Planar Configurations of Lattice Vectors and GKZ-Rational Toric Fourfolds in \Bbb P 6
Eduardo Cattani
and Alicia Dickenstein
DOI: 10.1023/B:JACO.0000022566.81227.03
We introduce a notion of balanced configurations of vectors. This is motivated by the study of rational A-hypergeometric functions in the sense of Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinsky. We classify balanced configurations of seven plane vectors up to GL(2,
)-equivalence and deduce that the only gkz-rational toric four-folds in
6 are those varieties associated with an essential Cayley configuration. We show that in this case, all rational A-hypergeometric functions may be described in terms of toric residues. This follows from studying a suitable hyperplane arrangement.

Pages: 47–65
Keywords: $A$-hypergeometric functions; toric residues; balanced configurations; Cayley configurations
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2. E. Cattani, D. Cox, and A. Dickenstein, “Residues in toric varieties,” Compositio Mathematica 108 (1997), 35-76.
3. E. Cattani, C. D'Andrea, and A. Dickenstein, “The A-hypergeometric system associated with a monomial curve,” Duke Math. J. 99 (1999), 179-207.
4. E. Cattani and A. Dickenstein, “A global view of residues in the torus,” Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 117/118 (1997), 119-144.
5. E. Cattani, A. Dickenstein, and B. Sturmfels, “Rational hypergeometric functions,” Compositio Mathematica 128 (2001), 217-240.
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