Ridha Selmi, Mounia Zaabi

Mathematical Study to a Regularized 3D-Boussinesq System

We prove existence of weak solution to a regularized Boussinesq system in Sobolev spaces under the minimal regularity to the initial data. Continuous dependence on initial data (and then uniqueness) is proved provided that the initial fluid velocity is mean free. If the temperature is also mean free, we prove that the solution decays exponentially fast, as time goes to infinity. Moreover, we show that the unique solution converges to a Leray-Hopf solution of the three-dimensional Boussinesq system, as the regularizing parameter alpha vanishes. The mean free technical condition appears because the nonlinear part of the fluid equation is subject to regularization. The main tools are the energy methods, the compactness method, the Poincar\'e inequality and some Gr\"onwall type inequalities. To handle the long time behaviour, a time dependent change of function is used.

Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 35A05, 35B30, 35B40; Secondary 35B10, 35B45

Key words and phrases: Three-dimensional periodic Boussinesq system, weak solution, regularization, existence, uniqueness, convergence, asymptotic behavior, long time behavior, mean free