General Mathematics, Vol. 5, No. 1 - 4, pp. 247-254, 1995

Stefano Marchiafava -- Twistor Equation, Moment Forms and Compatible Complex Structures on a Quaternion-K\"ahler Manifold

Abstract: Let \mqk be a \qk manifold with non-zero scalar curvature $ K $. Extending previous results of Salamon, Galicki and Lawson we describe a correspondence among conformally balanced complex structures $ J $ which are compatible with the quaternionic structure $ Q $, Killing vector fields $ X $, self-dual $ 2 $-forms $ \mu $ satisfying the twistor equation and eigenforms of the Laplacian acting on $ 2 $-forms.

Classification (MSC91): 53C10 - 32C10


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