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WMY 2000 in Germany


Activities of the German Society for Mathematics Education

In early 1998 some members of the German Society for Mathematics Education (Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik, GDM) called into being an informal group caring about WMY 2000. This group consists by now of some 15 members. Contacts to all of them and the coordinator of the group can be made via the Internet:


Regarding the three aims which were set by the declaration of Rio, the German GDM-group decided to focus ist activities on the third aim - the Image of Mathematics. All activities, including the preparatory ones in 1999, are aiming at the popularization and the improvement of the acceptance of mathematics especially in schools.

In order to attract the attention of pupils and students at German schools to the event WMY 2000 and to raise their sensitivity for our aims, still this year a poster action will be started. We call upon pupils and students (from first-graders through college students) to create a poster concerning WMY 2000, which carries or depicts one of the following mottos (or a self chosen motto):

At the same time we encourage the pupils and students to put up their posters in their classrooms or in the hallways of their schools during the year 2000 or to make up a personal calendar of their posters for the year 2000.

Posters, which turned out very well, can be sent to us by the pupils and students in order to take part in a calendar competition. A publishing house will print and publish a calendar showing the best 12 posters. This calendar will also show data of national and international events and projects in connection with WMY 2000.

In the year 2000 the pupils and students will find many suggestions and ideas for mathematical activities not only on our web-site in the internet, but also through other conventional channels. All these activities are aiming at improving the image of Mathematics in schools and thereby in a much wider public.

Please note that this article only represents activities of people in Germany, who deal with mathematics education. We do not and cannot speak for all people in Germany involved in mathematics.

All communication with this group regarding WMY 2000 activities in Germany should be addressed to:

Prof. Hans-Joachim Sander
PH  Mathematik
Oberbettringer Str. 200
D-73525 Schwaebisch Gmuend

or via E-Mail to one of  the group members (E-Mail addresses see our Homepage) or to


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