6 Numerical Relativity
Generating time-dependent solutions to the Einstein equations using numerical methods involves an extended list of ingredients which can be loosely summarized as follows.- Cast the field equations as an IBVP.
- Choose a specific formulation that admits a well-posed IBVP, i.e., there exist suitable choices for the following ingredients that ensure well posedness.
- Choose numerically suitable coordinate or gauge conditions.
- Discretize the resulting set of equations.
- Handle singularities such that they do not result in the generation of non-assigned numbers which rapidly swamp the computational domain.
- Construct initial data that solve the Einstein constraint equations and represent a realistic snapshot of the physical system under consideration.
- Specify suitable outer boundary conditions.
- Fix technical aspects: mesh refinement and/or multi-domains as well as use of multiple computer processors through parallelization.
- Apply diagnostic tools that measure GWs, BH horizons, momenta and masses, and other fields.
In this section, we will discuss state-of-the-art choices for these ingredients.
6.1 Formulations of the Einstein equations
6.1.1 The ADM equations
The Einstein equations in

The tensorial form of the Einstein equations (39*) fully reflects the unified viewpoint of space and time; it is only through
the Lorentzian signature of the metric that the timelike character of one of the coordinates manifests
It turns out crucial for understanding the character of Einstein’s equations to make the distinction between
spacelike and timelike coordinates more explicit.
Let us consider for this purpose a spacetime described by a manifold equipped with a metric
of Lorentzian signature. We shall further assume that there exists a foliation of the spacetime in the sense
that there exists a scalar function
with the following properties. (i) The 1-form
associated with the function
is timelike everywhere; (ii) The hypersurfaces
defined by
are non-intersecting and
. Points inside each hypersurface
are labelled by spatial
, and we refer to the coordinate system
as adapted to the
spacetime split.
Next, we define the lapse function and shift vector

A key ingredient for the spacetime split of the equations is the projection of tensors onto time and space
directions. For this purpose, the space projection operator is defined as . For a
generic tensor
, its spatial projection is given by projecting each index speparately

With our definitions, it is straightforward to show that the spacetime metric in adapted coordinates
can be written as
or, equivalently,

The final ingredient required for the spacetime split of the Einstein equations is the extrinsic curvature or second fundamental form defined as
The sign convention employed here is common in NR but the “

We have now assembled all tools to calculate the spacetime projections of the Riemann tensor. In the following order, these are known as the Gauss, the contracted Gauss, the scalar Gauss, the Codazzi, the contracted Codazzi equation, as well as the final projection of the Riemann tensor and its contractions:

By using Eq. (47*), we can express the space and time projections of the Einstein equations (39*) exclusively in terms of the first and second fundamental forms and their derivatives. It turns out helpful for this purpose to introduce the corresponding projections of the energy-momentum tensor which are given by
Then, the energy-momentum tensor is reconstructed according to

6.1.2 Well-posedness
The suitability of a given system of differential equations for a numerical time evolution critically depends on a continuous dependency of the solution on the initial data. This aspect is referred to as well posedness of the IBVP and is discussed in great detail in Living Reviews articles and other works [645*, 674*, 383, 427]. Here, we merely list the basic concepts and refer the interested reader to these articles.Consider for simplicity an initial-value problem in one space and one time dimension for a single variable
on an unbounded domain. Well-posedness requires a norm
, i.e., a map from the space of
to the real numbers
, and a function
independent of the initial data such that

Well posedness of formulations of the Einstein equations is typically studied in terms of the
hyperbolicity properties of the system in question. Hyperbolicity of a system of PDEs is often defined
in terms of the principal part, that is, the terms of the PDE which contain the highest-order
derivatives. We consider for simplicity a quasilinear first-order system for a set of variables

In our context, it is of particular importance that strong hyperbolicity is a necessary condition for a well posed IBVP [741, 742]. The ADM equations (52*) – (53*), in contrast, have been shown to be weakly but not strongly hyperbolic for fixed gauge [567]; likewise, a first-order reduction of the ADM equations has been shown to be weakly hyperbolic [468]. These results strongly indicate that the ADM formulation is not suitable for numerical evolutions of generic spacetimes.
A modification of the ADM equations which has been used with great success in NR is the BSSN system [78, 695] which is the subject of the next section.
6.1.3 The BSSN equations
It is interesting to note that the BSSN formulation had been developed in the 1990s before a comprehensive understanding of the hyperbolicity properties of the Einstein equations had been obtained; it was only about a decade after its first numerical application that strong hyperbolicity of the BSSN system [380] was demonstrated. We see here an example of how powerful a largely empirical approach can be in the derivation of successful numerical methods. And yet, our understanding of the mathematical properties is of more than academic interest as we shall see in Section 6.1.5 below when we discuss recent investigations of potential improvements of the BSSN system.The modification of the ADM equations which results in the BSSN formulation consists of a trace split of
the extrinsic curvature, a conformal decomposition of the spatial metric and of the traceless
part of the extrinsic curvature and the introduction of the contracted Christoffel symbols as
independent variables. For generality, we will again write the definitions of the variables and
the equations for the case of an arbitrary number of spacetime dimensions. We define

