AMA Editorial policy and information for authors Editorial board Copyright agreement
Processing contributions to AMA Management board ama Subscription


Algebra Montpellier Announcements.
Annonces de Montpellier en Algèbre.

Editorial policy and information for authors.

This international electronic Journal is based at the Mathematics Department of the University of Montpellier 2 (France). The Electronic Library of Mathematics (ELibM) of the European Mathematical Society holds the master posting.

The Journal is devoted to short research announcements (5 pages or less). Authors are required to submit their work by electronic and regular mail to one of the members of the editorial board. Technical information can be found below.

To be eligible for publication, articles have to contain new results in noncommutative algebra. Authors are requested to present their work in a compressed framework, providing sketches of proofs and highlighting the significance of their results. Short examples are encouraged, as are explicit links to related mathematics : isolated work is not the aim of the Journal. Each contribution should clearly indicate in which way it represents a new step in its area. Authors can publish a detailed version of their announced work elsewhere, acknowledging prior publication in Algebra Montpellier Announcements. Note however that an announcement in AMA can also be exhaustive.

Responsibility for correctness of the work obviously lies with the authors. However, each submission will be evaluated by an anonymous referee, designated by the member of the editorial board who received the contribution. In order to be published, the paper has to be recommended to the editorial board by this editor and has to be unanimously accepted. Papers, once electronically published, cannot be modified.

Once a paper is accepted, a copyright agreement has to be signed by the authors and sent to Montpellier by regular mail. Authors do not receive any payment and are not required to help defray costs.  Internet access to published papers is entirely free through the European Mathematical Society's master posting and its mirrors.

A free subscription to an e-mail version of the table of contents of each number of the Journal is available. Printed copies of  the table of contents and the published papers will be sent by regular mail upon request, in case of major difficulties in accessing the Internet. This service should be mainly directed to colleagues in countries where mathematical research does not have well-established roots.

The administration of the Journal AMA is based at the Département de Mathématiques de l'Université de Montpellier 2. A management board is in charge of insuring that the Journal meets its purpose and that its administrative aspects comply with the requirements of the Université de Montpellier 2. The management board is to consist of four or five Professors of the Département des Sciences Mathématiques who conduct research in Algebra.

Technical information.

The official languages of the Journal are English and French. Short papers (at most 5 pages) have to be sent simultaneously by e-mail and regular mail to one of the editors. Moreover, a LaTeX source file is required, as well as dvi and ps files. Once accepted, a paper will be posted in pdf format (Portable Document File) and in ps format (PostScript).  The corresponding software for the pdf format is free.

Authors have to comply with the usual standards of mathematical publications, and more specifically with the example provided. They are required to avoid special macros and any nonstandard use of LaTeX. In case of continuing technical difficulties, accepted papers will be scanned rather than typeset.

The procedure to be used by the Editorial Board for processing contributions to AMA is available.

AMA Editorial policy and information for authors Editorial board Copyright agreement
Processing contributions to AMA Management board ama Subscription