Figure 7
Figure 7: Simulated sky localization for Gaussian (G; top left), sine–Gaussian (SG; top right), broadband white-noise (WN; bottom left) and binary black-hole (BBH; bottom right) bursts during the first two observing runs (O1, see Section 4.1, and O2, see Section 4.2). The plots show the cumulative fractions of events with searched areas A∗ smaller than the abscissa value. Results are shown for the low-latency coherent WaveBurst (cWB[70, 71, 73] and higher-latency LALInferenceBurst (LIB[110] codes. The O2 results consider only a three-detector (3-det) network; assuming an instrument duty cycle of ∼ 80%, this would be operational ∼ 50% of the time. The shaded areas indicate the 68% confidence intervals on the cumulative distributions. A detection threshold of a false alarm rate of approximately 1 yr− 1 is used and results are taken from [51].