Inserting the definition (58*) into the ADM equations (52*) – (53*) and using the Hamiltonian and
momentum constraints respectively in the evolution equations for and
results in the BSSN
evolution system

We finally note that in place of the variable , alternative choices for evolving the conformal factor are
in use in some NR codes, namely
[65*] or
[540]. An overview of the specific
choices of variables and treatment of the BSSN constraints for the present generation of codes is given in
Section 4 of [429*].
6.1.4 The generalized harmonic gauge formulation
It has been realized a long time ago that the Einstein equations have a mathematically appealing form if one imposes the harmonic gauge condition
This particularly appealing property of the Ricci tensor can be maintained for arbitrary coordinates by introducing the functions [333, 343*]
and promoting them to the status of independently evolved variables; see also [630*, 519*]. This is called the Generalized Harmonic Gauge formulation.With this definition, it turns out convenient to consider the generalized class of equations

The starting point for a Cauchy evolution are initial data and
which satisfy the
. A convenient manner to construct such initial data is to compute the initial
directly from Eq. (71*) so that
by construction. It can then be shown [519*] that the ADM
constraints (54*), (55*) imply
. By virtue of the contracted Bianchi identities, the evolution of the
constraint system obeys the equation

A key addition to the GHG formalism has been devised by Gundlach et al. [377*] in the form of
damping terms which prevent growth of numerical violations of the constraints due to
discretization or roundoff errors.
Including these damping terms and using the definition (71*) to substitute higher derivatives in the Ricci tensor, the generalized Einstein equations (72*) can be written as

6.1.5 Beyond BSSN: Improvements for future applications
The vast majority of BH evolutions in generic

The key idea behind the system is to replace the Einstein equations with a generalized class of
equations given by

Another modification of the BSSN equations is based on the use of densitized versions of the trace of the extrinsic curvature and the lapse function as well as the traceless part of the extrinsic curvature with mixed indices [497, 795]. Some improvements in simulations of colliding BHs in higher-dimensional spacetimes have been found by careful exploration of the densitization parameter space [791*].
6.1.6 Alternative formulations
The formulations discussed in the previous subsections are based on a spacetime split of the Einstein equations. A natural alternative to such a split is given by the characteristic approach pioneered by Bondi et al. and Sachs [118*, 667*]. Here, at least one coordinate is null and thus adapted to the characteristics of the vacuum Einstein equations. For generic four-dimensional spacetimes with no symmetry assumptions, the characteristic formalism results in a natural hierarchy of two evolution equations, four hypersurface equations relating variables on hypersurfaces of constant retarded (or advanced) time, as well as three supplementary and one trivial equations. A comprehensive overview of characteristic methods in NR is given in the Living Reviews article [788*]. Although characteristic codes have been developed with great success in spacetimes with additional symmetry assumptions, evolutions of generic BH spacetimes face the problem of formation of caustics, resulting in a breakdown of the coordinate system; see [59] for a recent investigation. One possibility to avoid the problem of caustic formation is Cauchy-characteristic matching, the combination of a
All the Cauchy and characteristic or combined approaches we have discussed so far, evolve the physical
spacetime, i.e., a manifold with metric . An alternative approach for asymptotically flat
spacetimes dating back to Hübner [444] instead considers the numerical construction of a conformal
subject to the condition that
satisfies the Einstein
equations on
. The conformal factor
vanishes at null infinity
of the physical
spacetime which is thus conformally related to an interior of the unphysical manifold
which extends beyond the physical manifold. A version of these conformal field equations that
overcomes the singular nature of the transformed Einstein equations at
has been developed by
Friedrich [332, 331]. This formulation is suitable for a 3 + 1 decomposition into a symmetric hyperbolic
of evolution equations for an enhanced (relative to the ADM decomposition) set of variables. The additional
cost resulting from the larger set of variables, however, is mitigated by the fact that these include
projections of the Weyl tensor that directly encode the GW content. Even though the conformal field
equations have as yet not resulted in simulations of BH systems analogous to those achieved in BSSN or
GHG, their elegance in handling the entire spacetime without truncation merits further investigation. For
more details about the formulation and numerical applications, we refer the reader to the above articles,
Lehner’s review [509], Frauendiener’s Living Reviews article [328*] as well as [329, 26] and references
therein. A brief historic overview of many formulations of the Einstein equations (including
systems not discussed in this work) is given in Ref. [702]; see in particular Figures 3 and 4
We finally note that for simulations of spacetimes with high degrees of symmetry, it often turns out convenient to directly impose the symmetries on the shape of the line element rather than use one of the general formalisms discussed so far. As an example, we consider the classic study by May and White [544*, 545] of the dynamics of spherically symmetric perfect fluid stars. A four-dimensional spherically symmetric spacetime can be described in terms of the simple line element

