Zentralblatt MATH
Publications in 1979
Zbl 393.10046
Erdös, Paul
, Some unconventional problems in number theory.
Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 33, 71-80 (1979).
[Reviewer: E.M.Horadam]
, 11N37 11-02 11A25 00A07
Zbl 399.05041
Erdös, Paul; Spencer, Joel
, Evolution of the n-cube.
Comput. Math. Appl. 5, 33-39 (1979).
, 05C99 05C40 60C05 60D05
Zbl 399.10001
Erdös, Paul
, Some unconventional problems in number theory.
Asterisque 61, 73-82 (1979).
[Reviewer: P.Garrison]
, 11-02 11N05 11B83 00A07
Zbl 403.10004
Erdös, Paul; Loxton, J.H.
, Some problems in partitio numerorum.
J. Aust. Math. Soc., Ser. A 27, 319-331 (1979).
, 11P81 11N05 00A07
Zbl 405.10036
Erdös, Paul; Odlyzko, Andrew M.
, On the density of odd integers of the form (p-1)2-n and related questions.
J. Number Theory 11, 257-263 (1979).
[Reviewer: I.Z.Ruzsa]
, 11B83 11N05 11N35
Zbl 406.05012
Erdös, Paul
, Combinatorial problems in geometry and number theory.
Relations between combinatorics and other parts of mathematics, Proc. Symp. Pure Math. Am. Math. Soc., Columbus, Ohio 1978, Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 34, 149-162 (1979).
[Reviewer: J.W.Moon]
, 05A99 51Exx 11Axx 00A07
Zbl 407.10001
Erdös, Paul
, Some unconventional problems in number theory.
Math. Mag. 52, 67-70 (1979).
[Reviewer: E.Härter]
, 11-02 11A05 11A25 11N05 00A07
Zbl 409.10039
Elliott, P.D.T.A.; Erdös, Paul
, The tails of infinitely divisible laws and a problem in number theory.
J. Number Theory 11, 542-551 (1979).
[Reviewer: O.P.Stackelberg]
, 11K65 60F05
Zbl 409.10042
Erdös, Paul; Nathanson, Melvyn B.
, Bases and nonbases of square-free integers.
J. Number Theory 11, 197-208 (1979).
[Reviewer: E.Härtter]
, 11B13
Zbl 409.10043
Erdös, Paul; Saffari, B.; Vaughan, R.C.
, On the asymptotic density of sets of integers. II.
J. London Math. Soc., II. Ser. 19, 17-20 (1979).
[Reviewer: D.Suryanarayana]
, 11B83
Zbl 414.05006
Conway, J.H.; Croft, H.T.; Erdös, Paul; Guy, M.J.T.
, On the distribution of values of angles determined by coplanar points.
J. Lond. Math. Soc., II. Ser. 19, 137-143 (1979).
[Reviewer: D.A.Klarner]
, 05A99 05A20
Zbl 414.10053
Erdös, Paul; Nathanson, Melvyn B.
, Systems of distinct representatives and minimal bases in additive number theory.
Number theory, Proc. Conf., Carbondale 1979, Lect. Notes Math. 751, 98- 107 (1979).
[Reviewer: E.Härtter]
, 11B13
Zbl 417.10039
Erdös, Paul; Katai, I.
, On the growth of some additive functions on small intervals.
Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 33, 345-359 (1979).
[Reviewer: L.Lucht]
, 11N35 11N05 11N37
Zbl 418.04002
Erdös, Paul
, Set theoretic, measure theoretic, combinatorial, and number theoretic problems concerning point sets in Euclidean space.
Real Anal. Exch. 4(1978-79), 113-138 (1979).
[Reviewer: \D.Kurepa]
, 04A05 04A10 04A20 05A17 28A99 00A07
Zbl 419.04002
Baumgartner, James E.; Erdös, Paul; Galvin, Fred; Larson, J.
, Colorful partitions of cardinal numbers.
Can. J. Math. 31, 524-541 (1979).
