{$apptype console} { Create start word for words_second_search program. Usage: basictosave . The program concatenates basic words and writes result to save1.txt file. } var s:string; f,f1:text; i:integer;c:char; begin if paramcount<>2 then halt; s:=paramstr(1); {open file with the first basic word} assign(f,s); reset(f); {open result file} assign(f1,'save1.txt'); rewrite(f1); {write length of the result word} writeln(f1,3215*2+1); {copy the first word} for i:=1 to 3215 do begin read(f,c); write(f1,c); end; close(f); s:=paramstr(2); {open file with the second basic word} assign(f,s); reset(f); {copy the second word} for i:=1 to 3215 do begin read(f,c); write(f1,c); end; close(f); {the first symbol to start enumeration of possibilities} writeln(f1,'.'); writeln(f1,0); close(f1); end.