Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA)

SIGMA 15 (2019), 074, 17 pages      arXiv:1811.03285

Combinatorial Expressions for the Tau Functions of $q$-Painlevé V and III Equations

Yuya Matsuhira and Hajime Nagoya
School of Mathematics and Physics, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-1192, Japan

Received November 24, 2018, in final form September 13, 2019; Published online September 23, 2019

We derive series representations for the tau functions of the $q$-Painlevé V, $\mathrm{III_1}$, $\mathrm{III_2}$, and $\mathrm{III_3}$ equations, as degenerations of the tau functions of the $q$-Painlevé VI equation in [Jimbo M., Nagoya H., Sakai H., J. Integrable Syst. 2 (2017), xyx009, 27 pages]. Our tau functions are expressed in terms of $q$-Nekrasov functions. Thus, our series representations for the tau functions have explicit combinatorial structures. We show that general solutions to the $q$-Painlevé V, $\mathrm{III_1}$, $\mathrm{III_2}$, and $\mathrm{III_3}$ equations are written by our tau functions. We also prove that our tau functions for the $q$-Painlevé $\mathrm{III_1}$, $\mathrm{III_2}$, and $\mathrm{III_3}$ equations satisfy the three-term bilinear equations for them.

Key words: $q$-Painlevé equations; tau functions; $q$-Nekrasov functions; bilinear equations.

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