[Reviewer: N.H.Williams]
, 04A20 04A10 04A30 05C15
Zbl 419.10040
Erdös, Paul; Sárközy, András
, On the prime factors of \binom{n}{k} and of consecutive integers.
Util. Math. 16, 197-215 (1979).
[Reviewer: I.Anderson]
, 11N05 11A41 05A10
Zbl 419.10042
Alladi, K.; Erdös, Paul
, On the asymptotic behavior of large prime factors of integers.
Pac. J. Math. 82, 295-315 (1979).
[Reviewer: K.Ramachandra]
, 11N37 11N05
Zbl 421.10027
Erdös, Paul; Hall, R.R.
, The propinquity of divisors.
Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 11, 304-307 (1979).
[Reviewer: E.J.Scourfield]
, 11N05 11N37 11K65
Zbl 429.04005
Erdös, Paul; Galvin, Fred; Rado, Richard
, Transversals and multitransversals.
J. Lond. Math. Soc., II. Ser. 20, 387-395 (1979).
[Reviewer: \D.Kurepa]
, 04A20 04A25 04A10 03E10
Zbl 429.05047
Erdös, Paul
, Some old and new problems in various branches of combinatorics.
Proc. 10th southeast. Conf. Combinatorics, graph theory and computing, Boca Raton 1979, Vol. I, Congr. Numerantium 23, 19-37 (1979).
[Reviewer: J.W.Moon]
, 05C35 00A07 05B99 05C15 11A99
Zbl 431.10031
Erdös, Paul; Katai, I.
, On the concentration of distribution of additive functions.
Acta Sci. Math. 41, 295-305 (1979).
[Reviewer: O.P.Stackelberg]
, 11K65
Zbl 433.04002
Erdös, Paul
, Some remarks on subgroups of real numbers.
Colloq. Math. 42, 119-120 (1979).
[Reviewer: \D.Kurepa]
, 04A15 04A30 28A05 54F45
Zbl 434.05046
Chung, F.R.K.; Erdös, Paul; Graham, Ronald L.; Ulam, S.M.; Yao, F.F.
, Minimal decompositions of two graphs into pairwise isomorphic subgraphs.
Proc. 10th southeast. Conf. Combinatorics, graph theory and computing, Boca Raton 1979, Vol. I, Congr. Numerantium 23, 3-18 (1979).
[Reviewer: R.S.Read]
, 05C35
Zbl 434.10002
Erdös, Paul; Graham, Ronald L.
, Old and new problems and results in combinatorial number theory: van der Waerden's theorem and related topics.
Enseign. Math., II. Ser. 25, 325-344 (1979).
, 11-02 11B25 11Axx 00A07
Zbl 457.05024
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results in graph theory and combinatorial analysis.
Graph theory and related topics, Proc. Conf. Honour W. T. Tutte, Waterloo/Ont. 1977, 153-163 (1979).
, 05Cxx 05-06 05Axx 00A07
Zbl 462.05057
Erdös, Paul; Lovász, László; Spencer, Joel
, Strong independence of graphcopy functions.
Graph theory and related topics, Proc. Conf. Honour W. T. Tutte, Waterloo/Ont. 1977, 165-172 (1979).
[Reviewer: E.Palmer]
, 05C99
Zbl 481.05002
Erdös, Paul
, Old and new problems in combinatorial analysis and graph theory.
Combinatorial mathematics, 2nd int. Conf., New York 1978, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 319, 177-187 (1979).
, 05-02 05Axx 05Cxx 00A07
Zbl 483.05053
Chung, F.R.K.; Erdös, Paul; Graham, Ronald L.
, On the product of the point and line covering numbers of a graph.
Combinatorial mathematics, 2nd int. Conf., New York 1978, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 319, 597-602 (1979).
[Reviewer: J.C.Bermond]
, 05C70 05C35
Zbl 487.05054
Erdös, Paul; Sos, Vera T.
, On Turan-Ramsey type theorems. II.
Stud. Sci. Math. Hung. 14, 27-36 (1979).
[Reviewer: R.Faudres]
, 05C55 05C35
© European Mathematical Society & FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag