Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science


Volume 3 n° 4 (1999), pp. 177-188

author:Nathalie Caspard
title:A characterization for all interval doubling schemes of the lattice of permutations
keywords:Permutations, lattice, bounded lattice, interval doubling schemes, arrow relations, linear extension, tableaux
abstract:The lattice Sn of all permutations on a n-element set has been shown to be bounded CAS, which is a strong constructive property characterized by the fact that Sn admits what we call an interval doubling scheme. In this paper we characterize all interval doubling schemes of the lattice Sn, a result that gives a nice precision on the bounded nature of the lattice of permutations. This theorem is a direct corollary of two strong properties that arealso given with their proofs.
reference: Nathalie Caspard (1999), A characterization for all interval doubling schemes of the lattice of permutations, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 3, pp. 177-188
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