Quantum gravity is expected to be necessary in order to understand situations where classical general relativity breaks down. In particular in cosmology one has to deal with initial singularities, i.e., the fact that the backward evolution of a classical space-time inevitably comes to an end after a finite amount of proper time. This presents a breakdown of the classical picture and requires an extended theory for a meaningful description. Since small length scales and high curvatures are involved, quantum effects must play a role. Not only the singularity itself but also the surrounding space-time is then modified. One particular realization is loop quantum cosmology, an application of loop quantum gravity to homogeneous systems, which removes classical singularities. Its implications can be studied at different levels. Main effects are introduced into effective classical equations which allow to avoid interpretational problems of quantum theory. They give rise to new kinds of early universe phenomenology with applications to inflation and cyclic models. To resolve classical singularities and to understand the structure of geometry around them, the quantum description is necessary. Classical evolution is then replaced by a difference equation for a wave function which allows to extend space-time beyond classical singularities. One main question is how these homogeneous scenarios are related to full loop quantum gravity, which can be dealt with at the level of distributional symmetric states. Finally, the new structure of space-time arising in loop quantum gravity and its application to cosmology sheds new light on more general issues such as time.
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Since a Living Reviews in Relativity article may evolve over time, please cite the access <date>, which uniquely identifies the version of the article you are referring to:
Martin Bojowald,
"Loop Quantum Cosmology",
Living Rev. Relativity 8, (2005), 11. URL (cited on <date>):
ORIGINAL | http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2005-11 |
Title | Loop Quantum Cosmology |
Author | Martin Bojowald |
Date | accepted 28 October 2005, published 8 December 2005 |
UPDATE | http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2008-4 |
Title | Loop Quantum Cosmology |
Author | Martin Bojowald |
Date | accepted 26 May 2008, published 2 July 2008 |
Changes | Updated and added 108 new references.
New: Sect. 3.7 on relational dynamics Sect. 4.7 on phenomenological higher curvature corrections Sect. 4.8 on their intuitive meaning Sect. 4.9 on applications Sect. 4.13 on phenomenological higher curvature in anisotropic models Sect. 4.14 bottom paragraph on the BKL picture Sect. 4.19.1 paragraph Sect. 4.19.5 on cosmological perturbation theory Sect. 4.19.6 on equations of state Sect. 4.19.7 on big bang nucleosynthesis Sect. 4.20 extended summary Sect. 5.5 on dynamical refinements of the discreteness scale Sect. 5.20 on numerical and mathematical quantum cosmology Sect. 6 on effective theory Sect. 7.1 two bottom paragraphs on symmetric states Sect. 9 some updates according to recent progress Systematic changes: Sect. 4: consider different types of quantum corrections from loop quantum gravity: inverse volume and holonomies. Emphasize quantum back-reaction with reference to new Sect. 6 Sect. 4.17: several changes on inhomogeneous perturbations Sect. 5.4: several remarks added on possible scale dependence of the discreteness in Hamiltonian constraint operators as well as new constructions of operators for closed and open models Sect. 5.6.2: update of procedure to derive effective equations, with reference to new Sect. 6 Corrections in Sect. 5.11 on Einstein-Rosen waves |