Figure 8
Figure 8: Schematic network sensitivity and localization accuracy for face-on binary neutron-star (BNS) systems with advanced-detector networks. The ellipses show 90% confidence localization areas based upon timing triangulation alone, and the red crosses show regions of the sky where the signal would not be confidently detected. The top two plots show the localization expected for a BNS system at 80 Mpc by the LIGO Hanford (H)–LIGO Livingston (L)–Virgo (V) network (HLV) in the 2016 – 2017 run (left) and 2017 – 2018 run (right). The bottom two plots show the localization expected for a BNS system at 160 Mpc by the HLV network in the 2019+ run (left) and by the four-detector network (HILV) comprising three LIGO sites – in Hanford, Livingston and India (I) – and Virgo operating in 2022+ with all detectors at final design sensitivity (right). The inclusion of a fourth site in India provides good localization over the whole sky.