Dico–Ratio Estimation with Auxiliary Information in 3×3
Contingency Tables
Jairo Alberto Fúquene
The S.I, P.P.S, STSI and stratified by the Hidiroglou’s method to estimate a totals ratio of dichotomic variables are compared. In the P.P.S. design the
selection probabilities that make minimum the approximate variance are showed.
In the STSI design, in the case of proportional assignment of sample, the
efficiency to use the same auxiliary information that in the P.P.S. design one
is compared. By simulation, all the designs are compared and is
obtained that for a medium or high grade of correspondence between the
auxiliary variable and the variable of interest, the estimators for the STSI
and P.P.S. designs are more efficient.
Key words: Auxiliary categorical information,
Estimation of a totals ratio of dichotomic variables,
Dicho–ratio, P.P.T. design, STSI design.
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