General Mathematics, Vol. 5, No. 1 - 4, pp. 313-320, 1995

Dan I. Papuc -- The Geometry of a Vector Bundle Endowen with a Cone Field

Abstract: In this research-expository survey the definition of a regular vector bundle endowed with a cone field and some fundamental elements of the geometry of this new structure are presented. Two particular examples of this structure were studied in [13] and in [14]. This way, in [13] a new geometry of a Lorentzian manifold and in [14] a new geometry of the set of Riemannian metrics and of the group of diffeomorphisms of an arbitrary differentiable manifold are obtained.

Classification (MSC91): 55R25; 47H07; 53C50; 58D05; 58D17.

Keywords: vector bundle, cone field.

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