6.1.7 Einstein’s equations extended to include fundamental fields
The addition of matter to the spacetime can, in principle, be done using the formalism just laid down11. The simplest extension of the field equations to include matter is described by the Einstein–Hilbert action (in

In summary, a great deal of progress has been made in recent years concerning the well-posedness of the numerical methods used for the construction of spacetimes. We note, however, that the well-posedness of many problems beyond electrovacuum GR remains unknown at present. This includes, in particular, a wide class of alternative theories of gravity where it is not clear whether they admit well-posed IBVPs.
6.2 Higher-dimensional NR in effective “3 + 1” form
Performing numerical simulations in generic higher-dimensional spacetimes represents a major challenge for simple computational reasons. Contemporary simulations of compact objects in four spacetime dimensions require

We shall use the following conventions for indices. As before, Greek indices cover all
spacetime dimensions and late upper case capital Latin indices
cover the
spatial dimensions, whereas late lower case Latin indices
cover the three spatial
dimensions of the eventual computational domain. In addition, we introduce barred Greek indices
which also include time, and early lower case Latin indices
describing the
spatial directions associated with the rotational symmetry. Under the
splitting of spacetime dimensions, then, the coordinates
decompose as
When explicitly stated, we shall consider instead a
splitting, e.g., with barred
Greek indices running from
, and early lower case Latin indices running from
6.2.1 Dimensional reduction by isometry
The idea of dimensional reduction had originally been developed by Geroch [347] for four-dimensional spacetimes possessing one Killing field as for example in the case of axisymmetry; for numerical applications see for example Refs. [535, 704, 722, 214]. The case of arbitrary spacetime dimensions and number of Killing vectors has been discussed in Refs. [210, 211].12 More recently, this idea has been used to develop a convenient formalism to perform NR simulations of BH dynamical systems in higher dimensions, with

The starting point is the general -dimensional spacetime metric written in coordinates adapted to the

The special case of a (
) isometry admits
Killing fields
) stands for the number of extra dimensions. For
, for instance,
there exist three Killing fields given in spherical coordinates by
Killing’s equation implies that

From these conditions, we draw the following conclusions: (i) , where
is the
metric on the
sphere with unit radius and
is a free field; (ii)
in adapted
coordinates; (iii)
. We here remark an interesting consequence of the last property. Since, for
, there exist no nontrivial vector fields on
that commute with all Killing fields, all vector fields
vanish; when, instead,
(i.e., when
, or
isometry), this
conclusion can not be made. In this approach, as it has been developed up to now [841*, 797*, 796*], one
restricts to the
case, and it is then possible to assume
. Eq. (82*) then reduces to the

As mentioned above, since the Einstein equations have to be implemented in a four-dimensional
NR code, we eventually have to perform a splitting, even when the spacetime
isometry is
. This means that the line element is (84*), with
. In this case, only a subset
of the isometry is
manifest in the line element; the residual symmetry yields an extra relation among the components
. If the isometry group is
, the line element is the same, but there is no extra
A tedious but straightforward calculation [835] shows that the components of the -dimensional Ricci
tensor can then be written as

6.2.2 The cartoon method
The cartoon method has originally been developed in Ref. [25] for evolving axisymmetric four-dimensional spacetimes using an effectively two-dimensional spatial grid which employs ghostzones, i.e., a small number of extra gridpoints off the computational plane required for evaluating finite differences in the third spatial direction. Integration in time, however, is performed exclusively on the two-dimensional plane whereas the ghostzones are filled in after each timestep by appropriate interpolation of the fields in the plane and subsequent rotation of the solution using the axial spacetime symmetry. A version of this method has been applied to 5-dimensional spacetimes in Ref. [820*]. For arbitrary spacetime dimensions, however, even the relatively small number of ghostzones required in every extra dimension leads to a substantial increase in the computational resources; for fourth-order finite differencing, for example, four ghostzones are required in each extra dimension resulting in an increase of the computational domain by an overall factor

Let us consider for illustrating this method a -dimensional spacetime with
symmetry and Cartesian coordinates
, where
Without loss of generality, the coordinates are chosen such that the
implies rotational symmetry in the planes spanned by each choice of two coordinates
. The goal is to obtain a formulation of the
-dimensional Einstein equations (60*) – (69*) with
symmetry that can be evolved exclusively on the
hyperplane. The tool employed for
this purpose is to use the spacetime symmetries in order to trade derivatives off the hyperplane, i.e., in the
directions, for derivatives inside the hyperplane. Furthermore, the symmetry implies relations between
-dimensional components of the BSSN variables.
These relations are obtained by applying a coordinate transformation from Cartesian to polar
coordinates in any of the two-dimensional planes spanned by and
, where
for any
particular choice of

