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\title[ NONABELIAN SYLOW SUBGROUPS]{Nonabelian Sylow subgroups of 
finite groups of even order}

\author[N.~Chigira]{Naoki Chigira}
\address{Department of Mathematical Sciences,
 Muroran Institute of Technology, Hokkaido 050-8585, Japan}

\author[N.~Iiyori]{Nobuo Iiyori}
\address{Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, 
 Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi 753-8512, Japan}

\author[H.~Yamaki]{Hiroyoshi Yamaki}
\address{Department of Mathematics, 
 Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan}

%    General info
\subjclass{Primary 20D05, 20D06, 20D20}

\dateposted{November 10, 1998}
\PII{S 1079-6762(98)00051-1}
\copyrightinfo{1998}{American Mathematical Society}

\date{October 20, 1997}

\commby{Efim Zelmanov}

\keywords{Sylow subgroups, prime graphs, simple groups}

%\noindent {\it AMS 1991 subject classifications}:  

We have been able to prove that every nonabelian Sylow subgroup
of a finite group of even order contains a nontrivial element which 
commutes with
an involution.  The proof depends upon the consequences of the 
classification of finite
simple groups.

\thanks{The third author was
supported in part by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 
(No. 8304003, No. 08640051), Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and 
Culture, Japan.}



The purpose of this note is to announce \cite{ciy}:
Every nonabelian Sylow subgroup of a finite group of even order 
contains a nontrivial element which commutes with an involution.
 Let $G$ be a finite group and $\Gamma (G)$ the prime graph of $G$.
$\Gamma (G)$ is the graph such that the vertex set is the set of prime
divisors of $|G|$, and two distinct vertices $p$ and $r$ are joined by 
an edge
if and only if there exists an element of order $pr$ in $G$.  Let $n( 
\Gamma (G))$
be the number of connected components of $\Gamma (G)$ and $d_G(p,r)$  the
distance between two vertices $p$ and $r$ of $\Gamma (G)$.  It has been 
that $n( \Gamma (G)) \leq 6$ in \cite{williams}, \cite{iy4}, 
\cite{kondrat'ev}, \cite{iy3}.

Let $G$ be a finite group of even order and $p$ a prime divisor 
of $|G|$.
If $d_G(2,p) \geq 2$, then a Sylow $p$-subgroup of $G$ is abelian.
Theorem \ref{thm:1} is a restatement of the 
Main Theorem in terms of the prime graph 
$\Gamma (G)$.
Let $G$ be a finite group of even order and $p$ a prime divisor of 
If $\Delta $ is a connected component of $\Gamma (G) - \{p \}$ not 
containing $2$, then 
a Sylow $r$-subgroup of $G$ is abelian for any $r \in \Delta $.
There is a certain relation between a subgraph $\Gamma(G)-\{p\}$ 
 of $\Gamma(G)$ and Brauer characters of $p$-modular representations of
$G$ (see \cite{ci1}).

Let $G$ be a finite nonabelian simple group and $p$ an odd prime divisor 
of $|G|$.
Then $d_G(2,p)=1$ or $2$ provided $d_G(2,p)< \infty$. 
The significance of the prime graphs of finite groups can be found in
\cite{c1}, \cite{ci1}, \cite{iiyori1}, \cite{iiyori2}, \cite{iy1},
\cite{iy2}, \cite{y2}, \cite{y3}.
We apply the classification of finite simple groups (see \cite{c1},
\cite{c2}, \cite{ciy}, \cite{iy1}, \cite{iy4}, \cite{y1}).
It has been proved that a minimal counterexample to Theorem \ref{thm:1} is a 
simple group.  We will give some examples of case 
by case analysis for finite simple groups.
Theorem \ref{thm:1} holds true for the sporadic simple groups by Atlas of Finite 
although we can find several typos in it. For a positive integer $k$ 
let $\pi (k)$ be
the set of all prime divisors of $k$.
Let $\pi_0=\{p\in \pi(G) \mid d_G(2,p)=1\}$. Then we do not have to think 
about primes
in $\pi_0$ in order to give the proof of Theorem \ref{thm:1}. 
Let $G$ be the alternating group on $n$-letters and $p\in \pi (G)$.
It is trivial that Theorem \ref{thm:1} holds true for $A_5$ and $A_6$.
Assume that $n\geq 7$.
If $p\leq n-4$, then $d_G(2,p)=1$.  If $p\geq n-3$, then Sylow 
of $G$ are cyclic of order $p$.  Thus Theorem \ref{thm:1}
holds true for the alternating groups.
Let $G=PSL(n,q)$,  $q\equiv 0\pod{2}$.  
Then $|G|=q^{n(n-1)/2} \prod\limits_{i=1}^{n-1} (q^{i+1}-1)d^{-1}$, 
Let $I_j$  be the $j \times j$ identity matrix.
I_k & 0 & 0\\
0 & I_{n-2k} & 0\\
I_k & 0 & I_k \\
Then $t_k^{\prime}\ (1\leq k \leq r)$, where $r=[n/2]$, are 
representatives of the conjugacy classes of involutions in $SL(n,q)$. 
The centralizer of $t_k^{\prime}$ in $SL(n,q)$ is the set of all matrices
of the form
A & 0 & 0\\
H & B & 0\\
K & L & A\\
where $(\operatorname{det}A)^2\operatorname{det}B=1$ and $A$ is 
a $k\times k$ nonsingular matrix.
Denote $t_k$ the homomorphic image of $t_k^{\prime}$ in $PSL(n,q)$.
Then $t_k$ $(1\leq k \leq r)$ are representatives of the conjugacy 
of involutions in $PSL(n,q)$.  Let $C_k=C_G(t_k)$. Then
\[ \pi (C_k)=\pi (2 \prod\limits_{i=1}^{n-2k}(q^i-1)/(q-1)d)\]
\[ \pi_0 = \pi(\prod\limits_{k=1}^r|C_k|)=\pi (2
Suppose $n\geq 4$. Then the only factors of $|G|$ to be considered
are $(q^{n-1}-1)(q^n-1)$.  There are maximal tori $T(A_{n-2})$ of order 
and $T(A_{n-1})$ of order $(q^n-1)/(q-1)d$. Let $p\in \pi 
(T(X))-\pi_{0}$, where
$X=A_{n-1}$ or $A_{n-2}$.  Let $P$ be a Sylow $p$-subgroup of $T(X)$. 
Then $d_G(2,p)=1$ or $P$ is a Sylow $p$-subgroup of $G$.  
Since $P$ is abelian, Theorem \ref{thm:1} holds true for $G=PSL(n,q)$, $n\geq 4$.

