Algebraic and Geometric Topology 5 (2005),
paper no. 55, pages 1419-1432.
Intrinsically linked graphs and even linking number
Thomas Fleming, Alexander Diesl
We study intrinsically linked graphs where we require that every
embedding of the graph contains not just a non-split link, but a link
that satisfies some additional property. Examples of properties we
address in this paper are: a two component link with lk(A,L) = k2^r, k
not 0, a non-split n-component link where all linking numbers are
even, or an n-component link with components L, A_i where lk(L,A_i) =
3k, k not 0. Links with other properties are considered as well. For a
given property, we prove that every embedding of a certain complete
graph contains a link with that property. The size of the complete
graph is determined by the property in question.
Intrinsically linked graph, spatial graph, graph embedding, linking number
AMS subject classification.
Primary: 57M15.
Secondary: 57M25,05C10.
E-print: arXiv:math.GT/0511133
DOI: 10.2140/agt.2005.5.1419
Submitted: 22 April 2004.
(Revised: 13 September 2005.)
Accepted: 20 September 2005.
Published: 15 October 2005.
Notes on file formats
Thomas Fleming, Alexander Diesl
University of California San Diego, Department of Mathematics
9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0112, USA
University of California Berkeley, Department of Mathematics
970 Evans Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-3840, USA
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