BRST COHOMOLOGY OF THE HALL EFFECT ON THE SPHERE Antonio L\'opez Almorox and Carlos Tejero Prieto Key words: BRST Cohomology, Hall effect, Symplectic reduction. 1991 Math. Subject Classification: 17B81, 58F06, 58F05, 53C80. Abstract: Symplectic reduction associated with the invariance under rotations of Hall effect on a sphere is analyzed. Angular momenta are in this case irreducible second class constraints and the subvariety of constant energy determines a non trivial $U(1)$-principal fibre bundle over a sphere whose radius depends on the energy and the topological charge of the magnetic Hall field. BRST differentials are constructed and their cohomologies are studied, giving a geometrical interpretation of the ghost and antighost fields. The relationship between energy and angular momenta allow us to define a super-Poisson structure for the trajectories with constant angular momentum but the induced BRST charge must be modified by a derivation of total ghost degree $-1$ in order to obtain the BRST-operator.