2 The Theory of Gravitation
Newton’s theory of gravitation provided a description of the effect of gravity through the inverse square law without attempting to explain the origin of gravity. The inverse square law provided an accurate description of all measured phenomena in the solar system for more than two hundred years, but the first hints that it was not the correct description of gravitation began to appear in the late 19th century, as a result of the improved precision in measuring phenomena such as the perihelion precession of Mercury. Einstein’s contribution to our understanding of gravity was not only practical but also aesthetic, providing a beautiful explanation of gravity as the curvature of spacetime. In developing GR as a generally covariant theory based on a dynamical spacetime metric, Einstein sought to extend the principle of relativity to gravitating systems, and he built on the crucial 1907 insight that the equality of inertial and gravitational mass allowed the identification of inertial systems in homogeneous gravitational fields with uniformly accelerated frames – the principle of equivalence [339]. Einstein was also guided by his appreciation of Ricci and Levi-Civita’s absolute differential calculus (later to become differential geometry), arguably as much as by the requirement to reproduce Newtonian gravity in the weak-field limit. Indeed, one could say that GR was born “of almost pure thought” [471
Einstein’s theory of GR is described by the action
in which

Since the development of the theory, GR has withstood countless experimental tests [471, 443, 444]
based on measurements as different as atomic-clock precision [378], orbital dynamics (most notably lunar
laser ranging [309]), astrometry [415], and relativistic astrophysics (most exquisitely the binary pulsar
[293, 471
], but not only [372
]). It is therefore the correct and natural benchmark against which to compare
alternative theories using future observations and we will follow the same approach in this
article. Unlike in the case of Newtonian gravity at the time that GR was developed, there are
no current observations that GR cannot explain that can be used to guide development of
Nonetheless, there are crucial aspects of Einstein’s theory that have never been probed directly, such as its
strong-field dynamics and the propagation of field perturbations (GWs). Furthermore, it is known that
classical GR must ultimately fail at the Planck scale, where quantum effects become important, and traces
of the quantum nature of gravity may be accessible at lower energies [400]. As emphasized by Will [471
GR has no adjustable constants, so every test is potentially deadly, and a probe that could reveal new
2.1 Will’s “standard model” of gravitational theories
Will’s Living Review [471] and his older monograph [469
] are the fundamental references about the
experimental verification of GR. In this section, we give only a brief overview of what may be called Will’s
“standard model” for alternative theories of gravity, which proceeds through four steps: a) strong evidence
for the equivalence principle supports a metric formulation for gravity; b) metric theories are classified
according to what gravitational fields (scalar, vector, tensor) they prescribe; c) slow-motion, weak-field
conservative dynamics are described in a unified parameterized post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism, and
constrained by experiment and observations; d) finally, equations for the slow-motion generation and
weak-field propagation of gravitational radiation are derived separately for each metric theory, and again
compared to observations. Many of the tests of gravitational physics envisaged for LISA belong
in this last sector of Will’s standard model, and are discussed in Section 5.1 of this review.
This scheme however leaves out two other important points of contact between gravitational
phenomenology and LISA’s GW observations: the strong-field, nonlinear dynamics of black
holes and their structure and excitations, especially as probed by small orbiting bodies. We will
deal with these in Sections 5 and 6, respectively; but let us first delve into Will’s standard
The equivalence principle and metric theories of gravitation.
Einstein’s original intuition [338] placed the equivalence principle [222] as a cornerstone for the theories that describe gravity as curved spacetime. As formulated by Newton, the principle states simply that inertial and gravitational mass are proportional, and therefore all “test” bodies fall with the same acceleration (in modern usage, this is known as the weak equivalence principle, or WEP). Dicke later recognized that in developing GR Einstein had implicitly posited a broader principle (Einstein’s equivalence principle, or EEP) that consists of WEP plus local Lorentz invariance and local position invariance: that is, of the postulates that the outcome of local non-gravitational experiments is independent of, respectively, the velocity and position of the local freely-falling reference frames in which the experiments are performed.
Turyshev [443] gives a current review of the experimental verification of WEP (shown to
hold to parts in 1013 by differential free-fall tests [399]), local Lorentz invariance (verified to
parts in 1022 by clock-anisotropy experiments [276]), and local position invariance (verified to
parts in 105 by gravitational-redshift experiments [58], and to much greater precision when
looking for possible time variations of fundamental constants [445]). Although these three parts of
EEP appear distinct in their experimental consequences, their underlying physics is necessarily
related in any theory of gravity, so Schiff conjectured (and others argued convincingly) that
any complete and self-consistent theory of gravity that embodies WEP must also realize EEP
EEP leads to metric theories of gravity in which spacetime is represented as a pseudo-Riemannian
manifold, freely-falling test bodies move along the geodesics of its metric, and non-gravitational physics is
obtained by applying special-relativistic laws in local freely-falling frames. GR is, of course,
a metric theory of gravity; so are scalar-vector-tensor theories such as Brans–Dicke theory,
which include other gravitational fields in addition to the metric. By contrast, theories with
dynamically varying fundamental constants and theories (such as superstring theory) that introduce
additional WEP-violating gravitational fields [471, Section 2.3] are not metric. Neither are
most theories that provide short-range and long-range modifications to Newton’s inverse-square
law [3].
The scalar and vector fields in scalar-vector-tensor theories cannot directly affect the motion of matter and other non-gravitational fields (which would violate WEP), but they can intervene in the generation of gravity and modify its dynamics. These extra fields can be dynamical (i.e., determined only in the context of solving for the evolution of everything else) or absolute (i.e., assigned a priori to fixed values). The Minkowski metric of special relativity is the classic example of absolute field; such fields may be regarded as philosophically unpleasant by those who dislike feigning hypotheses, but they have a right of citizenship in modern physics as “frozen in” solutions from higher energy scales or from earlier cosmological evolution.
The additional fields can potentially alter the outcome of local gravitational experiments: while the local gravitational effects of different metrics far away can always be erased by describing physics in a freely-falling reference frame (which is to say, the local boundary conditions for the metric can be arranged to be flat spacetime), the same is not true for scalar and vector fields, which can then affect local gravitational dynamics by their interaction with the metric. This amounts to a violation not of EEP, but of the strong equivalence principle (SEP), which states that EEP is also valid for self-gravitating bodies and gravitational experiments. SEP is verified to parts in 104 by combined lunar laser-ranging and laboratory experiments [476]. So far, GR appears to be the only viable metric theory that fully realizes SEP.
The PPN formalism.
Because the experimental consequences of different metric theories follow from the specific metric that is generated by matter (possibly with the help of the extra gravitational fields), and because all these theories must realize Newtonian dynamics in appropriate limiting conditions, it is possible to parameterize them in terms of the coefficients of a slow-motion, weak-field expansion of the metric. These coefficients appear in front of gravitational potentials similar to the Newtonian potential, but involving also matter velocity, internal energy, and pressure. This scheme is the parameterized post-Newtonian formalism, pioneered by Nordtvedt and extended by Will (see [469

