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More info or comments: Stan Wagon (wagon@macalester.edu)\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Hardy-Littlewood Code", "Section", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell["\<\ diamond = {-1, 1, I, -I}; castle = {0, 2, 4, 1 + I, 3 + I, 2*I, 4 + 2*I, 1 + 3*I, 3 + 3*I, 4*I, 2 + \ 4*I, 4 + 4*I}; fifteenexample = {11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67}; \ \>", "Input", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell[BoxData[{ \(\(\(SetAttributes[GaussianMod, \ Listable];\)\(\n\) \)\), "\n", \(\ \(\(GaussianMod[u_?GaussianIntegerQ, \ z_?GaussianIntegerQ]\ := \ \n\ \ Module[{d, q, \ a\ = \ Re[z], \ b = Im[z], \ x = Re[u], \ y = Im[u]}, \n\ \ {d, \ e}\ = \ ExtendedGCD[a, b]; \n\ \ \ q\ = \ Quotient[y, d]; \n\ \ \ Mod[ x\ - \ a\ q\ e[\([2]\)]\ + \ b\ q\ e[\([1]\)], \n\t\ \((a^2 + b^2)\)/d]\ \ + I\ \((y\ - \ q\ d)\)]\)\(\n\) \)\)}], "Input", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell["\<\ ToComplex[e_] := e /. {x_, y_} :> x+I y ToCoords[e_] := e /. x_?NumericQ :> {Re[x], Im[x]} Format[ExponentForm[n_, b_:10]] := Module[{e = N[Log[b, Abs[n]], 20], h, ff, nn = Abs[n]}, h = Round[e]; e = If[h < e + 0.4, h, h - 1]; Sign[n]*If[(ff = IntegerExponent[nn, b]) != 0 && nn/b^ff < Sqrt[nn], nn/b^ff*ToString[b]^ff, SFTF[ToString[b]^e + (nn - b^e)]]] ExponentForm /: N[HoldPattern[ExponentForm[n_, b_:10]]] := N[n] If[$VersionNumber < 4, IntegerExponent[n_, b_Integer] := Module[{m = n, r = 0}, While[Mod[m, b] == 0, m /= b; r++]; r] /; b > 1 && n > 0; IntegerExponent[0, b_Integer] := Infinity]\ \>", "Input",\ PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell["\<\ FactorFormfor[{}] = 1; FactorFormfor[l_] := SequenceForm @@ (DisplayForm[RowBox[{#, \" \"}]] &) /@ MapThread[If[#2 == 1, If[Head[#1] === Complex, StringJoin[\"(\", ToString[#1], \")\"], ToString[#1]], SuperscriptBox[ToString[#1], #2]] & , Transpose[l]] /. {\"(I)\" -> \"I\", \"(-I)\" -> \"-I\"}; FactorFormfor[x_?Negative] := SequenceForm[\"-\", FactorForm[FactorInteger[-x]]]; HoldPattern[FactorForm[x_]] := FactorFormfor[x]; FactorForm /: N[HoldPattern[FactorForm[l_]], prec_:16] := N[Unfactor[Round[l]], prec]; Unfactor[n_] := Times @@ Apply[Power, Round[n], {1}]\ \>", "Input", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell["\<\ HardyLittlewood::usage = \"HardyLittlewood[A, prec:6] returns the \ Hardy-Littlewood constant for the set A of integers or Gaussian integers.\"; ConstellationEstimate::usage = \"ConstellationEstimate[A, prec:6] returns the \ function, of R, say, that gives the estimate for the number of times the \ pattern A occurs in the primes up to R (or the Gaussian primes in the first \ octant of radius R). R can be either numeric or symbolic, and in the latter \ case the result is the symbolic function of R.\"; ZetaGaussian::usage = \"ZetaGaussian[s] gives the version of the Riemann zeta \ function appropriate for the Gaussian integers: the sum of 1/N(z)^s where z \ ranges over Z[i], ignoring associates.\"; PrimeZeta::usage = \"PrimeZeta[s, prec:6] gives the prime zeta function, the \ sum of 1/p^s over prime p. The GaussianIntegers option causes this to compute \ the Gaussian prime zeta function.\"; EulerProduct::usage = \"EulerProduct[k,n] gives the product of \ (p-k)p^(k-1)/(p-1)^k over primes p \[GreaterEqual] n in typeset form. n \ should be larger than k\"; ConstellationEstimateAsymptotic::usage = \"ConstellationEstimateAsymptotic[A] \ is a function that gives the constellation estimate for A in its asymptotic \ form.\";\ \>", "Input", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell["\<\ Unprotect[NextPrime]; NextPrime[-3] := -2 NextPrime[-2] := 2 NextPrime[-1] := 2 NextPrime[0] := 2 NextPrime[1] := 2 NextPrime[r_Real] := NextPrime[Floor[r]] NextPrime[n_Integer] := Block[{i = n + 1 + Mod[n, 2]}, If[Abs[n] < 10^20, While[Not[PrimeQ[i]], i += 2], prod = Apply[Times, Prime[Range[Log[ Abs[n] ]]]]; While[True, If[GCD[ i, prod] == 1, If[PrimeQ[i], Break[]]]; i += 2] ]; i ] SFTF[x_] := StandardForm[TraditionalForm[x]] GaussianNorm[a_?GaussianIntegerQ] := Abs[a]^2 GaussianIntegerQ[a_Integer] := True GaussianIntegerQ[Complex[a_Integer, b_Integer]] := True GaussianIntegerQ[a_] := False GaussianPrimeQ[p_?GaussianIntegerQ] := PrimeQ[p, GaussianIntegers -> True] Options[AdmissibleQ] = {GaussianIntegers->False}; AdmissibleQ[c_, opts___] := Module[ {primes, gi, l=Length[c]}, gi = GaussianIntegers /. {opts} /. Options[AdmissibleQ]; If[!FreeQ[c, Complex], gi = True]; If[gi, primes = Select[Flatten[Table[a + b I, {a, 0, Floor[Sqrt[l]]}, {b, 0, Floor[Sqrt[l - a^2]]}]], GaussianPrimeQ]; And @@ (Length[Union[Mod[c, #]]] != GaussianNorm[#] &) /@ primes, And @@ Table[p = Prime[i]; Length[Union[Mod[c, p]]] != p, {i, PrimePi[l]}]]] \ \>", "Input", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell[BoxData[{ \(\($MaxExtraPrecision = 300;\)\ \ \ \n\), "\n", \(\(ZetaGaussian[s_]\ := Zeta[s]\ \ 4\^\(-s\)\ \((Zeta[s, 1/4] - Zeta[s, 3/4])\);\)\n\t\t\), "\n", \(\(distancesq[a_, \ b_]\ := \ Abs[b - a]^2;\)\), "\n", \(\(\(maxnorm[set_]\ := Max[Apply[distancesq, DeleteCases[ Distribute[{set, set}, \ List], \ {x_, \ x_}], \ {1}]];\)\(\n\) \)\), "\n", \(\(\(NextNorm[L_]\ := \ Module[{t = L + 1}, \ While[\(! \((\n\t\t\t\t\t\((IntegerQ[tt = Sqrt[t]] && Mod[tt, 4] == 3\ && \ PrimeQ[tt])\) || \n\t\t\((\t Mod[t, 4] == 1\ && \ PrimeQ[t])\))\)\), \ \(t++\)]; \ t];\)\(\n\) \)\), "\n", \(\(\(Gprime[ n_]\ := \ \(FactorInteger[n, \ GaussianIntegers -> True]\)[\([\(-1\), 1]\)];\)\(\n\) \)\), "\n", \(\(\(Options[\ CriticalPrimeInterval]\ = \ {GaussianIntegers -> False};\)\(\n\) \)\), "\n", \(\(CriticalPrimeInterval[A_, \ opts___]\ := \ \((\t imagQ = \(GaussianIntegers\ /. \ {opts}\)\ /. \ Options[\ CriticalPrimeInterval]; \n\t\t\tIf[\(! FreeQ[\ A, \ Complex]\), \ imagQ = True]; \n\t If[imagQ, \ \n\t\tJoin[{1 + I}, \ Select[Range[ Sqrt[maxnorm[ A]]], \((Mod[#, 4] == 3\ && \ \ PrimeQ[#])\)\ &], \n\t Gprime\ /@ \ \tSelect[ Range[maxnorm[ A]], \((Mod[#, 4] == 1\ && \ \ PrimeQ[#])\)\ &]], \n\t\tSelect[ Range[Sqrt[maxnorm[A]]], \ PrimeQ]])\)\t;\)\n\t\t\), "\n", \(\(PrimeZetaGaussian[1, \ ___]\ := \ Infinity;\)\), "\n", \(\(PrimeZeta[1, \ ___]\ := \ Infinity;\)\ \n\), "\n", \(\(\(Options[PrimeZeta]\ = \ {GaussianIntegers -> False};\)\(\n\) \)\), "\n", \(\(\(PrimeZeta[s_, \ prec_Integer : 6, \ opts___Rule]\ := \((\t\timagQ = \(GaussianIntegers\ /. \ {opts}\)\ \ /. \ Options[PrimeZeta]; \n\t\t\tIf[\(! FreeQ[\ A, \ Complex]\), \ imagQ = True]; \n\ Plus @@ \ Table[ MoebiusMu[k]\ *\ Log[\(If[imagQ, \ ZetaGaussian, Zeta]\)[k\ s]]/k, \ \ {k, IndexBoundPrimeZeta[s, \ Ceiling[ Log[10, 1/2\ 10^\((prec + 1)\)\ 2^s]]]}])\);\)\(\n\) \)\), "\n", \(\(IndexBoundHLProductGaussian[prec_, \ len_, \ L_]\ := \ Module[{M = NextNorm[L]}, \n\t\t\tFloor[ ProductLog[\(4\ 10\^\(prec + 1\)\ M\ \((M + 1)\)\ Log[M\/len]\)\/\ \(M - len\)]\/Log[M\/len]]];\)\), "\n", \(\(\(IndexBoundPrimeZeta[s_, \ acc_]\ := Floor[ProductLog[\(\(2\^\(\(1\)\(+\)\(s\)\(\ \)\)\) 10\^\(1 + acc\)\ \ s\ \((1 + s)\)\ Log[2]\)\/\(\((1 - 2\^s)\)\ \((1 - s)\)\)]\/\(s\ Log[2]\)];\)\ \(\n\) \)\), "\n", \(\(IndexBoundHLProductRational[prec_, \ len_, \ L_]\ := \ \n\t If[L == 2, \ \ \n\t\t\t\tMax[ Ceiling[2\ ProductLog[ 10^\((prec/2)\)* Sqrt[len/\((4 - len)\)]*\n\ \ \ \ \ Log[4/len]]/ Log[4/len]\ ], \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFloor[\ ProductLog[3\ /2\ \ 10\^\(prec + 1\)\ Log[3/2]]\/Log[3/2]\ ]], \ \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ M = NextPrime[L]; \n\t\t\tCeiling[ 2\ ProductLog[ 1/2\ \ \ 10^\((prec/2)\)*\n\ \ \ \ \ Sqrt[\ len \((M - 1)\)/\((M - 1 - len)\)]* Log[\((M - 1)\)/len]]/ Log[\((M - 1)\)/len]]\ ];\)\)}], "Input", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell["\<\ Options[HardyLittlewood] = {GaussianIntegers -> False}; HardyLittlewood[A_List, prec_Integer:6, opts___Rule] := Module[{n = Length[A], primess, imagQ}, imagQ = GaussianIntegers /. {opts} /. Options[HardyLittlewood]; If[!FreeQ[A, Complex], imagQ = True]; primes = CriticalPrimeInterval[A, opts]; max = If[imagQ, Max[GaussianNorm /@ primes], Max[primes]]; If[imagQ, primes = Join[{1 + I}, Select[Range[Sqrt[max]], Mod[#1, 4] == 3 && PrimeQ[#1] & ], Flatten[Gprime /@ Select[Range[max], Mod[#1, 4] == 1 && PrimeQ[#1] & ] /. Complex[a_, b_] :> {a+b*I, b+a*I}]]]; If[ !AdmissibleQ[A, opts], Return[0]]; If[imagQ, primes3mod4 = Select[primes, IntegerQ]; prime2 = If[MemberQ[primes, 1 + I], {1 + I}, {}]; primesimag = Cases[DeleteCases[primes, 1 + I], _Complex]; factor2 = If[prime2 == {1 + I}, 2^(n - 1), 1]; factor3mod4 = Times @@ ((#^2 - Length[Union[Mod[A, #]]])/#^2 * (#^2/(#^2 - 1))^n & ) /@ primes3mod4; factorimag = Times @@ ((gn = GaussianNorm[#1]; (gn - Length[Union[Mod[A, #1]]])/gn*(gn/(gn - 1))^n) & ) /@ primesimag; rat = Times @@ {factor2, factor3mod4, factorimag}; HLFunction[rat, n, NextNorm[max], GaussianIntegers -> True], rat = Times @@ ((# - Length[Union[Mod[A, #]]])/# * (#/(# - 1))^n & ) /@ primes; HLFunction[rat, n, NextPrime[max]]]]\ \>", "Input", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell["\<\ Options[HLFunction] = {GaussianIntegers -> False}; Format[HLFunction[rat_, n_Integer, k_, opts___]] := (imagQ = GaussianIntegers /. {opts} /. Options[HLFunction]; DisplayForm[RowBox[Map[MakeBoxes[#]&, {FactorForm[FactorInteger[Numerator[rat]]]/ If[IntegerQ[rat], 1, FactorForm[FactorInteger[Denominator[rat]]]], \ EulerProduct[n, k, GaussianIntegers -> imagQ]}, {1}]]]); \ \>", \ "Input", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell["\<\ HLFunction /: N[HLFunction[rat_, n_, k_,opts___Rule], prec_:6] := (N[rat* EulerProduct[n, \ k, opts], prec]) /. -1. -> 1; HLFunction /: Round[HLFunction[rat_, n_, k_,opts___Rule], prec_:6] := Round[(N[rat* \ EulerProduct[n, k, opts], prec])]; (*HLFunction /: (g_?(#=!=Format && NumericFunctionQ[#])&[HLFunction[rat_, n_, \ k_,opts___Rule], prec_:6]) := (g[N[HLFunction[rat, n, k,opts], prec]]) \ *)\ \>", "Input", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell["\<\ IntegrateHold /: N[IntegrateHold[f_, {x_, a_, b_}], prec_:6] := Module[{temp = Integrate[f /. x -> ToExpression[x], ToExpression[x]]}, temp /. x -> ToExpression[b]]; Clear[ConstellationEstimate, IntegralFunction]; Options[ConstellationEstimate] = {GaussianIntegers -> False, EvaluateIntegral -> True, \ FormatOutputNicely->True}; fix[expr_] := expr /. xx_Integer /; xx != -1 :> ExponentForm[xx]; Options[IntegralFunction] = {GuassianIntegers -> False}; IntegralFunction[A_, t_, opts___] := IntegralFunction[A, t,opts] =( imagQ = GaussianIntegers /. {opts} /. Options[IntegralFuntion]; If[!FreeQ[A, Complex], imagQ = True]; If[imagQ, Integrate[t/Log[t]^Length[A], t] /. ExpIntegralEi[2*Log[t]] -> LogIntegral[t^2], Integrate[1/Log[t]^Length[A], t]]); ConstellationEstimate[A_, opts___] := Module[{t}, {intQ, imagQ, intformatQ} = {EvaluateIntegral, GaussianIntegers, \ FormatOutputNicely} /. {opts} /. Options[ConstellationEstimate]; functemp = If[intformatQ,Function[z, SFTF[If[!FreeQ[z, _Real],Rationalize, Identity][z] /.eform]], Identity]; $Post = Function[z, zz=If[Head[functemp] =!= Symbol, functemp[z], z];Clear[functemp];zz]; If[!FreeQ[A, Complex], imagQ = True]; If[imagQ, Function[x, Evaluate[HardyLittlewood[A, GaussianIntegers -> True]* (4/Pi^3; \ 2^(Length[A]-2)/Pi^(Length[A]-1))* (If[intQ, IntegralFunction[A,x,GaussianIntegers -> True], IntegrateHold[\"r\"/Log[\"r\"]^Length[A], {\"r\", 0, x}]])]], Function[x, Evaluate[HardyLittlewood[A]* (If[intQ, IntegralFunction[A,x,GaussianIntegers->False], IntegrateHold[1/Log[\"t\"]^Length[A], {\"t\", 0, x}]])]]]];\ \>", \ "Input", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell["\<\ Format[IntegrateHold[f_, {x_, a_, b_}]] := DisplayForm[RowBox[{SubsuperscriptBox[\"\[Integral]\", (MakeBoxes[#] &)[a], (MakeBoxes[#] &)[b]], RowBox[{(MakeBoxes[#] &)[f], RowBox[{\"\[DifferentialD]\", ToString[x]}]}]}]]\ \>", "Input", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell["\<\ Options[EulerProduct] = {GaussianIntegers -> False}; EulerProduct /: N[EulerProduct[len_, L_, opts___], prec_:6] := (imagQ = GaussianIntegers /. {opts} /. Options[EulerProduct]; If[imagQ, EulerProductNGaussian, EulerProductNRational][Round[len], \ Round[L], Round[prec]]); \ \>", "Input", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell["\<\ Format[EulerProduct[n_, k_, opts___]] := (imagQ = GaussianIntegers /. {opts} /. Options[EulerProduct]; base = If[imagQ, \"N(p)\", \"p\"]; DisplayForm[RowBox[{UnderscriptBox[\"\[Product]\", RowBox[{base, \"\[GreaterEqual]\[ThinSpace]\", ToString[k]}]], FractionBox[RowBox[{RowBox[{\"(\", RowBox[{base, \"-\", ToString[n]}], \")\"}], \" \", If[n - 1 > 1, SuperscriptBox[base, ToString[n - 1]], base]}], SuperscriptBox[RowBox[{\"(\", RowBox[{base, \"-\", \"1\"}], \")\"}], ToString[n]]]}]]); \ \>", "Input", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell["\<\ EulerProductNRational[len_, L_, prec_] := Module[{term1}, sum1 = 0; cp = Drop[Prime[Range[PrimePi[L]]], -1]; bd = IndexBoundHLProductRational[prec, len, Max[cp]]; Do[smallprimecorrex = -Plus @@ (1/cp^j); factor = (len - len^j)/j; term1 = Re[N[factor*(PrimeZeta[j, If[j == 2, Max[prec, 17], Max[prec, prec + 1 + Ceiling[Log[10, Abs[smallprimecorrex/(term1/factor)]]] ]]] + smallprimecorrex), Max[prec, 17]]]; sum1 += term1; If[traceQ && Mod[j, traceI] == 0, Print[{j, term1, sum1, Abs[term1/sum1]}]], {j, 2, bd}]; N[E^sum1, prec]]; \ \>", "Input", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell["\<\ EulerProductNGaussian[len_, L_, prec_] := Module[{term1}, cp = Select[Join[{1 + I}, Select[Range[Sqrt[L]], Mod[#, 4] == 3 && PrimeQ[#] &], Gprime /@ Select[Range[L], Mod[#, 4] == 1 && PrimeQ[#] & ]], GaussianNorm[#] < L & ]; cp1 = GaussianNorm /@ Cases[DeleteCases[cp, 1 + I], _Complex]; cp3 = GaussianNorm /@ Select[cp, IntegerQ]; sum1 = 0; bd = IndexBoundHLProductGaussian[prec, len, Max[GaussianNorm /@ cp]]; If[traceQ, Print[\"The number of terms in the main sum is \", bd]]; Do[If[j > 2 && traceQ && Mod[j, traceI] == 0, Print[{j, term1, sum1, {Precision[term1], Precision[sum1]}, Abs[term1/sum1]}]]; factor = (len - len^j)/j; smallprimecorrex = -(Plus @@ (2/cp1^j) + Plus @@ (1/cp3^j) + If[MemberQ[cp, 1 + I], 1/2^j, 0]); term1 = Re[N[factor*(PrimeZeta[j, If[j == 2, Max[prec, 17], Max[prec, prec + 1 + Ceiling[Log[10, Abs[smallprimecorrex/(term1/factor)]]] ]], GaussianIntegers -> True] + smallprimecorrex), Max[17, prec]]]; sum1 += term1, {j, 2, bd}]; N[E^sum1, prec]] eform = {x_Integer /; Abs[x] > 10009 :> fix[x], x_Real /; N[x - Round[x]] == 0 :> Round[x]}; fixspecialcase[z_] := ToString[4/\[Pi]^3, StandardForm]* \[Pi]^3 /4 z \ \>", \ "Input", PageWidth->PaperWidth], Cell["\<\ Options[ConstellationEstimateAsymptotic] = {GaussianIntegers-> \ False}; ConstellationEstimateAsymptotic[a_, opts___] := Module[{x,n = Length[a], ce}, \ gQ = GaussianIntegers /. {opts} /. Options[ConstellationEstimateAsymptotic]; gQ = gQ || !FreeQ[a, Complex]; ce = ConstellationEstimate[a][x]; If[ce === 0, Return[0 & ]]; If[ !gQ, ce=ce[[1]]; Return[Function[xx, DisplayForm[RowBox[{ MakeBoxes[#]&[ce], StringForm[\"\\!\\((``\\/Log[``]\\^``)\\)\", xx, xx, n], \"+\", \ StringForm[\"O[\\!\\(``\\/Log[``]\\^``\\)]\", xx, xx, n + 1]}]]]] ]; ce = ce[[{1,2,3}]]; Function[xx, DisplayForm[RowBox[{ MakeBoxes[#]&[ce], StringForm[\"\\!\\(``\\^2\\/\\(2 Log[``]\\^``\\)\\)\", xx, xx, n], \"+\", StringForm[\"O[\\!