Applying a similar procedure to all components of scalar, vector and symmetric tensor densities gives all
expressions necessary to trade derivatives off the hyperplane for those inside it. We summarize the
expressions recalling our notation: a late Latin index,
stands for either
whereas an early Latin index,
represents any of the
directions. For scalar, vector
and tensor fields
we obtain

6.3 Initial data
In Section 6.1 we have discussed different ways of casting the Einstein equations into a form suitable for numerical simulations. At the start of Section 6, we have listed a number of additional ingredients that need to be included for a complete numerical study and physical analysis of BH spacetimes. We will now discuss the main choices used in practical computations to address these remaining items, starting with the initial conditions.As we have seen in Section 6.1, initial data to be used in time evolutions of the Einstein equations need to satisfy the Hamiltonian and momentum constraints (54*), (55*). A comprehensive overview of the approach to generate BH initial data is given by Cook’s Living Reviews article [224*]. Here we merely summarize the key concepts used in the construction of vacuum initial data, but discuss in some more detail how solutions to the constraint equations can be generated in the presence of specific matter fields that play an important role in the applications discussed in Section 7.
One obvious way to obtain constraint-satisfying initial data is to directly use analytical solutions to the
Einstein equations as for example the Schwarzschild solution in in isotropic coordinates

![μA = 16πM ∕[(D − 2 )ΩD − 2]](article841x.gif)
A systematic way to generate solutions to the constraints describing BHs in dimensions is
based on the York–Lichnerowicz split [515, 806, 807]. This split employs a conformal spatial metric defined
; note that in contrast to the BSSN variable
, in general
. Applying a
conformal traceless split to the extrinsic curvature according to

Under the further assumption of vanishing trace of the extrinsic curvature , a flat
conformal metric
, where
describes a flat Euclidean space, and asymptotic flatness
, the momentum constraint admits an analytic solution known as Bowen–York data [121*]

In spite of its popularity, there remain a few caveats with puncture data that have inspired explorations
of alternative initial data. In particular, it has been shown that there exist no maximal, conformally
flat spatial slices of the Kerr spacetime [341, 756]. Constructing puncture data of a single BH
with non-zero Bowen–York parameter will, therefore, inevitably result in a hypersurface
containing a BH plus some additional content which typically manifests itself in numerical
evolutions as spurious GWs, colloquially referred to as “junk radiation”. For rotation parameters
close to the limit of extremal Kerr BHs, the amount of spurious radiation rapidly increases
leading to an upper limit of the dimensionless spin parameter
for conformally flat
Bowen–York-type data [226, 237, 238, 527*]; BH initial data of Bowen–York type with a spin
parameter above this value rapidly relax to rotating BHs with spin
, probably through
absorption of some fraction of the spurious radiation. This limit has been overcome [527, 528]
by instead constructing initial data with an extended version of the conformal thin-sandwich
method using superposed Kerr–Schild BHs [467]. In an alternative approach, most of the above
outlined puncture method is applied but using a non-flat conformal metric; see for instance
[493, 391].
In practice, puncture data are the method-of-choice for most evolutions performed with the BSSN-moving-puncture
whereas GHG evolution schemes commonly start from conformal thin-sandwich data using
either conformally flat or Kerr–Schild background data. Alternatively to both these approaches,
initial data containing scalar fields which rapidly collapse to one or more BHs has also been
employed [629*].
The constraint equations in the presence of matter become more complex. A simple procedure can however be used to yield analytic solutions to the initial data problem in the presence of minimally coupled scalar fields [588*, 586*]. Although in general the constraints (54*) – (55*) have to be solved numerically, there is a large class of analytic or semi-analytic initial data for the Einstein equations extended to include scalar fields. The construction of constraint-satisfying initial data starts from a conformal transformation of the ADM variables [224]
which can be used to re-write the constraints as Here,

Take for simplicity a single, non-rotating BH surrounded by a scalar field (more general cases are studied
in Ref. [588*, 586*]). If we adopt the maximal slicing condition and set
, then the
momentum constraint is immediately satisfied, and one is left with the the Hamiltonian constraint, which
for conformal flatness, i.e.,

