Want to write a book review for the Nexus Network
Journal? Contact Book Review Editors Sylvie
Duvernoy (architecture) or Paul
Calter (mathematics)
NNJ Book and
Article Reviews now available Online and in Print |
John Sharp's Review of Westminster Abbey: The Cosmati Pavements David Howlett
and the Mona Lisa by Bülent Atalay Reviewed
by Kim Williams
of Roman Architecture by Mark Wilson Jones Reviewed
by Sarah Clough Edwards
New Media: Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided
Design by Yehuda E. Kalay Reviewed
by Sylvie Duvernoy (Spring 2005)
The Cambridge Companion
to Piero della Francesca by Jeryldene M. Wood, ed. Reviewed
by Joao Pedro Xavier
Learning from Palladio
by Branko Mitrovic Reviewed by Kim Williams
Architecture for
the Shroud: Relic and Ritual in Turin by John Beldon Scott.
Reviewed by James McQuillan (Autumn 2005)
Ad Quadratum: The
Practical Application of Geometry in Medieval Architecture by
Nancy Y. Wu, ed. Reviewed by Maria
Teresa Bartoli (Autumn 2005)
Architecture in
the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing by Branko Kolarevic,
ed. Reviewed by Carol Hermann
(Autumn 2005)
Architectural Research
Methods by Linda Groat and David Wang Reviewed
by Kerry London and Michael Ostwald
A Generative Theory
of Shape by Michael Leyton Reviewed by
Stephen R. Wassell
The Awakening of
Geometrical Thought in Early Culture by Paulus Gerdes
Reviewed by Steven Fleming
Westminster Abbey:
The Cosmati Pavements by Lindy Grant and Richard Mortimer
(eds.) Reviewed by John Sharp
Cosmatesque Ornament:
Flat Polychrome Geometric Patterns in Architecture by Paloma
Pajares-Ayuela. Reviewed by Kim Williams
Fragments of Infinity:
A Kaleidoscope of Math and Art by Ivars Peterson.
Reviewed by Vera W. de Spinadel
M. C. Escher's legacy:
A Centennial Celebration by Doris Schattschneider
and Michele Emmer, eds. Reviewed by David Reid
Origins, Imitation,
Conventions by James Ackerman Reviewed by Michael
Contested Symmetries
and Other Predicaments in Architecture by Preston Scott Cohen
Reviewed by Jin-Ho Park
Vermeer's Camera:
The Truth Behind the Masterpieces by Philip Steadman Reviewed
by David Vila Domini
Secret Knowledge:
Rediscovering the Lost Techniques of the Old Masters by David
Hockney Reviewed by David Vila Domini
The Monumental Impulse:
Architecture's Biological Roots by George Hersey
Reviewed by Michael J. Ostwald
: the Geometric Bridge between Art and Science by Jay Kappraff
Reviewed by Slavik Jablan
Architecture and Science edited
by Giuseppe di Cristina Reviewed
by Michael Chapman (Spring 2002)
"Dynamical Symmetries:
Mathematical Synthesis between Chaos Theory (Complexity), Fractal
Geometry, and the Golden Mean," article by Nigel Reading
Reviewed by Michael J. Ostwald and
Stephen R. Wassell (Winter 2002)
Proportion: Science
Philosophy Architecture by Richard Padovan Reviewed by John Sharp (Winter
Traditions in Architecture:
Africa, America, Asia, and Oceania by Dora P. Crouch and
June G. Johnson Reviewed by
William D. Sapp (Autumn 2001).
The Shape of the Great
Pyramid by Roger Herz-Fischler Reviewed
by Mark A. Reynolds (Autumn 2001).
The Crest of the
Peacock: Non-European Roots of Mathematics by George Gherverghese
Joseph. Reviewed by Karim Abdul
Bangura (Summer 2001).
Le Corbusier: Paris
-- Chandigarh by Klaus-Peter Gast. Reviewed by Steven Fleming and Michael J. Ostwald
(Spring 2001).
The Sun in the
Chuch. Cathedrals as Solar Observatories by J.L. Heilbron.
Reviewed by Paul A. Calter and Kim Williams
(Spring 2001) .
