3 Space-Based Missions to Detect Gravitational Waves
The experimental search for GWs began in the 1960s with Joseph Weber’s resonant bars (and resonant claims [124]); it has since grown into an extensive international endeavor that has produced a network of km-scale GW interferometers (LIGO [288], EGO/VIRGO [167], GEO600 [203], and Tama/KAGRA [254]), the proposals for space-based observatories such as LISA, and the effort to detect GWs by using an array of pulsars as reference clocks [232]. In this section we briefly describe the architecture of LISA-like space-based GW observatories, beginning
with the “classic” LISA design, and then discussing the variations studied in the 2011 – 2012 ESA and
NASA studies [20, 215]. We also discuss proposals for detectors that would operate in a higher frequency
band (between 0.1 and 10 Hz) that would bridge the gap in sensitivity between LISA-like and ground-based
3.1 The classic LISA architecture
The most cited LISA reference is perhaps the 1998 pre-phase A mission study [64]; a more up-to-date
review of the LISA technical architecture is given by Jennrich [252], while the LISA science-case
document [370] describes the state of LISA science at the end of the 2000s. Here we give only a
quick review of the elements of the mission, referring the reader to those references for in-depth
LISA principles.
LISA consists of three identical cylindrical spacecraft, approximately 3 m wide and 1 m high, that are launched together and, after a 14-month cruise, settle into an Earth-like heliocentric orbit, 20° behind the Earth. The orbit of each spacecraft is tuned slightly differently, resulting in an equilateral-triangle configuration with

Alternatively (but equivalently), we may describe LISA as measuring the GW-induced relative Doppler shifts between the local lasers on each spacecraft and the remote lasers. These Doppler shifts are directly proportional to a difference of instantaneous GW strains (as experienced by the local spacecraft at the time of measurement, and by the distant spacecraft at a time retarded by the LISA armlength divided by the speed of light). In either description, the 1% “breathing” of the LISA constellation occurs at frequencies that are safely below the LISA measurement band.
LISA technology.
The distance measurement between the test masses along each arm is in fact split in three: an inter-spacecraft measurement between the two optical benches, and two local measurements between each test mass and its optical bench. To achieve the inter-spacecraft measurement, 2 W of 1064-nm light are sent and received through 40-cm telescopes. The diffracted beams deliver only 100 pW of light to the distant spacecrafts, so they cannot be reflected directly; instead, the laser phase is measured and transponded back by modulating the frequency of the local lasers. Each of the two optical assemblies on each spacecraft include the telescope and a Zerodur optical bench with bonded fused-silica optical components, which implements the inter-spacecraft and local interferometers, as well as a few auxiliary interferometric measurements, which are needed to monitor the stability of the telescope structure, to control point-ahead corrections, and to compare the two lasers on each spacecraft. The LISA phasemeters digitize the signals from the optical-bench photodetectors at 50 MHz, and multiply them with the output of local oscillators, computing phase differences and driving the oscillators to track the frequency of the measured signal. This heterodyne scheme is needed to handle Doppler shifts (as well as laser frequency offsets) as large as 15 MHz. Because intrinsic fluctuations in the laser frequencies are indistinguishable from GWs in the LISA output, laser frequency noise needs to be suppressed by several orders of magnitude, using a hierarchy of techniques [252]: the lasers are prestabilized to local frequency references; arm locking may be used to further stabilize the lasers using the LISA arms (or their differences) as stable references; finally, Time-Delay Interferometry [149] is applied in post processing to remove residual laser frequency noise by algebraically combining appropriately-delayed single-link measurements, in such a way that all laser-frequency–noise terms appear as canceling pairs in the combination. With this final step, the LISA measurements combine into synthesized-interferometer observables [447] analogous to the readings of ground-based interferometers such as LIGO. The LISA disturbance reduction system (DRS) minimizes the deviations of the test masses from free-fall
trajectories, by shielding them from solar radiation pressure and interplanetary magnetic fields. On each
spacecraft, the DRS includes two gravitational reference sensors (GRSs): a GRS consists of a 2-kg test
mass, enclosed in an electrode housing with capacitive reading and control of test-mass position
and orientation, and accompanied by additional components to cage and reposition the test
mass, to maintain vacuum, and to control the accumulation of charge. The other crucial part of
the DRS are the micro-Newton thrusters (on each spacecraft, three clusters of four colloid or
field-emission–electric propulsion systems), which are controlled in response to the GRS readings to
maintain the nominal position of the test mass with respect to the spacecraft. This is known as
drag-free control. The thrusters need to provide up to force with
noise. In
addition to this active correction, test-mass acceleration noise is minimized by the accurate
knowledge and correction of spacecraft self-gravity, by enforcing magnetic cleanliness, and by
controlling thermal fluctuations. A version of the LISA DRS with slightly lower performance will
be flown and tested in LISA Pathfinder [305, 25], a single-spacecraft technology precursor
The LISA response to GWs.
