THE GEOMETRY OF MIXED FIRST AND SECOND-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS WITH APPLICATIONS TO NON-HOLONOMIC MECHANICS W Sarlet Key words: Mixed first and second-order equations, connections, symmetries, non-holonomic mechanics. 1991 Math. Subject Classification: 58F35, 70F25. Abstract: A geometrical framework is presented for a class of dynamical systems, which are modelled by a mixed system of first and second-order ordinary differential equations. The starting point for the model is a bundle $\pi:E\rightarrow M$, where both $E$ and $M$ are fibred over $\R$. We show that there are two connections associated to systems of this kind: the first one comes from the `constraint equations' (the first-order equations); the second one is related to the full system on the constraint manifold. Among other things, we discuss the concepts of symmetry and adjoint symmetry for such systems and identify for that purpose an appropriate notion of `dynamical covariant derivative' and `Jacobi endomorphism'. The curvature tensors of the two connections play an important role in defining these concepts. The present approach in particular is relevant for modelling certain mechanical systems with non-holonomic constraints.