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  Editors-in-chief: C. A. Athanasiadis, T. Lam, A. Munemasa, H. Van Maldeghem
ISSN 0925-9899 (print) • ISSN 1572-9192 (electronic)

On balanced colorings of the n-cube

William Y.C. Chen and Larry X.W. Wang

DOI: 10.1007/s10801-010-0219-7


A 2-coloring of the n-cube in the n-dimensional Euclidean space can be considered as an assignment of weights of 1 or 0 to the vertices. Such a colored n-cube is said to be balanced if its center of mass coincides with its geometric center. Let B n,2 k be the number of balanced 2-colorings of the n-cube with 2 k vertices having weight 1. Palmer, Read, and Robinson conjectured that for n\geq 1, the sequence { B n,2 k} k=0,1, \frac{1}{4} ,2 n -1 \{B_{n,2k}\}_{k=0,1,\ldots,2^{n-1}} is symmetric and unimodal. We give a proof of this conjecture. We also propose a conjecture on the log-concavity of B n,2 k for fixed k, and by probabilistic method we show that it holds when n is sufficiently large.

Pages: 379–387

Keywords: keywords unimodality; $n$-cube; balanced coloring

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© 1992–2009 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
© 2012 FIZ Karlsruhe / Zentralblatt MATH for the EMIS Electronic Edition