Figure 25: Time series of DSS 14 two-way (upper panel) and DSS 25 three way (lower panel)
Doppler during the 2007 March 15 antenna mechancial noise test. At about 04:30 UT the
subreflector at DSS 14 was deliberately articulated to produce large antenna mechanical noise
variation. The effect in the two-way Doppler is seen immediately and at a two-way light time
(T2 = 8341.6 s) later (see Figure 7). The receive-only three-way station is unaffected at 04:30 UT
(it is receiving a signal transmitted a two-way light time earlier) but observes the effect of the
deliberate subreflcetor motion a two-way light time later (lower panel). (The three impulsive
glitches in the two-way time series are unrelated to this mechanical noise test.) Figure adapted
from [15].AepubtkUpdateA7Added Figure 25.