Annales Academić Scientiarum Fennicć
Volumen 33, 2008, 121-130
Helsinki University of Technology,
Institute of Mathematics
P.O. Box 1100,
FI-02015 HUT, Finland;
Kalle.Mikkola 'at'
Abstract. We extend the standard Fourier multiplier result to square integrable functions with values in (possibly nonseparable) Hilbert spaces. As a corollary, we extend the standard Hardy class boundary trace result to Hp (even Nevanlinna or bounded type) functions whose values are bounded linear operators between Hilbert spaces. Both results have been well-known in the case that the Hilbert spaces are separable. Naturally, the results apply to functions over the unit circle/disc or over the real-line/half-plane or over other similar domains, even multidimensional in the case of the multiplier result. We briefly treat some related results, generalizations to Banach spaces and counter-examples.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 42B15, 46E40, 42B30; Secondary 28B05, 47B35.
Key words: Fourier multipliers, translation-invariant operators, time-invariant, Toeplitz operators, Hardy spaces of operator-valued functions, vector-valued functions, strongly measurable functions, nontangential limits, boundary trace.
Reference to this article: K.M. Mikkola: Fourier multipliers for L2 functions with values in nonseparable Hilbert spaces and operator valued Hp boundary values. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 33 (2008), 121-130.