Compared to ground-based interferometers, the LISA response to GWs is both richer and more complex [166, 462, 448, 133]. First, the revolution and rotation of the LISA constellation imprint a sky-position–dependent signature on long-lasting GW signals (which for LISA include all binary signals): the revolution causes a time-dependent Doppler shift with a period of a year, and a fractional amplitude of

Third, LISA is in effect three detectors in one: this can be understood most easily by considering that
subsets of the three LISA arms form three separate Michelson-like interferometers (known in LISA lingo as
, and
) at 120° angles. More formally, the LISA interferometric measurements can be
combined into many different TDI observables (see Figure 1
), some resembling actual optical setups, others
quite exotic [447], although at most three observables are independent in the sense that any
other observable can be reconstructed by time-delaying and summing a generic basis of three
observables [452]. Furthermore, such a basis can be chosen so that its components have uncorrelated
noises, much like widely separated ground-based detectors [369]. One of these must correspond,
in effect, to
, and by symmetry it must be relatively insensitive to GWs in the
long-wavelength limit, providing for an independent measurement of a combination of instrument
3.2 LISA-like observatories
The mission-concept studies ran in 2011 – 2012 by ESA [20] and NASA [215] embrace several approaches to
limiting cost.
Reducing mass is a broadly useful strategy, because it allows for launch on smaller, cheaper rockets, and because mass has been shown to be a good proxy for mission complexity, and therefore implementation cost. ESA’s NGO design envisages interferometric links along two arms rather than LISA’s three, resulting in an asymmetric configuration with one full and two “half” spacecraft. As a consequence, only one TDI observable can be formed, eliminating the capability of measuring two combinations of GW polarizations simultaneously.
Propellant may be saved by placing the spacecraft closer together (with arms 1 – 3 Mkm rather
than 5 Mkm) and closer to Earth. At low frequencies, the effect of shorter armlengths is to reduce
the response to GWs proportionally; for the same test-mass noise, sensitivity then decreases
by the same ratio. At high frequencies, the laser power available for position measurement
increases as
, since beams are broadly defocused at millions of kms, improving shot noise,
but not other optical noises, by a factor
(in rms). As a consequence, the sweet spot
of the LISA sensitivity shifts to higher frequencies, although one may instead plan for a less
powerful laser, for further cost savings. Spacecraft orbits that are different than LISA’s, such as
geocentric options, or flat configurations that lie in the ecliptic plane would also alter GW-signal
modulations, and therefore parameter-estimation performance. The NASA report examines such effects
briefly [215
Reducing mission duration also saves money, because it reduces the cost of supporting the mission from the ground, and it allows for shorter “warranties” on the various subsystems. Conversely, missions are made cheaper by accepting more risk of failure or underperformance, since risk is “retired” by extensive testing and by introducing component redundancy, both of which are expensive. The NASA study also explored replacing LISA’s custom subsystems with variants already flown on other missions (as in OMEGA [229]), or eliminating some of them altogether (as in LAGRANGE [304]). However, the significant performance hit and additional risk incurred by such steps is not matched by correspondingly major savings, because the main cost driver for LISA-like missions is the necessity of launching and flying three (or more) independent spacecraft. Switching to atom interferometry would make for very different mission architectures, but the NASA study finds that an atom-interferometer mission would face many of the same cost-driving constraints as a laser-interferometer mission [215, 43].
