Geometry & Topology Monographs 3 (2000) -
Invitation to higher local fields,
Part I, section 2, pages 19-29
p-primary part of the Milnor K-groups and Galois cohomology of fields of
characteristic p
O. Izhboldin
For an arbitrary field
p-torsion and cotorsion of the Milnor groups
K_n(F) and K_n^{t}(F)=K_n(F)/\cap_{l\ge1} lK_n(F)
are discussed.
The work contains further discussions of
an analogue of Satz 90 for K_n(F) and K_n^{t}(F) and
computation of H^{n+1}_m(F) where
F is either the rational function field in one variable F=k(t)
or the formal power series F=k((t)).
Keywords. Milnor K-groups, cohomology groups.
AMS subject classification. 19F99.
E-print: arXiv:math.NT/0012133
Oleg Izhboldin
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