Volume 7:1 (2005), all papers

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1-10 Two Pile Move-Size Dynamic Nim
Arthur Holshouser and Harold Reiter
11-24 Infinite families of accelerated series for some classical constants by the Markov-WZ Method
Mohamud Mohammed
25-36 Graphs of low chordality
L. Sunil Chandran and Vadim V. Lozin and C.R. Subramanian
37-50 Acyclic, Star and Oriented Colourings of Graph Subdivisions
David R. Wood
51-70 Algebraic elimination of
Gérard H. E. Duchamp and Hatem Hadj Kacem and Eric Laugerotte
71-74 Some equinumerous pattern-avoiding classes of permutations
M. D. Atkinson
75-80 An extremal problem on potentially
-graphic sequences
Chunhui Lai
81-122 Tilings from some non-irreducible, Pisot substitutions
Shunji Ito and Hiromi Ei
123-140 Dihedral f-tilings of the sphere by rhombi and triangles
Ana M. Breda and Altino F. Santos
141-154 Recognizing Maximal Unfrozen Graphs with respect to Independent Sets is CO-NP-complete
Abbas, N. and Culberson, J. and Stewart, L.
155-202 Stacks, Queues and Tracks: Layouts of Graph Subdivisions
Vida Dujmović and David R. Wood
203-216 On the maximum average degree and the incidence chromatic number of a graph
Hosseini Dolama, Mohammad and Sopena, Eric
217-230 Karp-Miller Trees for a Branching Extension of VASS
Kumar Neeraj Verma, Jean Goubault-Larrecq
231-254 On the Recognition of Bipolarizable and
-simplicial Graphs
Stavros D. Nikolopoulos and Leonidas Palios
255-268Queue Layouts of Graph Products and Powers
David R. Wood
269-312Connectedness of number theoretical tilings
Shigeki Akiyama and Nertila Gjini
313-400Enumeration of Binary Trees and Universal Types
Charles Knessl and Wojciech Szpankowski