The PPN formalism is sufficiently accurate to describe the tests of gravitation performed
in the solar system, as well as many tests using binary-pulsar observations. The parameter
is currently constrained to 1 ± a few 10–5 by tests of light delay around massive
bodies using the Cassini spacecraft [81
to 1 ± a few 10–4 by lunar laser ranging
The other PPN parameters have comparable bounds around zero from solar-system and pulsar
measurements, except for
, which is known exceedingly well from pulsar observations [471
2.2 Alternative theories
Tests in the PPN framework have tightly constrained the field of viable alternatives to GR, largely
excluding theories with absolute elements that give rise to preferred-frame effects [471]. The
(indirect) observation of GW emission from the binary pulsar and the accurate prediction of its
by Einstein’s quadrupole formula have definitively excluded other theories [471
, 422]. Yet
more GR alternatives were conceived to illuminate points of principle, but they are not well
motivated physically and therefore are hardly candidates for experimental verification. Some of
the theories that are still “alive” are described in the following. More details can be found
in [469
2.2.1 Scalar-tensor theories
The addition of a single scalar field to GR produces a theory described by the Einstein-frame action
(see, e.g., [471

![3 + 2ω (ϕ) ≡ [d (ln A(φ ))∕d φ]−2](article34x.gif)
The “classic” Brans–Dicke theory corresponds to fixing to a constant
, and it is
indistinguishable from GR in the limit
. In the PPN framework, the only parameter that differs
from GR is
. Damour and Esposito-Farèse [142] considered an expansion of
around a cosmological background value,

Scalar-tensor theories have found motivation in string theory and cosmological models, and have attracted the most attention in terms of tests with GW observations.
2.2.2 Vector-tensor theories
These are obtained by including a dynamical vector field coupled to the metric tensor. The most
general second-order action in such a theory takes the form [471

