Lattice Polytopes Associated to Certain Demazure Modules of sln + 1
Raika Dehy
and Rupert W.T. Yu
DOI: 10.1023/A:1018775528824
Let w be an element of the Weyl group of sl n + 1. We prove that for a certain class of elements w (which includes the longest element w 0 of the Weyl group), there exist a lattice polytope
R l(w) , for each fundamental weight
i of sl n + 1, such that for any dominant weight
i = 1 n a i
i , the number of lattice points in the Minkowski sum
i = 1 n a i
i w is equal to the dimension of the Demazure module E w (
). We also define a linear map A w : R l(w)
Z R where P denotes the weight lattice, such that char E w (
) = e
e - A(x) where the sum runs through the lattice points x of
w .

Pages: 149–172
Keywords: lattice polytope; Demazure module; Minkowski sum; character formula
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