WMY2000 NewsLetter 8logoW200.gif (1616 octets)

Buenos Aires - Argentina


  1. The Centre of Mathematics & Design MAyDI from the University of  Buenos Aires, has organized a national call to all Architecture and  Design students of the whole country to participate on the bid for  exhibition of posters in the Buenos Aires subway. The selection will  be made by highly qualified members such as the Director of the  School of Graphic Design at the University of Buenos Aires and the  Director of the Research Centre MAyDI. Metrovias, a private  enterprise, has offered us free space to expose the posters for a  month in the 2000, at all stations of the net. 

  2. The Centre MAyDI has also organized another national contest to  select an issue of commemorative stamps celebrating WMY-2000. Correos  Argentinos is managing freely the reception of the presentations and  will edit the winner stamp next year. 

 For both contests, we have performed a funding campaign with  some industrial firms, newspapers, phone companies, scientific  journals, domestic flight companies, editorials, professional  associations, etc. The purpose of this campaign is to get  contributions (money, supplies like books, journal subscriptions,  printers, software, etc.) to cover first, second and third prizes as  well as 10 special mentions. The prizes will be given at a public  ceremony (13-14 December 1999) and winners from the provinces will  get free tickets and 2 nights in a central hotel to receive them  personally. 

Vera W. de Spinadel, Director of the Centre of Mathematics &  Design MAyDI  
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