In the constrained Einstein-aether theory [250] the field equations are

Unconstrained vector-tensor theories were introduced in the 1970s as a straw-man alternative to
GR [469], but they have four arbitrary parameters and leave the magnitude of the vector field
unconstrained, which is a serious defect. Interest in Einstein-aether theories was prompted by
the desire to construct a covariant theory that violated Lorentz invariance under boosts, by
having a preferred reference frame – the aether, represented by the vector
. The preferred
reference frame also provides a universal notion of time [202]. Interest in theories that violate
Lorentz symmetry has recently been revived as a possible window onto aspects of quantum
gravity [22].
2.2.3 Scalar-vector-tensor theories
The natural extension of scalar-tensor and vector-tensor theories are scalar-vector-tensor theories in which the gravitational field is coupled to a vector field and one or more scalar fields. These theories are relativistic generalizations of Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MoND), which was proposed in order to reproduce observed rotation curves on galactic scales. The relativistic extensions were designed to also satisfy cosmological observations on larger scales. The action takes the form

In Tensor-Vector-Scalar gravity (TeVeS) [61] the dynamical vector field is coupled to a dynamical
scalar field
. A second scalar field
is here considered non-dynamical. The Lagrangians are

In Scalar-Tensor-Vector Gravity (STVG) [317] the Lagrangian for the vector field is taken to be

2.2.4 Modified-action theories
f(R) gravity.
This theory is derived by replacing

There are also other issues with theories. For example, in Palatini
gravity the
post-Newtonian metric depends on the local matter density [418], while in metric
gravity with
there is a Ricci-scalar instability [153] that arises because the effective gravitational constant
increases with increasing curvature, leading to a runaway instability for small stars [56, 55]. We refer
the reader to [419, 146] for more complete reviews of the current understanding of
Chern–Simons gravity.
Yunes and others [6

The presence of the Chern–Simons correction leads to parity violation, which has various observable consequences, with magnitude depending on the Chern–Simons coupling, which string theory predicts will be at the Planck scale. If so, these effects will never be observable, but various mechanisms have been proposed that could enhance the strength of the Chern–Simons coupling, such as non-perturbative instanton corrections [433], fermion interactions [10], large intrinsic curvatures [9] or small string couplings at late times [468]. For further details on all aspects of Chern–Simons gravity, we refer the reader to [11].
General quadratic gravity.
This theory arises by adding to the action all possible terms that are quadratic in the Ricci scalar, Ricci tensor, and Riemann tensor. For the action the field equations are [372

2.2.5 Massive-graviton theories
Massive-graviton theories were first considered by Pauli and Fierz [350, 175
, 176], whose theory is
generated by an action of the form

This model suffers from the van Dam–Velten–Zakharov discontinuity [454, 505]: no matter how small the graviton mass, the Pauli–Fierz theory leads to different physical predictions from those of linearized GR, such as light bending. The theory also predicts that the energy lost into GWs from a binary is twice the GR prediction, which is ruled out by current binary-pulsar observations. It might be possible to circumvent these problems and recover GR in the weak-field limit by invoking the Vainshtein mechanism [446, 41], which relies on nonlinear effects to “hide” certain degrees of freedom for source distances smaller than the Vainshtein radius [40]. The massive graviton can therefore become effectively massless, recovering GR on the scale of the solar system and in binary-pulsar tests, while retaining a mass on larger scales. In such a scenario, the observational consequences for GWs would be a modification to the propagation time for cosmological sources, but no difference in the emission process itself.
There are also non-Pauli–Fierz massive graviton theories [36]. For these, the action is the same as that
in Eq. (20), but the first term on the second line (the massive graviton term) takes the more general form

These alternative massive-graviton theories are therefore perfectly compatible with current observational constraints, but make very different predictions for strong gravitational fields [36], including the absence of horizons for black-hole spacetimes and oscillatory cosmological solutions. Despite these potential problems, the existence of a “massive graviton” can be used as a convenient strawman for GW constraints, since the speed of GW propagation can be readily inferred from GW observations and compared to the speed of light. These proposed tests generally make no reference to an underlying theory but require only that the graviton has an effective mass and hence GWs suffer dispersion. This will be discussed in more detail in Section 5.1.2.
2.2.6 Bimetric theories of gravity
As their name suggests, there are two metrics in bimetric theories of gravity [382, 384]. One is dynamical and represents the tensor gravitational field; the other is a metric of constant curvature, usually the Minkowski metric, which is non-dynamical and represents a prior geometry. There are various bimetric theories in the literature.
Rosen’s theory has the action [381, 382, 383, 384]
in which

Lightman and Lee [287] developed a bimetric theory based on a non-metric theory of gravity due to Belinfante and Swihart [62]. The action for this “BSLL” theory is
in which

