Figure 8
Figure 8: Time series of Cassini two-way Ka-band frequency residuals from a DSS 25 track on 2001 DOY 350. The data are sampled at 0.2 s after being detected with a time constant ≃ 1 s. At this time resolution, the visual appearance of the time series is dominated by high-frequency noise. Superimposed on this noise are two systematic glitches which were traced to an intermittently-faulty distribution amplifier in the signal chain providing frequency references to the transmitter and receiver. The distribution amplifier fault acts like an FTS glitch and, in the two-way Doppler, appears twice in the time series anticorrelated at the two-way light time (Figure 7). The glitches in the figure are paired with the indicated two-way light time separation T2 ≃ 5737.7 s. The lower panels show blowups of the pair; the glitch waveforms are unresolved (shapes set by the impulse response of the software phase detector) but clearly show the characteristic FTS anticorrelation.