6.4 Gauge conditions
We have seen in Section 6.1, that the Einstein equations do not make any predictions about the gauge
functions; the ADM equations leave lapse and shift
unspecified and the GHG equations make no
predictions about the source functions
. Instead, these functions can be freely specified by the user and
represent the coordinate or gauge-invariance of the theory of GR. Whereas the physical properties of a
spacetime remain unchanged under gauge transformations, the performance of numerical evolution schemes
depends sensitively on the gauge choice. It is well-known, for example, that evolutions of the Schwarzschild
spacetime employing geodesic slicing
and vanishing shift
inevitably reach a
hypersurface containing the BH singularity after a coordinate time interval
computers respond to singular functions with non-assigned numbers which rapidly swamp the entire
computational domain and render further evolution in time practically useless. This problem
can be avoided by controlling the lapse function such that the evolution in proper time slows
down in the vicinity of singular points in the spacetime [312]. Such slicing conditions are called
singularity avoiding and have been studied systematically in the form of the Bona-Massó
family of slicing conditions [116]; see also [343, 20]. A potential problem arising from the use
of singularity avoiding slicing is the different progress in proper time in different regions of
the computational domain resulting in a phenomenon often referred to as “grid stretching” or
“slice stretching” which can be compensated with suitable non-zero choices for the shift vector
The particular coordinate conditions used with great success in the BSSN-based moving puncture
approach [159, 65] in dimensions are variants of the “1+log” slicing and “
-driver” shift
condition [24]

BH simulations with the GHG formulation employ a wider range of coordinate conditions. For example,
Pretorius’ breakthrough evolutions [629*] set and

6.5 Discretization of the equations
In the previous sections, we have derived formulations of the Einstein equations in the form of an IBVP. Given an initial snapshot of the physical system under consideration, the evolution equations, as for example in the form of the BSSN equations (60*) – (64*), then predict the evolution of the system in time. These evolution equations take the form of a set of nonlinear partial differential equations which relate a number of grid variables and their time and spatial derivatives. Computers, on the other hand, exclusively operate with (large sets of) numbers and for a numerical simulation we need to translate the differential equations into expressions relating arrays of numbers.The common methods to implement this discretization of the equations are finite differencing, the finite element, finite volume and spectral methods. Finite element and volume methods are popular choices in various computational applications, but have as yet not been applied to time evolutions of BH spacetimes. Spectral methods provide a particularly efficient and accurate approach for numerical modelling provided the functions do not develop discontinuities. Even though BH spacetimes contain singularities, the use of singularity excision provides a tool to remove these from the computational domain. This approach has been used with great success in the SpEC code to evolve inspiralling and merging BH binaries with very high accuracy; see, e.g., [122, 220, 526]. Spectral methods have also been used successfully for the modelling of spacetimes with high degrees of symmetry [205, 206, 207*] and play an important role in the construction of initial data [39*, 38, 836*]. An indepth discussion of spectral methods is given in the Living Reviews article [365]. The main advantage of finite differencing methods is their comparative simplicity. Furthermore, they have proved very robust in the modelling of rather extreme BH configurations as for example BHs colliding near the speed of light [719*, 587*, 716*] or binaries with mass ratios up to 1 : 100 [525, 523, 718].
Mesh refinement and domain decomposition:
BH spacetimes often involve lengthscales that differ by orders of magnitude. The BH horizon extends over lengths of the order

Mesh refinement in NR has been pioneered by Choptuik in his seminal study on critical phenomena in the collapse of scalar fields [212*]. The first application of mesh refinement to the evolution of BH binaries was performed by Brügmann [140*]. There exists a variety of mesh refinement packages available for use in NR including Bam [140], Had [384], Pamr/Amrd [754], Paramesh [534], Samrai [672] and the Carpet [684*, 184] package integrated into the Cactus Computational Toolkit [155]. For additional information on Cactus see also the Einstein Toolkit webpage [300] and the lecture notes [840]. A particular mesh-refinement algorithm used for many BH applications is the Berger–Oliger [90] scheme where coarse and fine levels communicate through interpolation in the form of the prolongation and restriction operation; see [684] for details. Alternatively, the different lengthscales can be handled efficiently through the use of multiple domains of different shapes. Communication between the individual subdomains is performed either through overlaps or directly at the boundary for touching domains. Details of this domain decomposition can be found in [618, 146] and references therein.
6.6 Boundary conditions
In NR, we typically encounter two types of physical boundaries, (i) inner boundaries due to the treatment of spacetime singularities in BH solutions and (ii) the outer boundary either at infinite distance from the strong-field sources or, in the form of an approximation to this scenario, at the outer edge of the computational domain at large but finite distances.
Singularity excision:
BH spacetimes generically contain singularities, either physical singularities with a divergent Ricci scalar or coordinate singularities where the spacetime curvature is well behaved but some tensor components approach zero or inifinite values. In the case of the Schwarzschild solution in Schwarzschild coordinates, for example,