\\(``\\^2\\/Log[``]\\^``\\)]\", xx, xx, n + 1]}]]]]\ \>", "Input"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Examples in \[DoubleStruckCapitalZ]", "Section"], Cell[TextData[{ "The standard usage is to feed in an admissible pattern, such as ", Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`{0, 2, 6}\)]], ", and an upper bound, which can be just the symbol x. The output is \ formatted nicely and the Euler product part is left as an infinite product." }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(ConstellationEstimate[{0, 2, \ 6}]\)[x]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", FormBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox[\(\(3\^2\)\(\ \)\), DisplayForm], "\[InvisibleSpace]", TagBox[\(\(5\^2\)\(\ \)\), DisplayForm]}], SequenceForm[ DisplayForm[ RowBox[ { SuperscriptBox[ "3", 2], " "}]], DisplayForm[ RowBox[ { SuperscriptBox[ "5", 2], " "}]]], Editable->False], InterpretationBox[ TagBox[\(\(2\^6\)\(\ \)\), DisplayForm], SequenceForm[ DisplayForm[ RowBox[ { SuperscriptBox[ "2", 6], " "}]]], Editable->False]], TagBox[\(\[Product]\+\(p \ \(\(\[GreaterEqual]\)\(\[ThinSpace]\)\) 7\)\(\((p - 3)\)\ p\^2\)\/\((p - 1)\)\ \^3\), DisplayForm]}], DisplayForm], "TraditionalForm"], ")"}], " ", \((\(-\(x\/\(2\ \(log(x)\)\)\)\) - x\/\(2\ \(\(log\^2\)(x)\)\) + \(li(x)\)\/2)\)}], "TraditionalForm"], TraditionalForm, Editable->True]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["One may want to suppress some of the fancy formatting.", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(ConstellationEstimate[{0, 2, \ 6}, \ FormatOutputNicely \[Rule] False]\)[x]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", TagBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox[\(\(3\^2\)\(\ \)\), DisplayForm], "\[InvisibleSpace]", TagBox[\(\(5\^2\)\(\ \)\), DisplayForm]}], SequenceForm[ DisplayForm[ RowBox[ { SuperscriptBox[ "3", 2], " "}]], DisplayForm[ RowBox[ { SuperscriptBox[ "5", 2], " "}]]], Editable->False], InterpretationBox[ TagBox[\(\(2\^6\)\(\ \)\), DisplayForm], SequenceForm[ DisplayForm[ RowBox[ { SuperscriptBox[ "2", 6], " "}]]], Editable->False]], TagBox[\(\[Product]\+\(p \(\(\[GreaterEqual]\)\(\[ThinSpace]\)\) \ 7\)\(\((p - 3)\)\ p\^2\)\/\((p - 1)\)\^3\), DisplayForm]}], DisplayForm], ")"}], " ", \((\(-\(x\/\(2\ Log[x]\^2\)\)\) - x\/\(2\ Log[x]\) + LogIntegral[x]\/2)\)}]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["One may want to suppress evaluation of the integral.", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(ConstellationEstimate[{0, 2, \ 6}, \ EvaluateIntegral \[Rule] False]\)[x]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ FormBox[ RowBox[{ RowBox[{"(", FormBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox[\(\(3\^2\)\(\ \)\), DisplayForm], "\[InvisibleSpace]", TagBox[\(\(5\^2\)\(\ \)\), DisplayForm]}], SequenceForm[ DisplayForm[ RowBox[ { SuperscriptBox[ "3", 2], " "}]], DisplayForm[ RowBox[ { SuperscriptBox[ "5", 2], " "}]]], Editable->False], InterpretationBox[ TagBox[\(\(2\^6\)\(\ \)\), DisplayForm], SequenceForm[ DisplayForm[ RowBox[ { SuperscriptBox[ "2", 6], " "}]]], Editable->False]], TagBox[\(\[Product]\+\(p \ \(\(\[GreaterEqual]\)\(\[ThinSpace]\)\) 7\)\(\((p - 3)\)\ p\^2\)\/\((p - 1)\)\ \^3\), DisplayForm]}], DisplayForm], "TraditionalForm"], ")"}], " ", FormBox[ TagBox[\(\[Integral]\_0\%x\( 1\/Log["t"]\^3\) \[DifferentialD]t\), DisplayForm], "TraditionalForm"]}], "TraditionalForm"], TraditionalForm, Editable->True]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["Another function can be used to get the asymptotic form", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(\(ConstellationEstimateAsymptotic[{0, 2, \ 6}]\)[x]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ FormBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox[ RowBox[{ FractionBox[ InterpretationBox[ RowBox[{ TagBox[\(\(3\^2\)\(\ \)\), DisplayForm], "\[InvisibleSpace]", TagBox[\(\(5\^2\)\(\ \)\), DisplayForm]}], SequenceForm[ DisplayForm[ RowBox[ { SuperscriptBox[ "3", 2], " "}]], DisplayForm[ RowBox[ { SuperscriptBox[ "5", 2], " "}]]], Editable->False], InterpretationBox[ TagBox[\(\(2\^6\)\(\ \)\), DisplayForm], SequenceForm[ DisplayForm[ RowBox[ { SuperscriptBox[ "2", 6], " "}]]], Editable->False]], TagBox[\(\[Product]\+\(p \ \(\(\[GreaterEqual]\)\(\[ThinSpace]\)\) 7\)\(\((p - 3)\)\ p\^2\)\/\((p - 1)\)\ \^3\), DisplayForm]}], DisplayForm], InterpretationBox["\<\"\\!