There is also a bimetric theory due to Rastall [374], in which the metric is an algebraic function of the
Minkowski metric and of a vector field . The action is

2.3 The black-hole paradigm
The present consensus is that all of the compact objects observed to reside in galactic centers are supermassive black holes, described by the Kerr metric of GR [377]. This explanation follows naturally in GR from the black-hole uniqueness theorems and from a set of additional assumptions of physicality, briefly discussed below. If a deviation from Kerr is inferred from GW observations, it would imply that the assumptions are violated, or possibly that GR is not the correct theory of gravity. Space-based GW detectors can test black-hole “Kerr-ness” by measuring the GWs emitted by smaller compact bodies that move through the gravitational potentials of the central objects (see Section 6.2). Kerr-ness is also tested by characterizing multiple ringdown modes in the final black hole resulting from the coalescence of two precursors (see Section 6.3).
The current belief that Kerr black holes are ubiquitous follows from work on mathematical aspects of
GR in the middle of the 20th century. Oppenheimer and Snyder demonstrated that a spherically-symmetric,
pressure-free distribution would collapse indefinitely to form a black hole [341]. This result was assumed to
be a curiosity due to spherical symmetry, until it was demonstrated by Penrose [351] and by Hawking and
Penrose [224
] that singularities arise inevitably after the formation of a trapped surface during
gravitational collapse. Around the same time, it was proven that the black-hole solutions of
Schwarschild [401] and Kerr [260] are the only static and axisymmetric black-hole solutions in
GR [248
, 114
, 379
]. These results together indicated the inevitability of black-hole formation in
gravitational collapse.
The assumptions that underlie the proof of the uniqueness theorem are that the spacetime is a
stationary vacuum solution, that it is asymptotically flat, and that it contains an event horizon but no
closed timelike curves (CTCs) exterior to the horizon [223]. The lack of CTCs is needed to ensure causality,
while the requirement of a horizon is a consequence of the cosmic-censorship hypothesis (CCH) [352]. The
CCH embodies this belief by stating that any singularity that forms in nature must be hidden behind a
horizon (i.e., cannot be naked), and therefore cannot affect the rest of the universe, which would be
undesirable because GR can make no prediction of what happens in its vicinity. However, the CCH and the
non-existence of CTCs are not required by Einstein’s equations, and so they could in principle be
Besides the Kerr metric, we know of many other “black-hole–like” solutions to Einstein’s equations: these are vacuum solutions with a very compact central object enclosed by a high-redshift surface. In fact, any metric can become a solution to Einstein’s equation: it is sufficient to insert it in the Einstein tensor, and postulate the resulting “matter” stress-energy tensor as an input to the equations. However, such matter distributions will not in general satisfy the energy conditions (see, e.g., [361]):
- The weak energy condition is the statement that all timelike observers in a spacetime
measure a non-negative energy density,
, for all future-directed timelike vectors
. The null energy condition modifies this condition to null observers by replacing
by an arbitrary future-directed null vector
- The strong energy condition requires the Ricci curvature measured by any timelike observer
to be non-negative,
, for all timelike
- The dominant energy condition is the requirement that matter flow along timelike or null
world lines: that is, that
be a future-directed timelike or null vector field for any future-directed timelike vector
These conditions make sense on broad physical grounds; but even after imposing them, there remain several black-hole–like solutions [427] besides Kerr. Thus, space-based GW detectors offer an important test of the “black-hole paradigm” that follows from GR plus CCH, CTC non-existence, and the energy conditions. This paradigm is especially important: putative black holes are observed to be ubiquitous in the universe, so their true nature has significant implications for our understanding of astrophysics.
If one or many non-Kerr metrics are found, the hope is that observations will allow us to tease apart the various possible explanations:
- Does the spacetime contain matter, such as an accretion disk, exterior to the black hole?
- Are the CCH, the no-CTC assumption, or the energy conditions violated?
- Is the central object an exotic object, such as a boson star [389
, 261
- Is gravity coupled to other fields? This can lead to different black-hole solutions [265, 396, 413], although some such solutions are known [428]) or suspected [156] to be unstable to generic perturbations.
- Is the theory of gravity just different from GR? For instance, in Chern–Simons gravity black
holes (to linear order in spin) differ from Kerr in their octupole moment [496
], and this correction may produce the most significant observational signature in GW observations [416
While these questions are challenging, we can learn a lot by testing black-hole structure with space-based GW detectors. These tests are discussed in detail in Section 6.