General Mathematics, Vol. 5, No. 1 - 4, pp. 219-224, 1995

F. W. Knoller -- Complex Arrangements and Derivations

Abstract: Let $A$ be a finite family of proper affine subspaces $h\subset \R^n$ and $\displaystyle{M(A)= \R^n \setminus \bigcup_{h\in A}h}$. The union $\displaystyle{\bigcup_{h\in A}h}$ has the homotopy type of the geometric realisation $|\Delta L^\bullet|$ of the order--complex $\Delta L^\bullet$ of $L^\bullet :=L-\{\hat 0\}$. Cohomology as well as homotopy properties of $M(A)$ are discussed. The order--complex $\Delta L^\bullet$ is studied from an algebraic point of view.

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