Digital Publishing, Academic Presses and the
Nexus Network Journal |
On 22 March 2001 I attended a conference organized by the
Firenze University Press, the digital publishing arm of the Università
di Firenze (Florence, Italy). The conference was entitled "Scholarly
Communication and Academic Presses" and specifically concerned
the new medium of digital publishing. My interest in participating
in this conference was obviously connected to my role as editor
and publisher of the Nexus Network Journal. I learned
some very interesting things about online publishing that have
a more or less direct effect certainly upon the authors who chose
to publish their articles in the NNJ, but also upon the
NNJ readership.
REFERENCES First of all, as was pointed out by Anthony
Watkinson, publishing consultant and visiting Professor in Information
Science at City University, London, e-journals are a very new
medium. He claims to have been the first to establish an e-journal
in 1993, a mere eight years ago. This means that many of the
issues that arise because of the newness of the medium have yet
to be definitively resolved. This issues include knotty, everyday
problems such as the proper form of citation of a paper published
on the Internet. I have attempted to solve this problem by inserting
a "Correct Citation" note at the end of each paper
published in the NNJ, giving, in addition to the correct
information for citing the article (author's name, title, volume
and issue number, URL), a more or less accepted formal standard
for the citation, so that those who want to cite an article published
in the NNJ need only cut and paste the citation from the
NNJ page to their own document. This is intended not only
to facilitate references to articles published in the NNJ,
but to encourage them.
Other issues involving the new medium are less easily resolved.
One involves page content on the Internet. Digital publications
are not only a translation of a traditional text into a new medium,
but contain content that was not possible with print publications.
Image content is one aspect of this. Animated .gif images, for
instance, cannot be reproduced in print, but form a normal part
of digital publications. Hyperlinks represent another normal
situation. Interactive programs such as Modular Games by Slavik
Jablan produced for the the NNJ are yet another aspect
of the possibilities inherent in digital publishing. Because
it is possible for the reader/user of an electronic journal to
determine the content of a given page through a few clicks of
the mouse, the question arises of just what page or URL he is
going to cite. Virtual reality presents a further challenge.
As Donald Sanders, president of Learning
Sites, Inc wrote to me, his site features "...complete
navigable 3D virtual spaces and in each space the user can call
up linked datasets which are created to suit that particular
search--different for each visitor, there is no URL for the retreived
information, nor any way (today) to bookmark the viewer's location
in the world." It is clear that this takes referencing into
a new realm.
Referencing is important because the number of references
to articles published in a given journal determines that journal's
‘impact rating', that is, how important the journal is to
its field. Impact rating can be determined by following the number
of references, a task undertaken for some journals by the Institute for Scientific Information.
I am going to be learning more about this in the coming weeks,
as I see if it is possible for the ISI to accept the NNJ
as one of its listed journals.
OPEN ACCESS Distribution is another aspect of digital
publishing that directly affects both authors and readers. Steven
Harnad, Professor of Cognitive Science in the Department of Electronic
and Computer Science at the University of Southampton, presented
an interesting scenario in this regard. He pointed out that scholars
do not expect to receive a royalty for publishing research work,
so they give their work freely to the academic publisher. The
publisher, however, interesting in making a profit, copyrights
the material and publishes it in book form. Often the scholar
is told by his own institution that their library has no funds
to buy the book, ironically meaning that he is unable to put
the book on the reserve shelf for his own students. Copyright
restrictions, designed to protect the author from plagiarism,
can also prevent him from xeroxing and distributing his own paper
in his own classes. The end result is that the author's work
is "held hostage" by the conventions of traditional
publishing. Digital publishing is not always a better solution.
Many electronic journals put only an abstract of a paper on the
Internet and charge either a fee for downloading the complete
article, or charge a subscription fee, giving the paid subscriber
a password for access to full-text journals. Libraries are charged
a licensing fee so that students and teachers can access the
journal from the library terminals. Again, libraries often don't
have the funds to pay the licensing fees and students and teachers
always have limited resources, so the papers published in this
way are "held hostage". Prof. Harnad believes that
since scholars are not earning royalties on their publications,
then all scholarly works should be on everyone's desktop for
free, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, forever. Such
a scenario is possible, if scholars routinely publish their works
on the Web as part of the Open
Archive Initiative (OAI). The OAI is an experimental program
to provide a searchable database for the retrieval of voluntarily
deposited material. Retrieval depends on the insertion of metatags
that conform to certain standards (metatags are html codes that
permit classification of files by information content such as
author name, paper title, creation date, keywords or phrases,
etc.). In effect, what is being created is a special kind of
archive with its own specific search engine, to create an open
resource for the scholarly community. I am now learning more
about the OAI so that the NNJ can become OAI-compliant
and will let you know more in the future.