Such a treatment is most commonly achieved in the form of singularity or BH excision originally suggested by Unruh as quoted in [746]. According to Penrose’s cosmic censorship conjecture, a spacetime singularity should be cloaked inside an event horizon and the spacetime region outside the event horizon is causally disconnected from the dynamics inside (see Section 3.2.1). The excision technique is based on the corresponding assumption that the numerical treatment of the spacetime inside the horizon has no causal effect on the exterior. In particular, excising a finite region around the singularity but within the horizon should leave the exterior spacetime unaffected. This is illustrated in Figure 5* where the excision region is represented by small white circles which are excluded from the numerical evolution. Regular grid points, represented in the figure by black circles, on the other hand are evolved normally. As we have seen in the previous section, the numerical evolution in time of functions at a particular grid point typically requires information from neighbouring grid points. The updating of variables at regular points, therefore, requires data on the excision boundary represented in Figure 5* by gray circles. Inside the BH horizon, represented by the large circle in the figure, however, information can only propagate inwards, so that the variables on the excision boundary can be obtained through use of sideways derivative operators (e.g., [630]), extrapolation (e.g., [703, 723*]) or regular update with spectral methods (e.g., [677, 678*]). Singularity excision has been used with great success in many numerical BH evolutions [23, 723, 721*, 629*, 678, 70*, 418].
Quite remarkably, the moving puncture method for evolving BHs does not employ any such specific numerical treatment near BH singularities, but instead applies the same evolution procedure for points arbitrarily close to singularities as for points far away and appears “to get away with it”. In view of the remarkable success of the moving puncture method, various authors have explored the behaviour of the puncture singularity in the case of a single Schwarzschild BH [392, 136, 137, 390, 138*, 264]. Initially, the puncture represents spatial infinity on the other side of the wormhole geometry compactified into a single point. Under numerical evolution using moving puncture gauge conditions, however, the region immediately around this singularity rapidly evolves into a so-called trumpet geometry which is partially covered by the numerical grid to an extent that depends on the numerical resolution; cf. Figure 1 in [138]. In practice, the singularity falls through the inevitably finite resolution of the computational grid which thus facilitates a natural excision of the spacetime singularity without the need of any special numerical treatment.
Outer boundary:
Most physical scenarios of interest for NR involve spatial domains of infinite extent and there arises the question how these may be accomodated inside the finite memory of a computer system. Probably the most elegant and rigorous method is to apply a spatial compactification, i.e., a coordinate transformation that maps the entire domain including spatial infinity to a finite coordinate range. Such compactification is best achieved in characteristic formulations of the Einstein equations where the spacetime foliation in terms of ingoing and/or outgoing light cones may ensure adequate resolution of in- or outgoing radiation throughout the entire domain. In principle, such a compactification can also be implemented in Cauchy-type formulations, but here it typically leads to an increasing blueshift of radiative signals as they propagate towards spatial infinity. As a consequence, any discretization method applied will eventually fail to resolve the propagating features. This approach has been used in Pretorius’ breakthrough [629] and the effective damping of radiative signals at large distances through underresolving them approximates a no-ingoing-radiation boundary condition. An intriguing alternative consists in using instead a space-time slicing of asymptotically null hypersurfaces which play a key role in the conformal field equations [328]. To our knowledge, this method has not yet been applied successfully to BH simulations in either astrophysical problems or simulations of the type reviewed here, but may well merit more study in the future. The vast majority of Cauchy-based NR applications instead resort to an approximative treatment where the infinite spatial domain is truncated and modeled as a compact domain with “suitable” outer boundary conditions. Ideally, the boundary conditions would satisfy the following requirements [651*]: They (i) ensure well posedness of the IBVP, (ii) are compatible with the constraint equations, and (iii) correctly represent the physical conditions, which in almost all practical applications means that they control or minimize the ingoing gravitational radiation.Boundary conditions meeting these requirements at least partially have been studied most extensively for the harmonic or generalized harmonic formulation of the Einstein equations [492, 651, 58, 652*, 665].
For the BSSN system, such boundary conditions have as yet not been identified and practical
applications commonly apply outgoing radiation or Sommerfeld boundary conditions, which are an
approximation in this context, where they are applied at large but finite distances from the strong-field
region. Let us assume, for this purpose, that a given grid variable asymptotes to a constant background
in the limit of large
and contains a leading order deviation
from this value,
remains finite as
, and
is a constant positive integer number. For
, we
therefore have

In asymptotically AdS spacetimes, the outer boundary represents a more challenging problem and the
difficulties just discussed are likely to impact numerical simulations more severely if not handled
appropriately. This is largely a consequence of the singular behaviour of the AdS metric even in the absence
of a BH or any matter sources. The AdS metric (see Section 3.3.1) is the maximally symmetric solution to
the Einstein equations (39*) with and
. This solution can be represented by the
embedded in a flat
-dimensional spacetime with
It can be represented in global coordinates, as

Clearly, both the global (130*) and the Poincaré (131*) versions of the AdS metric become singular at
their respective outer boundaries or
. The induced metric at infinity is therefore only
defined up to a conformal rescaling. This remaining freedom manifests itself in the boundary topology of the
global and Poincaré metrics which, respecitvely, become in the limit