Suppose that $n=3$.  Then $|G|=q^3(q^2-1)(q^3-1)d^{-1}$ and 
there are three classes of maximal tori of orders
\[(q-1)^2d^{-1}, \quad (q^2-1)d^{-1}, \quad (q^2+q+1)d^{-1}.\]
We note that a torus of order $(q^2+q+1)d^{-1}$ is an isolated subgroup.
If $q > 4$,  then $d_G(2,r)=2$ for $r\in \pi (q+1)$. Let $R$ be a Sylow
$r$-subgroup of $G$. Then $R$ is contained in a maximal torus of
order $(q^2-1)d^{-1}$.  If $q=4$, then $G=PSL(3,4)$ and 
If  $q=2$, then  $G=PSL(3,2)$ and $|G|=2^3\cdot3\cdot7$.
We have verified Theorem \ref{thm:1} for $n=3$.  It is trivial that Theorem \ref{thm:1} 
holds true for $PSL(2,q)$.
Let $G$ be a simple group of Lie type and $T$ a maximal torus. Let 
$p\in \pi(T)-\pi_0$.
Then $T$ contains a Sylow $p$-subgroup of $G$.
Theorem \ref{thm:3} is a corollary of Theorem \ref{thm:1}. 
Actually we prove Theorem \ref{thm:3} for specified
tori  when we verify Theorem \ref{thm:1} for the simple groups of Lie type.
\bibitem{c1} N. Chigira,
Finite groups whose abelian subgroups have consecutive orders,
Osaka J. Math. {\bf 35} (1998), 439--445. 
\bibitem{c2} N. Chigira,
Number of Sylow subgroups and $p$-nilpotence of finite groups,
J. Algebra {\bf 201} (1998), 71--85. \CMP{98:09}
\bibitem{ci1} N. Chigira and N. Iiyori,
Prime graphs and Brauer characters,
To appear in J. Group Theory.
\bibitem{ciy} N. Chigira, N. Iiyori and H. Yamaki,
Nonabelian Sylow subgroups of finite groups of even order,
in preparation.
\bibitem{iiyori1} N. Iiyori,
Sharp characters and prime graphs of finite groups,
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{\bf 163}
1--8. \MR{94m:20021}
\bibitem{iiyori2} N. Iiyori,
A conjecture of Frobenius and the simple groups of Lie type IV,
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188--214.  \MR{94d:20014}
\bibitem{iy1} N. Iiyori and H. Yamaki,
On a conjecture of Frobenius,
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413--416. \MR{92e:20014}
\bibitem{iy2} N. Iiyori and H. Yamaki,
A conjecture of Frobenius and the simple groups of Lie type III,
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329--332.  \MR{93c:20033}
\bibitem{iy3} N. Iiyori and H. Yamaki,
A conjecture of Frobenius,
Sugaku Expositions, Amer. Math. Soc.
{\bf 9}
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\bibitem{iy4} N. Iiyori and H. Yamaki,
Prime graph components of the simple groups of Lie type over the
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\bibitem{williams} J. S. Williams,
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\bibitem{y1} H. Yamaki,
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229--244.  \MR{53:13384}
\bibitem{y2} H. Yamaki,
A conjecture of Frobenius and the sporadic simple groups I,
Comm. Algebra
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S43--S46.  \MR{85k:20049}; \MR{87i:20033}
\bibitem{y3} H. Yamaki,
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