Séminaires et Congrès - 10

Séminaires et Congrès

Singularités franco-japonaises
Jean-Paul Brasselet - Tatsuo Suwa (Éd.)
Séminaires et Congrès 10 (2005), xxxii+460 pages

Fuensanta Aroca - Jawad Snoussi
Normal quasi-ordinary singularities
Abstract and full text

Romain Bondil
General elements of an m-primary ideal on a normal surface singularity
Abstract and full text

Jean-Paul Brasselet - Jose Seade - Tatsuo Suwa
An explicit cycle representing the Fulton-Johnson class, I
Abstract and full text

Thomas Brélivet
Sur les paires spectrales de polynômes à deux variables
Abstract and full text

David Garber
On the connection between affine and projective fundamental groups of line arrangements and curves
Abstract and full text

Helmut A. Hamm - Lê Dung Tráng
On the Picard group for non-complete algebraic varieties
Abstract and full text

Heisuke Hironaka
Three key theorems on infinitely near singularities
Abstract and full text

Dwi Juniati - David Trotman
Determination of Lipschitz Stratifications for the surfaces ya= zbxc+ xd
Abstract and full text

Vladimir Petrov Kostov
On arrangements of the roots of a hyperbolic polynomial and of one of its derivatives
Abstract and full text

Krzysztof Kurdyka - Laurentiu Paunescu
Arc-analyticity is an open property
Abstract and full text

Ignacio Luengo - Anne Pichon
Lê's conjecture for cyclic covers
Abstract and full text

Yayoi Nakamura - Shinichi Tajima
Unimodal singularities and differential operators
Abstract and full text

Mutsuo Oka
A survey on Alexander polynomials of plane curves
Abstract and full text

Hiroshi Ohta - Kaoru Ono
Symplectic 4-manifolds containing singular rational curves with (2,3)-cusp
Abstract and full text

Adam Parusinski
Integrability of some functions on semi-analytic sets
Abstract and full text

Patrick Polo
Construction d'hypersurfaces affines à cohomologie d'intersection prescrite
Abstract and full text

Tatsuo Suwa
Residues of Chern classes on singular varieties
Abstract and full text

Shinichi Tajima - Yayoi Nakamura
Computational aspects of Grothendieck local residues
Abstract and full text

Hiro-o Tokunaga
2-dimensional versal S4-covers and rational elliptic surfaces
Abstract and full text

Tadashi Tomaru
On some classes of weakly Kodaira singularities
Abstract and full text

Meral Tosun
ADE surface singularities, chambers and toric varieties
Abstract and full text

Shoji Tsuboi
The Chern Numbers of the Normalization of an Algebraic Threefold with Ordinary Singularities
Abstract and full text

Nguyen Chanh Tu
On semi-stable, singular cubic surfaces
Abstract and full text

Michel Vaquié
Famille admise associée à une valuation de K[x]
Abstract and full text

Shoji Yokura
Generalized Ginzburg-Chern classes
Abstract and full text

Atsuko Yamada Yoshikawa - Ken-Ichi Yoshikawa
Isolated Critical Points and Adiabatic Limits of Chern Forms
Abstract and full text

ISBN : 2-85629-166-X
ISSN : 1285-2783