Archivum mathematicum

ISSN 1212-5059 · Volume 60 (2024), No. 5 · Electronic Edition

pp. 283: PDF (102 KiB)

Kenny De Commer
Quantization of semisimple real Lie groups
pp. 285–310: Abstract, GZIP-PS (582 KiB), PDF (579 KiB)

Rita Fioresi1,2 and Robert Yuncken3
Quantized semisimple Lie groups
pp. 311–349: Abstract, GZIP-PS (711 KiB), PDF (709 KiB)

Andrey Krutov and Pavle Pandžić
Quantised $\mathfrak{sl}_2$-differential algebras
pp. 351–364: Abstract, GZIP-PS (518 KiB), PDF (520 KiB)

Pavle Pandžić and Petr Somberg
Braided coproduct, antipode and adjoint action for $U_q(sl_2)$
pp. 365–376: Abstract, GZIP-PS (428 KiB), PDF (444 KiB)