The Modulor and
Modulor 2 by Le Corbusier (Charles Edouard Jeanneret.
Reviewed by Michael Ostwald (Winter 2001).
Corbusier, Padiglione Philips, Bruxelles by Alessandra Capanna.
Reviewed by Maurizio Vianello (English
version) (Winter 2001).
Le Corbusier,
Padiglione Philips, Bruxelles di Alessandra Capanna. Reviewed by Maurizio Vianello (versione italiana)
(Winter 2001).
African Fractals:
Modern Computing and Indigenous Design Ron
Eglash Reviewed by Abdul Karim Bangura
(October 2000). This review now appears in print in the Nexus Network Journal 2 (2000): 165-168.
Your Private Sky.
Buckminster Fuller by Joachim Krausse and Claude Lichtenstein,
eds. Reviewed by Kim Williams (October 2000).
This review now appears in print
in the Nexus Network
Journal 2 (2000): 199-200.
Musmeci. Organicità di forme e forze nello spazio di Manfredi
Nicoletti. Reviewed
by Alessandra Capanna (versione italiana) (October
Musmeci. Organicità di forme e forze nello spazio by
Manfredi Nicoletti. Reviewed
by Alessandra Capanna (English version) (October
2000). This review now appears
in print in the Nexus
Network Journal 2 (2000): 173-174.
of Humanism by Lionel March. Reviewed
by Mark Peterson (April 2000).
This review now appears in print
in the Nexus Network
Journal 2 (2000): 177-179.
On Alberti and
the Art of Building by Robert Tavernor. Reviewed by Kim Williams (April
2000). This review now appears
in print in the Nexus
Network Journal 2 (2000): 197-198.
Canon of the Five
Orders of Architecture by Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola, Branko
Mitrovic, trans. Reviewed
by Stephen R. Wassell (April 2000). This
review now appears in print in the Nexus
Network Journal 2 (2000): 185-194.
The Number 9: The
Search for the Sigma Code by Cecil Balmond.
Reviewed by Jay Kappraff (January 2000). This
review now appears in print in the Nexus
Network Journal 2 (2000): 175-176.
Le Corbusier 1910-65
by Boesiger and Girsberger, eds. Reviewed by Alessandra Capanna
(January 2000). This review
now appears in print in the Nexus
Network Journal 2 (2000): 169-171.
aber quadriere den Kreis..." by Klaus Schröer and
Klaus Irle. Reviewed
by Gert Sperling (English) (January 2000). This review now appears in print in the Nexus Network Journal 2 (2000): 181-183.
aber quadriere den Kreis..."
von Klaus Schröer and Klaus Irle. Rezension
Gert Sperling (Deutsch) (January 2000).
Euclid. The Creation
of Mathematics by Benno Artmann. Reviewed by Kim Williams (January
2000). This review now appears in print
in the Nexus Network
Journal 2 (2000): 195-196.
Fractal Geometry in Architecture
and Design by Carl Bovill.
Reviewed by Leonard K. Eaton (April 1999). No longer available on line, this review now
appears in print in the Nexus
Network Journal 1 (1999): 145-146.
Historic Floors: Their History
and Preservation by Jane Fawcett. Reviewed by Kim Williams (April 1999).
No longer available on line,
this review now appears in print in the Nexus
Network Journal 1 (1999): 171-172.
Bridges: Mathematical Connections
in Art, Music and Science by
Reza Sarhangi, ed. Reviewed
by Solomon Marcus. No longer available
on line, this review now appears in print in the Nexus Network Journal 1 (1999): 149-162.
The Byrom Collection by Joy Hancox.
Reviewed by John Sharp
(October 1999). No longer available on line, this review now
appears in print in the Nexus
Network Journal 1 (1999): 167-169.
The Invention of Infinity by J.V. Field.
Reviewed by Mark Peterson (April 1999). No longer available on line, this review now
appears in print in the Nexus
Network Journal 1 (1999): 163-165.
Nexus: Architecture and Mathematics
by Kim Williams, ed. Reviewed by Leonard K. Eaton (January
1999). No longer available on
line, this review now appears in print in the Nexus Network Journal 1 (1999): 141-143.
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 Copyright ©2005 Kim Williams
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