I think it is important to point out that the NNJ is already
full-text, open access, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It may
not be, however, forever. Formerly, as most of our readers know,
once a paper had been on the NNJ site for at least a year
and had been published in print, so that it is part of our permanent
NNJ archive, it ran the risk of being taken offline to
make room for new material. This has caused an outcry from many
readers and authors, as well as the webmasters of other sites
who link to the NNJ. Naturally, the links are what the
Internet is all about, and removing a paper causes a myriad of
broken links. Currently we have obtained more space on our current
server and are in the process of bringing all articles back on
line so that the electronic archive is complete.
of new possibilities for content is an exciting development for
publishers, the present language of digital publishing, html,
presents some serious limitations. This is particularly true
in mathematics, where even the latest versions of some widely
used browsers are unable to correctly read mathematical equations,
rendering the paper thus published unusable. This kind of limitation
means that e-journals will flourish in some fields more than
One way to handle the problem of mathematical equations is
to convert a document in Word that includes formulas into html
code, during which process the formulas will be automatically
converted into .gif image files. One drawback of the importation
of mathematical symbols and expression as graphics is that the
.gif files can lead to a very large document, requiring long
loading times. Under development in MathML, a markup language
for mathematics, but not yet widely used or available.
A workable alternative to html is the Adobe Acrobat program
that produces papers in Portable Document Format (PDF), permitting
both internal and external links (coordinated through a browser).
The drawback of PDF files is that the reader must download the
file before viewing it, and use a second program (a browser)
to follow external links. Thus this alternative results in a
loss of much of the immediacy that characterizes the Internet.
Another point that was brought
up at the digital publishing conference was that the advent of
a new medium had given rise to a plethora of new journals. Many
of these, however, failed to take into account whether the particular
field could support another journal, and many journal failures
were blamed on a failure of the new digital medium rather than
the failure of the journal itself. The question of status was
brought up: are electronic journals as well-regarded as traditional
print journals? Conference participants seemed to feel that there
was no stigma placed on electronic journals as such, but rather
that the acceptance or lack of acceptance of e-journals could
be attributed to the fact that most e-journals are new journals
and it takes time for any new journal to become accepted. One
participant raised the question of why an author would want to
submit a paper for publication to a new, unestablished journal,
electronic or not, when he could submit it for publication to
an already established journal of proven reputation. I was the
first to answer that question, because the NNJ provides
the perfect answer. It lies in the author finding, not the largest
readership, but rather the right readership. Being an interdisciplinary
journal, our readers belong to fields of mathematics and architecture.
If the paper deals with, for example, the geometric analysis
of an architectural monument, if it is published in either an
architecture journal or a mathematics journal, regardless of
how established or prestigious, the paper is only going to reach
half its intended readership. This was the case with the first
papers detailing fractals, which were published in a journal
for meteologists and so were unknown to mathematicians for some
time, a story that has always stuck in my mind.
But what determines whether a new journal becomes an established
journal or a failure? This is determined by how many papers are
submitted for publication. If enough material arrives, then with
time the journal will become established. If not enough papers
are submitted for publication, then the journal will have to
close its doors. In effect, as Steven Harnad expressed it, "authors
vote with their papers". I am very happy to say that authors
are voting for the Nexus Network Journal, because material
continues to arrive.
I think what is so exciting about the Nexus Network Journal
is that we are not only establishing a new journal, exploiting
the possibilities of a new medium and diffusing scholarly material
of high quality, but we are defining a new discipline in the
process. Before the beginning of the Nexus conferences in 1996
(organization actually began in 1995), there was no field of
architecture and mathematics as such, whereas now, only 6 short
years later, we not only have a field, we have a community as
well. Of course for now the NNJ is the only journal in
its field. How would I feel if another, competing journal were
established? I would feel GREAT because that would really mean
that the field of architecture and mathematics had come of age.
The NNJ authors and readers are partners in pioneering
the new medium of digital publishing, as well as in the establishment
of a research community and a new interdisciplinary field of
research. I'll be looking forward to telling you about our process
of growth in future issues.
Kim Williams, Editor-in-Chief
The correct citation for
this article is: Kim
Williams, "Digital Publishing, Academic Presses and the
Nexus Network Journal", Nexus Network Journal,
vol. 3, no. 2 (Spring 2001), http://www.nexusjournal.com/letter_editor_v3n2.html |
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