Département de Mathématiques, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Vieux Kouba 16050 Algiers, Algeria, and Centre d'Analyse Non Linéaire, Département de Mathématiques, URA-CNRS 399, Université de Metz, Ile du Saulcy, 57045 METZ Cedex 01, France, brighi@poncelet.univ-metz.fr
Abstract: In this paper we are interested in functions defined, on a set of matrices, by the mean of quadratic forms and we compute the rank-one-convex, quasiconvex, polyconvex and convex envelopes of these functions. For that, and for a given quadratic form, we prove, in a first part, some general decomposition results for matrices, with a rank-one-compatibility condition. We also study the James-Ericksen stored energy function.
Keywords: rank-one-convex, quasiconvex, envelope, quadratic form, James-Ericksen function, Pipkin's formula
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