\\((\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`x\\)\\/Log[\ \\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`x\\)]\\^\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`3\\))\\)\"\>", StringForm[ "\!\((``\/Log[``]\^``)\)", x, x, 3], Editable->False], "+", InterpretationBox["\<\"O[\\!\\(\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`x\\)\\/Log[\ \\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`x\\)]\\^\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`4\\)\\)]\"\>", StringForm[ "O[\!\(``\/Log[``]\^``\)]", x, x, 4], Editable->False]}], DisplayForm], "TraditionalForm"], TraditionalForm, Editable->True]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ One can get separately the Euler products that show up in these \ expressions in typeset form.\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(EulerProduct[3, 7]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[\(\[Product]\+\(p \(\(\[GreaterEqual]\)\(\[ThinSpace]\)\) \ 7\)\(\((p - 3)\)\ p\^2\)\/\((p - 1)\)\^3\), DisplayForm]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["And one can get their numerical values.", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(N[EulerProduct[3, 7]]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(0.813013044443062`\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(N[EulerProduct[3, 7], 20]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(0.813012933893467145224574714754785`20\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["N[] will automatically numericize the infinite product.", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(N[\(ConstellationEstimate[{0, 2, \ 6}]\)[x]]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ FormBox[\(2.8582489843701397`\ \((\(-\(x\/\(2\ \(log \((x)\)\)\)\)\) - x\/\(2\ \(\(log\^2\) \((x)\)\)\) + \(li \((x)\)\)\/2)\)\), "TraditionalForm"], TraditionalForm, Editable->True]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["High-precision is possible.", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(N[\(ConstellationEstimate[{0, 2, \ 6}]\)[x], \ 20]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ FormBox[\(2.85824859571922043243014548155794`19.699\ \((\(-\(x\/\(2\ \ \(log \((x)\)\)\)\)\) - x\/\(2\ \(\(log\^2\) \((x)\)\)\) + \(li \((x)\)\)\/2)\)\), "TraditionalForm"], TraditionalForm, Editable->True]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(N[\(ConstellationEstimate[{0, 2, 6}]\)[10\^10]]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ FormBox["2.7152836321207583`*^6", "TraditionalForm"], TraditionalForm, Editable->True]], "Output"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[TextData[{ "Examples in ", Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`\[DoubleStruckCapitalZ][\[ImaginaryI]]\)]] }], "Section"], Cell["The castle and diamond are pre-defined.", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(castle\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({0, 2, 4, 1 + \[ImaginaryI], 3 + \[ImaginaryI], 2\ \[ImaginaryI], 4 + 2\ \[ImaginaryI], 1 + 3\ \[ImaginaryI], 3 + 3\ \[ImaginaryI], 4\ \[ImaginaryI], 2 + 4\ \[ImaginaryI], 4 + 4\ \[ImaginaryI]}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(diamond\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({\(-1\), 1, \[ImaginaryI], \(-\[ImaginaryI]\)}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["Here is the estimate for prime occurrences of the diamond.", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(diamondestimate = \(ConstellationEstimate[diamond]\)[x]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ FormBox[ FractionBox[ RowBox[{"4", " ", RowBox[{"(", FormBox[ TagBox[ RowBox[{ InterpretationBox[ TagBox[\(\(2\^3\)\(\ \)\), DisplayForm], SequenceForm[ DisplayForm[ RowBox[ { SuperscriptBox[ "2", 3], " "}]]], Editable->False], TagBox[\(\[Product]\+\(\(N \((p)\)\) \ \(\(\[GreaterEqual]\)\(\[ThinSpace]\)\) 5\)\(\((N \((p)\) - 4)\)\ \(N \((p)\)\ \)\^3\)\/\((N \((p)\) - 1)\)\^4\), DisplayForm]}], DisplayForm], "TraditionalForm"], ")"}], " ", \((\(-\(\(2\ x\^2\)\/\(3\ \(log(x)\)\)\)\) - x\^2\/\(3\ \(\(log\^2\)(x)\)\) - x\^2\/\(3\ \(\(log\^3\)(x)\)\) + \(4\ \(li(x\^2)\)\)\/3)\)}], \ \(\[Pi]\^3\)], "TraditionalForm"], TraditionalForm, Editable->True]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(N[diamondestimate]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(0.17797544738231955`\ \((\(-\(\(0.3333333333333333`\ \ x\^2\)\/Log[x]\^3\)\) - \(0.3333333333333333`\ x\^2\)\/Log[x]\^2 - \ \(0.6666666666666666`\ x\^2\)\/Log[x] + 1.3333333333333333`\ LogIntegral[x\^2])\)\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ Here is a prediction of the radius at which there should be 1000 \ diamonds.\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(FindRoot[ diamondestimate\ \[Equal] \ 1000, \ {x, {100, 10000}}]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({x \[Rule] 7277.460567273188`}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["Here is the castle estimate.", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(castleestimate = N[\(ConstellationEstimate[castle]\)[x]]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ TagBox[ FormBox[\(0.19056744720761584`\ \((\(-\(\(4\ x\^2\)\/\(155925\ \(log( x)\)\)\)\) - \(2\ x\^2\)\/\(155925\ \(\(log\^2\)(x)\)\ \) - \(2\ x\^2\)\/\(155925\ \(\(log\^3\)(x)\)\) - x\^2\/\(51975\ \(\(log\^4\)(x)\)\) - \(2\ x\^2\)\/\(51975\ \ \(\(log\^5\)(x)\)\) - x\^2\/\(10395\ \(\(log\^6\)(x)\)\) - x\^2\/\(3465\ \(\(log\^7\)(x)\)\) - x\^2\/\(990\ \(\(log\^8\)(x)\)\) - \(2\ x\^2\)\/\(495\ \ \(\(log\^9\)(x)\)\) - x\^2\/\(55\ \(\(log\^10\)(x)\)\) - x\^2\/\(11\ \(\(log\^11\)(x)\)\) + \(8\ \(li(x\^2)\)\)\/155925)\ \)\), "TraditionalForm"], TraditionalForm, Editable->True]], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "Here is an estimate for one castle. Our paper shows the one we found near \ ", Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`10\^7\)]], "." }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(FindRoot[castleestimate \[Equal] 1, \ {x, {10^6, \ 10^9}}]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({x \[Rule] 1.0420046040834072`*^8}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]] }, FrontEndVersion->"4.1 for Macintosh", ScreenRectangle->{{0, 1024}, {0, 748}}, WindowSize->{690, 659}, WindowMargins->{{50, Automatic}, {Automatic, 28}}, MacintoshSystemPageSetup->"\<\ 00<0001804P000000]P2:?oQon82n@960dL5:0?l0080001804P000000]P2:001 0000I00000400`<300000BL?00400@0000000000000006P801T1T00000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000\>" ] (******************************************************************* Cached data follows. If you edit this Notebook file directly, not using Mathematica, you must remove the line containing CacheID at the top of the file. The cache data will then be recreated when you save this file from within Mathematica. *******************************************************************) (*CellTagsOutline CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*CellTagsIndex CellTagsIndex->{} *) (*NotebookFileOutline Notebook[{ Cell[1705, 50, 264, 6, 78, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[1994, 60, 65, 1, 56, "Section"], Cell[2062, 63, 236, 9, 132, "Input"], Cell[2301, 74, 563, 12, 171, "Input"], Cell[2867, 88, 693, 19, 357, "Input"], Cell[3563, 109, 673, 20, 312, "Input"], Cell[4239, 131, 1293, 26, 462, "Input"], Cell[5535, 159, 1300, 47, 747, "Input"], Cell[6838, 208, 3619, 75, 1213, "Input"], Cell[10460, 285, 1436, 32, 597, "Input"], Cell[11899, 319, 459, 13, 192, "Input"], Cell[12361, 334, 454, 15, 222, "Input"], Cell[12818, 351, 1752, 