Indeed, the overarching conclusion of the NASA study is that no technology can provide dramatic cost reductions, and that scientific performance decreases far more rapidly than cost. Thus, “staying the course” and pursuing a modestly descoped LISA-like design, whenever programs and budgets will allow it, may yet be the most promising strategy for GW detection in space.
3.3 Mid-frequency space-based observatories
The DECi-hertz Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory (DECIGO [408, 256, 257]) is a proposed
Japanese mission that would observe GWs at frequencies between 1 mHz and 100 Hz, reaching its best
() sensitivity between 0.1 and 10 Hz, and thus bridging the gap between LISA-like and
ground-based detectors. Prior to DECIGO, the possibility of observing GWs in the decihertz
band had been studied in the context of a possible follow-up to LISA, the Big Bang Observer
(BBO [357, 135, 138]).
The final DECIGO configuration (2024+) envisages four clusters in an Earth-like solar orbit, each
cluster consisting of three drag-free spacecraft in a triangle with 1000-km arms. GWs are measured by
operating the arms as a Fabry–Pérot interferometer, which requires keeping the armlengths constant, in
analogy to ground-based interferometers and in contrast to LISA’s transponding scheme. DECIGO’s test
masses are 100 kg mirrors, and its lasers have 10 W power. The roadmap toward DECIGO includes two
pathfinders: the single-spacecraft DECIGO Pathfinder [23] consists of a 30 cm Fabry–Pérot cavity, and it
could detect binaries of black holes if they exist near the galaxy [480]; next,
pre-DECIGO [257] would demonstrate the DECIGO measurement with three spacecraft and modest
optical parameters, resulting in a sensitivity 10 – 100 times worse than one of the final DECIGO
The DECIGO science objectives [257] include measuring the GW stochastic background from
“standard” inflation (with sensitivity down to ), and determining the thermal history of
the universe between the end of inflation and nucleosynthesis [325, 274]; searching for hypothesized
primordial black holes [390]; characterizing dark energy by using neutron-star binaries as standard candles
(either with host redshifts [333], or by the effect of cosmic expansion on the inspiral phasing [408, 334]);
illuminating the formation of massive galactic black holes by observing the coalescences of
intermediate-mass (
) systems; constraining the structure of neutron stars by measuring their
masses (in upwards of 100 000 detections per year); and even searching for planets orbiting neutron-star
DECIGO can also test alternative theories of gravity, as reviewed in [482]: by observing neutron-star–intermediate-mass-black-hole systems, it can constrain the dipolar radiation predicted in Brans–Dicke scalar-tensor theory (see Section 5.1.3 in this review) better than LISA, and four orders of magnitude better than solar-system experiments [486]; it can constrain the speed of GWs, parametrized as the mass of the graviton (Section 5.1.2) three orders of magnitude better than solar-system experiments, although not as well as LISA [486]; by observing binaries of neutron stars and stellar-mass black holes, it can constrain the Einstein-Dilaton-Gauss–Bonnet [481] and dynamical Chern–Simons [487] theories; it can measure the bulk AdS curvature scale that modifies the evolution of black-hole binaries in the Randall–Sundrum II braneworld model [484]; and it can even look for extra polarization modes (Section 5.1.1) in the stochastic GW background [332].
In the rest of this review we concentrate on the tests of GR that will be possible with low-, rather than mid-frequency GW observatories. Nevertheless, many of the studies performed for LISA-like detectors are easily extended to the ambitious DECIGO program, which would probe GW sources of similar nature, but of different masses or in different phases of their evolution.