The boundary treatment inside a numerical modelling of asymptotically AdS spacetimes needs to take
care of the singular nature of the metric. In practice, this is achieved through some form of regularization
which makes use of the fact that the singular piece of an asymptotically AdS spacetime is known in analytic
form, e.g., through Eqs. (130*) or (131*). In Ref. [70*] the spacetime metric is decomposed into an analytically
known AdS part plus a deviation which is regular at infinity. In this approach, particular care needs
to be taken of the gauge conditions to ensure that the coordinates remain compatible with
this decomposition throughout the simulation. An alternative approach consists in factoring
out appropriate factors involving the bulk coordinate as for example the term in the
denominator on the right-hand side of Eq. (130*). This method is employed in several recent
works [207*, 415, 108*].
We finally note that the boundary plays an active role in AdS spacetimes. The visualization of the AdS spacetime in the form of a Penrose diagram demonstrates that it is not globally hyperbolic, i.e., there exists no Cauchy surface on which initial data can be specified in such a way that the entire future of the spacetime is uniquely determined. This is in marked contrast to the Minkowski spacetime. Put in other words, the outer boundary of asymptotically flat spacetimes is represented in a Penrose diagram by a null surface such that information cannot propagate from infinity into the interior spacetime. In contrast, the outer boundary of asymptotically AdS spacetimes is timelike and, hence, the outer boundary actively influences the evolution of the interior. The specification of boundary conditions in NR applications to the gauge/gravity duality or AdS/CFT correspondence therefore reflects part of the description of the physical system under study; cf. Section 7.8.
6.7 Diagnostics
Once we have numerically generated a spacetime, there still remains the question of how to extract physical information from the large chunk of numbers the computer has written to the hard drive. This analysis of the data faces two main problems in NR applications, (i) the gauge or coordinate dependence of the results and (ii) the fact that many quantities we are familiar with from Newtonian physics are hard or not even possible to define in a rigorous fashion in GR. In spite of these difficulties, a number of valuable diagnostic tools have been developed and the purpose of this section is to review how these are extracted.The physical information is often most conveniently calculated from the ADM variables and we assume for
this discussion that a numerical solution is available in the form of the ADM variables ,
. Even if the time evolution has been performed using other variables as for example the BSSN or
GHG variables the conversion between these and their ADM counterparts according to Eq. (58*) or (43*) is
One evident diagnostic directly arises from the structure of the Einstein equations where the number of equations exceeds the number of free variables; cf. the discussion following Eq. (55*). Most numerical applications employ “free evolutions” where the evolution equations are used for updating the grid variables. The constraints are thus not directly used in the numerical evolution but need to be satisfied by any solution to the Einstein equations. A convergence analysis of the constraints (see for example Figure 3 in Ref. [714]) then provides an important consistency check of the simulations.
Before reviewing the extraction of physical information from a numerical simulation, we note a potential
subtlety arising from the convention used for Newton’s constant in higher-dimensional spacetimes. We wrote
the Einstein equations in the form (39*) and chose units where and
. This implies that the
Einstein equations have the form
for all spacetime dimensionalities
(here and in Section 6.7.1 we explicitly keep
in the equations). As we shall see below,
with this convention the Schwarzschild radius of a static BH in
dimensions is given by

6.7.1 Global quantities and horizons
For spacetimes described by a metric that is asymptotically flat and time independent, the total mass-energy and linear momentum are given by the ADM mass and ADM momentum, respectively. These quantities arise from boundary terms in the Hamiltonian of GR and were derived by Arnowitt, Deser & Misner [47] in their canonical analysis of the theory. They are given in terms of the ADM variables by Here, the spatial tensor components

As an example, we calculate the ADM mass of the -dimensional Schwarzschild BH in Cartesian,
isotropic coordinates
described by the spatial metric

The event horizon is defined as the boundary between points in the spacetime from which null geodesics
can escape to infinity and points from which they cannot. The event horizon is therefore by definition a
concept that depends on the entire spacetime. In the context of numerical simulations, this implies that an
event horizon can only be computed if information about the entire spacetime is stored which results in
large data sets even by contemporary standards. Nevertheless, event horizon finders have been developed in
Refs. [278, 223]. For many purposes, however, it is more convenient to determine the existence of a horizon
using data from a spatial hypersurface only. Such a tool is available in the form of an AH.
AHs are one of the most important diagnostic tools in NR and are reviewed in detail in the
Living Reviews article [749]. It can be shown under the assumption of cosmic censorship and
reasonable energy conditions, that the existence of an AH implies an event horizon whose cross
section with
either lies outside the AH or coincides with it; see [406, 766] for details and
The key concept underlying the AH is that of a trapped surface defined as a surface where the expansion
of a congruence of outgoing null geodesics with tangent vector
. A
marginally trapped surface is defined as a surface where
and an AH is defined as the outermost
marginally trapped surface on a spatial hypersurface
. Translated into the ADM variables, the
can be shown to lead to an elliptic equation for the unit normal direction
to the
-dimensional horizon surface

