Figure 19
Figure 19: Numerical results for a BH binary inspiralling in a scalar-field gradient −7 M σ = 10. Left panel: dependence of the various components of the scalar radiation Re(φ11)∕(M σ) on the extraction radius (top to bottom: 112M to 56M in equidistant steps). The dashed line corresponds instead to 10− 3Im (φ )∕(M σ) 11 at the largest extraction radius. This is the dominant mode and corresponds to the fixed-gradient boundary condition, along the z-direction, at large distances. Right panel: time-derivative of the scalar field at the largest and smallest extraction radii, rescaled by radius and shifted in time. Notice how the waveforms show a clean and typical merger pattern, and that they overlap showing that the field scales to good approximation as 1∕&tidle;r. Image reproduced with permission from [92], copyright by APS.