Dear Prof. Sloane We are very happy that our paper ``On the kernel of tree incidence matrices'' has been accepted for the J. Integer Sequences. We have not made any deep changes since we sent it to you, but we corrected a few obvious typos. So we send a new copy in attachment, in latex and ps. Again, we apologize that we were unable to turn this into a reasonnable html file. We have a few questions for you : -- What do we have to do to submit the sequence to the encyclopedia ? We probably should wait until you have given us the final reference of our paper in the J. Integer Sequences. -- We would like to send our paper to the physics preprint database in Los Alamos, maybe with a crosslisting to mathematics. Is this possible ? As you probably know, this is not another journal, just a database, but if this conflicts with the spirit of the J. Integer Sequences, let us know. In case this is fine for you, the final reference would be useful for this purpose as well. Sincerely yours. Michel Bauer and Olivier Golinelli. __________________________________________ Michel Bauer | Service de Physique Theorique de Saclay | Centre d'Etudes de Saclay | 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex | France | | Tel : (33) 01 69 08 75 74 | Fax : (33) 01 69 08 81 20 | __________________________________________|