In the case of a static, spherically symmetric BH, it is possible to use the formula
for the area of a
sphere to eliminate
in Eq. (133*). We thus obtain an expression that relates
the horizon area to a mass commonly referred to as the irreducible mass

The irreducible mass, as defined by Eq. 142*, is identical to the ADM mass for a static BH. This
equation can be used to define the irreducible mass for stationary BHs as well [217*]. In dimensions
this becomes
. Furthermore, a rotating BH in
is described by a single spin
and the BH mass consisting of rest mass and rotational energy has been shown by
Christodoulou [217] to be given by

It is a remarkable feature of BHs that their local properties such as mass and angular momentum can be determined in the way summarized here. In general it is not possible to assign in such a well-defined manner a local energy or momentum content to compact subsets of spacetimes due to the nonlinear nature of GR. For BHs, however, it is possible to derive expressions analogous to the ADM integrals discussed above, but now applied to the apparent horizon. Ultimately, this feature rests on the dynamic and isolated horizon framework; for more details see [281, 52] and the Living Reviews article by Ashtekar & Krishnan [53].
6.7.2 Gravitational-wave extraction
Probably the most important physical quantity to be extracted from dynamical BH spacetimes is the gravitational radiation. It is commonly extracted from numerical simulations in the form of either the Newman–Penrose scalar or a master function obtained through BH perturbation theory (see Section 5.2.1). Simulations using a characteristic formulation also facilitate wave extraction in the form of the Bondi mass loss formula. The Landau–Lifshitz pseudo-tensor [500], which has been generalized to

Newman–Penrose scalar:
The formalism to extract GWs in the form of the Newman–Penrose scalar is currently fully understood only in

Extraction of GWs at finite extraction radii is therefore affected by various potential errors. An
attempt to estimate the uncertainty arising from the use of finite
consists in measuring
the GW signal at different values of the radius and analyzing its behaviour as the distance is
increased. Convergence of the signal as
may then provide some estimate for the
error incurred and improved results may be obtained through extrapolation to infinite
see, e.g., [124, 429*]. While such methods appear to work relatively well in practice (applying
balance arguments together with measurements of BH horizon masses and the ADM mass
or comparison with alternative extraction methods provide useful checks), it is important to
bear in mind the possibility of systematic errors arising in the extraction of GWs using this
In the following discussion we will assume that the above requirements are met and describe a frequently
used recipe that leads from the metric components of a numerical simulation to estimates of the energy and
momenta contained in the gravitational radiation. The first step in the calculation of from the ADM
metric is to construct the null tetrad. An approximation to a quasi-Kinnersley tetrad is given in terms of
the unit timelike normal vector
introduced in Section 6.1, and a triad
of spatial
vectors on each surface
constructed through Gram–Schmidt orthonormalization starting with

Then, the calculation of from the ADM variables can be achieved either by constructing the
spacetime metric from the spatial metric, lapse and shift vector and computing the spacetime Riemann
or Weyl tensor through their definitions (see the preamble on “notation and conventions”).
Alternatively, we can use the electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl tensor given by [334*]

We finally note that the GW strain commonly used in GW data analysis is obtained from by
integrating twice in time

Perturbative wave extraction:
The basis of this approach to extract GWs from numerical simulations in

We then assume that in the far-field region, the spacetime is perturbatively close to a spherically
symmetric BH background given in dimensions by the Tangherlini [740] metric

As discussed in Section 5.2.3, the metric perturbations, decomposed in tensor harmonics, can be
combined in a gauge-invariant master function . From the master function, we can calculate the GW
energy flux and the total radiated energy as discussed in Section 5.2.3.
6.7.3 Diagnostics in asymptotically AdS spacetimes
The gauge/gravity duality, or AdS/CFT correspondence (see Section 3.3.1), relates gravity in asymptotically AdS spacetimes to conformal field theories on the boundary of this spacetime. A key ingredient of the correspondence is the relation between fields interacting gravitationally in the bulk spacetime and expectation values of the field theory on the boundary. Here we restrict our attention to the extraction of the expectation values of the energy-momentum tensor
Through the AdS/CFT correspondence, the expectation values of the field theory are given by the
quasi-local Brown–York [139] stress-energy tensor and thus are directly related to the bulk
metric. Following [253*], it is convenient to consider the (asymptotically AdS) bulk metric in
Fefferman–Graham [314] coordinates

The Brown–York stress tensor is also the starting point for an alternative method to extract the
that does not rely on Fefferman-Graham coordinates. It is given by

The role of additional (e.g., scalar) fields in the AdS/CFT dictionary is discussed, for example, in Refs. [253, 705].