Zentralblatt MATH
Publications in 1957
Zbl 077.26303
Erdös, Paul
, Einige Bemerkungen zur Arbeit von A.Stöhr: ``Gelöste und ungelöste Fragen über Basen der natürlichen Zahlenreihe''. (Some remarks on the paper of A.Stöhr: ``Solved and unsolved questions on bases of the natural numbers''.)
J. Reine Angew. Math. 197, 216-219 (1957).
[Reviewer: H.Ostmann]
, 11B13
Zbl 077.27103
Erdös, Paul; Kakutani, S.
, On a perfect set.
Colloq. Math. 4, 195-196 (1957).
[Reviewer: H.Hornich]
, 04A15
Zbl 078.04203
Erdös, Paul; Fodor, G.
, Some remarks on set theory. IV.
Acta Sci. Math. 18, 243-260 (1957).
[Reviewer: G.Kurepa]
Zbl 078.26105
Erdös, Paul
, Über eine Fragestellung von Gaier und Meyer-König. (On a question of Gaier and Meyer-König.)
Jahresber. Dtsch. Math.-Ver. 60, 89-92 (1957).
[Reviewer: D.Gaier]
, 30B10
Zbl 078.26301
Erdös, Paul; Rényi, Alfréd
, On the number of zeros of successive derivatives of entire functions of finite order.
Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 8, 223-225 (1957).
[Reviewer: N.A.Bowen]
, 30D20 30C15
Zbl 079.06304
Erdös, Paul; Shapiro, Harold N.
, On the least primitive root of a prime.
Pac. J. Math. 7, 861-865 (1957).
[Reviewer: L.K.Hua]
, 11N69 11A07
Zbl 079.07401
Erdös, Paul
, On the irrationality of certain series.
Nederl. Akad. Wet., Proc., Ser. A 60, 212-219 (1957).
[Reviewer: K.Mahler]
, 11J72
Zbl 079.07802
Erdös, Paul; Marcus, S.
, Sur la décomposition de l'espace euclidien en ensembles homogènes. (On the decomposition of the Euclidean space into homogeneous sets)
Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 8, 443-452 (1957).
[Reviewer: G.Kurepa]
, 51-99
Zbl 081.01703
Erdös, Paul
, On the growth of the cyclotomic polynomial in the interval (0,1).
Proc. Glasg. Math. Assoc. 3, 102-104 (1957).
[Reviewer: P.T.Bateman]
, 11C08
Zbl 088.15701
Erdös, Paul
, Remarks on a theorem of Ramsey.
Bull. Res. Council Israel, Sect. F 7, 21-24 (1957).
[Reviewer: Th.Kaluza]
, 05C55
Zbl 099.03903
Erdös, Paul; Rény, Alfréd
, A probabilistic approach to problems of diophantine approximation.
Ill. J. Math. 1, 303-315 (1957).
[Reviewer: E.Hlawka]
, 11N30 11K06
Zbl 102.37004
Erdös, Paul
, On some geometrical problems
Mat. Lapok 8, 86-92 (1957).
[Reviewer: F.Kárteszi]
, 51M04
Zbl 111.26801
Erdös, Paul; Taylor, S.J.
, On the set of points of convergence of a lacunary trigonometric series and the equidistribution properties of related sequences
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., III. Ser. 7, 598-615 (1957).
[Reviewer: J.A.Siddigi]
, 11K06 42A55
Zbl 208.44103
Dvoretzky, A.; Erdös, Paul; Kakutani, S.; Taylor, S.J.
, Triple points of Brownian paths in 3-space
Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 53, 856-862 (1957).
, 60J65
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