WMY2000 NewsLetter 1


Some associations and societies have already shown their interest and their support for WMY 2000.


The International Council of Scientific Unions has published in the fall issue of Science International an article from Professor Lions presenting the Declaration of Rio de Janeiro.


The African Mathematical Union is already involved in WMY 2000, several of its own projects being connected with the second aim of the Declaration of Rio de Janeiro. It is in particular the proposal for Mathematical Sciences Network for Africa. Its aims are, first, to encourage South-South cooperation in the area of research and the training of graduate students, second, to have the University centres included in the network used as regional mathematical centres.
Another important project of AMU which could be pushed under WMY 2000 is a Mathematical Communication Network within Africa and between Africa and the rest of the world.
The Journal, Journal Afrika Mathematika created in 1978 which publishes regularly since several years first rate papers of African mathematicians, is a first essential tool to avoid isolation of mathematicians in Africa.


Last year in May, the Société Mathématique de France and Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles organized in Paris a workshop on "Les Mathématiques au Futur" which intended to echoes to the Rio declaration about "World Mathematical Year 2000". This initiative, welcomed by the French Ministry of Research and Space who patronized the launching of WMY 2000, was addressed to the scientific press and the mathematical community. After an interview of J.L.Lions in which were described the three major aims of WMY 2000, several talks were given on the topic "Mathematics as an Historical adventure". The first one, referring to the work of the "Turn of the Century Committee", dealt with the actuality of the Hilbert program listing the great mathematical challenges of the twentieth century. Then, mathematicians and physicians of the generation of the thirties-forties exposed their vision of mathematics of their times, telling what they thought important for the next years to come. The mathematical fields mentionned were Number Theory and Topology, Geometry and Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Applied Mathematics, Dynamical Systems and Analysis. At last, P.Bérard, Secretary of the Commission on Development and Exchanges spoke of the second aim of WMY 2000, the great challenge of mathematical alphabetisation, explaining the formation and teaching problems in mathematics, in particular among Developing Countries, and the support that could be brought to them.


The Israël Academy informed the IMU that it strongly supports the aims of the Rio Declaration considering it was a privilege to promote this cause.


During its first Congress in Paris in July 1992, the European Mathematical Society (EMS) organized a round table "Collaboration with Developing Countries" to which participated several members of the CDE including its President. Recommendations, akin to the aims and activities of the CDE, have been drawn for future actions : 1. make governments aware of the importance of mathematics, 2. training at graduate level and PhD or postdoctoral research, 3. develop local research, 4. multiply local initiatives to develop communications, libraries and scientific documentation. EMS is now thinking how to take care of these recommendations in the future.

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