47, 822, "Input"], Cell[14573, 400, 289, 7, 102, "Input"], Cell[14865, 409, 330, 9, 162, "Input"], Cell[15198, 420, 593, 13, 207, "Input"], Cell[15794, 435, 642, 18, 282, "Input"], Cell[16439, 455, 1318, 33, 567, "Input"], Cell[17760, 490, 819, 21, 312, "Input"] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[18616, 516, 54, 0, 36, "Section"], Cell[18673, 518, 303, 6, 46, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[19001, 528, 74, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[19078, 531, 1604, 42, 75, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[20697, 576, 70, 0, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[20792, 580, 119, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[20914, 584, 1249, 34, 63, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[22178, 621, 68, 0, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[22271, 625, 117, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[22391, 629, 1683, 46, 63, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[24089, 678, 71, 0, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[24185, 682, 84, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[24272, 685, 1914, 49, 57, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[26201, 737, 118, 3, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[26344, 744, 51, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[26398, 747, 159, 3, 57, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[26572, 753, 55, 0, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[26652, 757, 54, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[26709, 760, 52, 1, 26, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[26798, 766, 58, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[26859, 769, 72, 1, 26, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[26946, 773, 71, 0, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[27042, 777, 77, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[27122, 780, 261, 6, 44, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[27398, 789, 43, 0, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[27466, 793, 83, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[27552, 796, 285, 7, 44, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[27874, 808, 80, 1, 31, "Input"], Cell[27957, 811, 150, 5, 28, "Output"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[28156, 822, 132, 4, 36, "Section"], Cell[28291, 828, 55, 0, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[28371, 832, 39, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[28413, 835, 248, 4, 26, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[28698, 844, 40, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[28741, 847, 80, 1, 26, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[28836, 851, 74, 0, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[28935, 855, 88, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[29026, 858, 1131, 30, 69, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[30194, 893, 51, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[30248, 896, 250, 4, 47, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[30513, 903, 100, 3, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[30638, 910, 104, 2, 27, "Input"], Cell[30745, 914, 64, 1, 26, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[30824, 918, 44, 0, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[30893, 922, 89, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[30985, 925, 716, 14, 139, "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[31716, 942, 167, 6, 30, "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[31908, 952, 91, 1, 27, "Input"], Cell[32002, 955, 68, 1, 28, "Output"] }, Open ]] }, Closed]] } ] *) (******************************************************************* End of Mathematica Notebook file. *******************************************************************)