Minimal Resolutions and the Homology of Matching and Chessboard Complexes
Victor Reiner
and Joel Roberts
DOI: 10.1023/A:1008728115910
We generalize work of Lascoux and Józefiak-Pragacz-Weyman on Betti numbers for minimal free resolutions of ideals generated by 2 \times 2 minors of generic matrices and generic symmetric matrices, respectively. Quotients of polynomial rings by these ideals are the classical Segre and quadratic Veronese subalgebras, and we compute the analogous Betti numbers for some natural modules over these Segre and quadratic Veronese subalgebras. Our motivation is two-fold:
We immediately deduce from these results the irreducible decomposition for the symmetric group action on the rational homology of all chessboard complexes and complete graph matching complexes as studied by Björner, Lovasz, Vre
ica and
. This follows from an old observation on Betti numbers of semigroup modules over semigroup rings described in terms of simplicial complexes.

Pages: 135–154
Keywords: minimal free resolution; matching complex; chessboard complex; determinantal ideal
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