Séminaires et Congrès - 14

Séminaires et Congrès

Théories asymptotiques et équations de Painlevé - Angers, juin 2004
Éric Delabaere - Michèle Loday-Richaud (Éd.)
Séminaires et Congrès 14 (2006), xxvi+363 pages

Philip Boalch
Six results on Painlevé VI
Abstract and full text

Peter A. Clarkson
Special Polynomials Associated with Rational and Algebraic Solutions of the Painlevé Equations
Abstract and full text

Peter A. Clarkson - Nalini Joshi - Marta Mazzocco
The Lax pair for the mKdV Hierarchy
Abstract and full text

Robert Conte - Micheline Musette - Caroline Verhoeven
Painlevé property of the Hénon-Heiles Hamiltonians
Abstract and full text

Davide Guzzetti
The elliptic Representation of the Sixth Painlevé Equation
Abstract and full text

Michi-aki Inaba - Katsunori Iwasaki - Masa-Hiko Saito
Dynamics of the Sixth Painlevé Equation
Abstract and full text

Kenji Kajiwara - Tetsu Masuda - Masatoshi Noumi - Yasuhiro Ohta - Yasuhiko Yamada
Point configurations, Cremona transformations and the elliptic difference Painlevé equation
Abstract and full text

Alexander V. Kitaev
Remarks towards a classification of RS42(3)-transformations and algebraic solutions of the sixth Painlevé equation
Abstract and full text

Juan J. Morales-Ruiz
A Remark about the Painlevé Transcendents
Abstract and full text

Alfred Ramani - Basil Grammaticos - Thamizharasi Tamizhmani
On the alternate discrete Painlevé equations and related systems
Abstract and full text

Jacques Sauloy
Isomonodromy for complex linear q-difference equations
Abstract and full text

Yoshitsugu Takei
On a local reduction of a higher order Painlevé equation and its underlying Lax pair near a simple turning point of the first kind
Abstract and full text

Hiroshi Umemura
Galois theory and Painlevé equations
Abstract and full text

Changgui Zhang
Solutions asymptotiques et méromorphes d'équations aux q-différences
Abstract and full text

ISBN : 0
ISSN : 1285-2783