Journal of Applied Mathematics
Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 252808, 5 pages
Research Article

Determination of Pavement Rehabilitation Activities through a Permutation Algorithm

1Road Management Division, Seoul Metropolitan Government, Republic of Korea
2Department of Civil Engineering, Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Republic of Korea
3ROADTECH Corporation, Ansan-si, Gyunggi-do, Republic of Korea

Received 15 April 2013; Accepted 29 May 2013

Academic Editor: Zong Woo Geem

Copyright © 2013 Sangyum Lee et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


This paper presents a mathematical programming model for optimal pavement rehabilitation planning. The model maximized the rehabilitation area through a newly developed permutation algorithm, based on the procedures outlined in the harmony search (HS) algorithm. Additionally, the proposed algorithm was based on an optimal solution method for the problem of multilocation rehabilitation activities on pavement structure, using empirical deterioration and rehabilitation effectiveness models, according to a limited maintenance budget. Thus, nonlinear pavement performance and rehabilitation activity decision models were used to maximize the objective functions of the rehabilitation area within a limited budget, through the permutation algorithm. Our results showed that the heuristic permutation algorithm provided a good optimum in terms of maximizing the rehabilitation area, compared with a method of the worst-first maintenance currently used in Seoul.