New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 30 (2024), 532-549


Lewis Molyneux, Brita Nucinkis, and Yuri Santos Rego

The sigma invariants for the golden mean Thompson group

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Published: March 31, 2024.
Keywords: Thompson groups; golden ratio; BNSR sigma invariants; finite index; finiteness proporties; HNN extensions.
Subject [2010]: 20F65, 57M07, 20E06, 20F69.

We use a method of Bieri, Geoghegan and Kochloukova to calculate the BNSR-invariants for the irrational slope Thompson's group Fτ. To do so we establish conditions under which the Sigma invariants coincide with those of a subgroup of finite index, addressing a problem posed by Strebel.


YSR was partially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), 314838170, GRK 2297 MathCoRe, while working on this project at the OvGU Magdeburg.

Author information

Lewis Molyneux
Royal Holloway, University of London
Department of Mathematics
McCrea Building, TW20 0EX Egham, UK


Brita Nucinkis
Royal Holloway, University of London
Department of Mathematics
McCrea Building, TW20 0EX Egham, UK


Yuri Santos Rego
University of Lincoln
Charlotte Scott Research Centre for Algebra
School of Mathematics and Physics
Brayford Pool, LN6 7TS Lincoln, UK
