be a vector field normal to
whose integral curves are future-directed null geodesic
generators of
. In general these will be non-affinely parameterised so on
we have
some function
. Now let
denote a smooth
-dimensional spacelike submanifold of
such that each integral curve of
exactly once: we term
a cross section of
assume such submanifolds exist. On
choose arbitrary local coordinates
, for
containing some point
. Starting from
, consider the point in
a parameter value
along the integral curve of
. Now assign coordinates
to such a point, i.e., we extend the
by keeping them constant along such a curve. This defines a set of coordinates
in a tubular neighbourhood of the integral curves of
, such that
. Since
is normal to
we have
We now extend these coordinates into a neighbourhood of in
as follows. For any point
contained in the above coordinates
, let
be the unique past-directed null vector
. Now starting at
, consider the point in
an affine
parameter value
along the null geodesic with tangent vector
. Define the coordinates of such a point
, i.e., the functions
are extended into
by requiring them to be constant
along such null geodesics. This provides coordinates
defined in a neighbourhood of
as required.
We extend the definitions of and
. By construction
the integral curves of
are null geodesics and hence
everywhere in the neighbourhood
in question. Furthermore, using the fact that
commute (they are coordinate
vector fields), we have

These considerations show that, in a neighbourhood of in
, the spacetime metric
written in
Gaussian null coordinates
is of the form

The coordinates developed above are valid in the neighbourhood of any smooth null hypersurface .
In this work we will in fact be concerned with smooth Killing horizons. These are null hypersurfaces that
possess a normal that is a Killing field
. Hence we may set
in the above construction.
we deduce that in the neighbourhood of a Killing horizon
, the metric can be
written as Eq. (5
) where the functions
are all independent of the coordinate
. Using the
Killing property one can rewrite
, where
is now the usual
surface gravity of a Killing horizon.
We may now introduce the main objects we will study in this work: degenerate Killing horizons. These
are defined as Killing horizons such that the normal Killing field
is tangent to affinely
parameterised null geodesics on
, i.e.,
. Therefore,
, which implies that in
Gaussian null coordinates
. It follows that
for some smooth function
Therefore, in the neighbourhood of any smooth degenerate Killing horizon the metric in Gaussian null
coordinates reads
We are now ready to define the near-horizon geometry of a -dimensional spacetime
containing such a degenerate horizon. Given any
, consider the diffeomorphism defined by
. The metric in Gaussian null coordinates transforms
is given by Eq. (6
with the replacements
. The
near-horizon limit is then defined as the
limit of
. It is clear this limit always exists since all
metric functions are smooth at
. The resulting metric is called the near-horizon geometry and is
given by

Intuitively, the near-horizon limit is a scaling limit that focuses on the spacetime near the horizon .
We emphasise that the degenerate assumption
is crucial for defining this limit
and such a general notion of a near-horizon limit does not exist for a non-degenerate Killing
2.2 Curvature of near-horizon geometry
As we will see, geometric equations (such as Einstein’s equations) for a near-horizon geometry can be
equivalently written as geometric equations defined purely on a -dimensional cross section
of the horizon. In this section we will write down general formulae relating the curvature of a
near-horizon geometry to the curvature of the horizon
. For convenience we will denote the dimension of
It is convenient to introduce a null-orthonormal frame for the near-horizon metric (7), denoted by
, where

It is worth noting that the following components of the Weyl tensor automatically vanish:
. This means that
is a multiple Weyl aligned null direction
and hence any near-horizon geometry is at least algebraically special of type II within
the classification of [47]. In fact, it can be checked that the null geodesic vector field
vanishing expansion, shear and twist and therefore any near-horizon geometry is a Kundt
Indeed, by inspection of Eq. (7
) it is clear that near-horizon geometries are a subclass of the degenerate Kundt
which are all algebraically special of at least type II [184].
Henceforth, we will drop the “hats” on all horizon quantities, so and
refer to the Ricci
tensor and Levi-Civita connection of
2.3 Einstein equations and energy conditions
We will consider spacetimes that are solutions to Einstein’s equations:

An important fact is that if a spacetime containing a degenerate horizon satisfies Einstein’s equations
then so does its near-horizon geometry. This is easy to see as follows. If the metric in Eq. (6
) satisfies
Einstein’s equations, then so will the 1-parameter family of diffeomorphic metrics
for any
Hence the limiting metric
, which by definition is the near-horizon geometry, must also satisfy the
Einstein equations.
The near-horizon limit of the energy momentum tensor thus must also exist and takes the form

The matter field equations must imply the spacetime conservation equation . This is
equivalent to the following equations on

Although the energy momentum tensor must have a near-horizon limit, it is not obvious that the matter
fields themselves must. Thus, consider the full spacetime before taking the near-horizon limit. Recall that
for any Killing horizon and therefore
. This imposes a constraint on
the matter fields. We will illustrate this for Einstein–Maxwell theory whose energy-momentum tensor is

It is worth remarking that the above naturally generalises to -form electrodynamics, with
for which the energy momentum tensor is

The Einstein equations for a near-horizon geometry can also be interpreted as geometrical equations
arising from the restriction of the Einstein equations for the full spacetime to a degenerate horizon, without
taking the near-horizon limit, as follows. The near-horizon limit can be thought of as the limit of
the “boost” transformation
. This implies that restricting the boost-invariant
components of the Einstein equations for the full spacetime to a degenerate horizon is equivalent to the
boost invariant components of the Einstein equations for the near-horizon geometry. The boost-invariant
components are
and hence we see that Eqs. (17
) and (18
) are also valid for the full
spacetime quantities restricted to the horizon. We deduce that the restriction of these components of the
Einstein equations depends only on data intrinsic to
: this special feature only arises for degenerate
It is worth noting that the horizon equations (17
) and (18
) remain valid in the more general context of
extremal isolated horizons [163
, 209, 28] and Kundt metrics [144
The positivity of and
can be related to standard energy conditions. For a near-horizon
. Since
is timelike on the horizon, the
strong energy condition implies
. Hence, noting that
deduce that the strong energy condition implies

In this review, we describe the current understanding of the space of solutions to the basic horizon
equation (17), together with the appropriate horizon matter field equations, in a variety of dimensions and
2.4 Physical charges
So far we have considered near-horizon geometries independently of any extremal–black-hole solutions. In
this section we will assume that the near-horizon geometry arises from a near-horizon limit of an extremal
black hole. This limit discards the asymptotic data of the parent–black-hole solution. As a result, only a
subset of the physical properties of a black hole can be calculated from the near-horizon geometry alone. In
particular, information about the asymptotic stationary Killing vector field is lost and hence one cannot
compute the mass from a Komar integral, nor can one compute the angular velocity of the horizon with
respect to infinity. Below we discuss physical properties that can be computed purely from the near-horizon
geometry [123, 79
, 154
Area. The area of cross sections of the horizon is defined by

For definiteness we now assume the parent black hole is asymptotically flat.
Angular momentum. The conserved angular momentum associated with a rotational symmetry,
generated by a Killing vector , is given by a Komar integral on a sphere at spacelike infinity

In five spacetime dimensions it is natural to couple Einstein–Maxwell theory to a Chern–Simons (CS) term. While the Einstein equations are unchanged, the Maxwell equation now becomes

Gauge charges. For Einstein–Maxwell theories there are also electric, and possibly magnetic, charges. For example, in pure Einstein–Maxwell theory in any dimension, the electric charge is written as an integral over spatial infinity:
By applying Stokes’ Theorem to a spacelike hypersurface

Note that in general the gauge field will not be globally defined on
, so care must be taken to
evaluate expressions such as (35
) and (38
), see [123, 155