On Schur's Q-functions and the Primitive Idempotents of a Commutative Hecke Algebra
John R. Stembridge
DOI: 10.1023/A:1022485331028
Let B n denote the centralizer of a fixed-point free involution in the symmetric group S 2 n . Each of the four one-dimensional representations of B n induces a multiplicity-free representation of S 2 n , and thus the corresponding Hecke algebra is commutative in each case. We prove that in two of the cases, the primitive idempotents can be obtained from the power-sum expansion of Schur's Q-functions, from which follows the surprising corollary that the character tables of these two Hecke algebras are, aside from scalar multiples, the same as the nontrivial part of the character table of the spin representations of S n.
Pages: 71–95
Keywords: Gelfand pairs; Hecke algebras; symmetric functions; zonal polynomials
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2. C.W. Curtis and I. Reiner, Methods of Representation Theory, Vol. I, Wiley, New York, 1981.
3. P. Diaconis, Group Representations in Probability and Statistics, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Hayward, CA, 1988.
4. P.N. Hoffman and J.F. Humphreys, Projective representations of the symmetric groups, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, to appear.
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18. R.P Stanley, "Some combinatorial properties of Jack symmetric functions," Advances in Mathematics, vol. 77, pp. 76-115, 1989.
19. J.R. Stembridge, "Shifted tableaux and the projective representations of symmetric groups," Advances in Mathematics, vol. 74, pp. 87-134, 1989.
20. J.R. Stembridge, "Nonintersecting paths, pfaffians and plane partitions,"Advances in Mathematics, vol. 83, pp. 96-131, 1990.
21. J.R. Stembridge, "On symmetric functions and the spin characters of Sn," in Topics in Algebra, (S. Balcerzyk et al., eds.), Banach Center Publications, vol. 26, part 2, Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw, pp. 433-453, 1990.
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