Zentralblatt MATH

Publications in 1992

Zbl 688.10043  •  Erdös, Paul; Hegyvári, Norbert , On prime-additive numbers. ,
Stud. Sci. Math. Hung. 27, No.1-2, 207-212 (1992). [Reviewer: P.Erdös] , 11P32 11A41
Zbl 757.05010  •  Blass, Andreas; Erdös, Paul; Taylor, Alan , Diverse homogeneous sets. ,
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 59, No.2, 312-317 (1992). [Reviewer: E.J.F.Primrose (Leicester)] , 05A18
Zbl 758.11007  •  Erdös, Paul; Sárközy, A. , Arithmetic progressions in subset sums. ,
Discrete Math. 102, No.3, 249-264 (1992). [Reviewer: M.Nair (Glasgow)] , 11B25
Zbl 760.01009  •  Erdös, Paul , In memory of Tibor Gallai. ,
Combinatorica 12, No.4, 373-374 (1992). , 01A70 01A60
Zbl 760.05025  •  Erdös, Paul , On some of my favourite problems in various branches of combinatorics. ,
Combinatorics, graphs and complexity, Proc. 4th Czech. Symp., Prachatice/Czech. 1990, Ann. Discrete Math. 51, 69-79 (1992). , 05Cxx 00A07 05Axx
Zbl 766.05063  •  Erdös, Paul; Gallai, Tibor; Tuza, Zsolt , Covering the cliques of a graph with vertices. ,
Discrete Math. 108, No.1-3, 279-289 (1992). [Reviewer: R.C.Entringer (Albuquerque)] , 05C70 05C35 05C85
Zbl 767.05056  •  Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J.; Rousseau, C.C. , Extremal problems involving vertices and edges on odd cycles. ,
Discrete Math. 101, No.1-3, 23-31 (1992). [Reviewer: J.Sedlácek (Praha)] , 05C35 05C38
Zbl 774.05020  •  Erdös, Paul; Graham, Ron; Ruzsa, Imre Z.; Taylor, Herbert , Bounds for arrays of dots with distinct slopes or lengths. ,
Combinatorica 12, No.1, 39-44 (1992). [Reviewer: J.R.Seberry (Lincoln)] , 05B15 05B30
Zbl 776.05057  •  Duke, Richard A.; Erdös, Paul; Rödl, Vojtech , Cycle-connected graphs. ,
Discrete Math. 108, No.1-3, 261-278 (1992). [Reviewer: M.Hager (Leonberg)] , 05C35 05C38 05C40
Zbl 779.11001  •  Erdös, Paul , Some of my forgotten problems in number theory. ,
Hardy-Ramanujan J. 15, 34-50 (1992). [Reviewer: E.Härtter (Mainz)] , 11-02 11Bxx 00A07
Zbl 780.68005  •  Erdös, Paul; Hsu, D.Frank , Distributed loop network with minimum transmission delay. ,
Theor. Comput. Sci. 100, No.1, 223-241 (1992). , 68M10
Zbl 784.01023  •  Dricks, Victor , Math monk: He lives for numbers: Erdös considered field's great. ,
Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astron. 37, No.5, 293-296 (1992). , 01A70 01A60
Zbl 785.05052  •  Erdös, Paul; Györi, E.; Simonovits, M. , How many edges should be deleted to make a triangle-free graph bipartite? ,
Halász, G. (ed.) et al., Sets, graphs and numbers. A birthday salute to Vera T. Sós and András Hajnal. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai. 60, 239-263 (1992). , 05C35 05C15
Zbl 787.11002  •  Erdös, Paul; Joó, M.; Joó, I. , On a problem of Tamas Varga. ,
Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 120, No.4, 507-521 (1992). [Reviewer: A.Knopfmacher (Wits)] , 11A63 11K16 00A07
Zbl 791.11051  •  Erdös, Paul; Ivic, Aleksandar , The distribution of quotients of small and large additive functions. II. ,
Bombieri, E. (ed.) et al., Proceedings of the Amalfi conference on analytic number theory, held at Maiori, Amalfi, Italy, from 25 to 29 September, 1989. Salerno: Universitá di Salerno, 83-93 (1992). [Reviewer: E.J.Scourfield (Egham)] , 11N37 11K65 11N64
Zbl 794.05084  •  Erdös, Paul; Faudree, Ralph J. , Size Ramsey functions. ,
Halász, G. (ed.) et al., Sets, graphs and numbers. A birthday salute to Vera T. Sós and András Hajnal. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai. 60, 219-238 (1992). [Reviewer: J.E.Graver (Syracuse)] , 05C55
Zbl 797.05001  •  Erdös, Paul , Some of may favourite problems in various branches of combinatorics. ,
Matematiche 47, No.2, 231-240 (1992). [Reviewer: L.Lesniak Foster (Madison)] , 05-02 00A07 11B75
Zbl 799.11044  •  Erdös, Paul; Nicolas, J.-L.; Sárközy, A. , On the number of pairs of partitions of n without common subsums. ,
Colloq. Math. 63, No.1, 61-83 (1992). [Reviewer: M.Szalay (Budapest)] , 11P82 05A17
Zbl 805.11011  •  Erdös, Paul; Joó, I. , On the number of expansions 1 = sum q-ni. ,
Ann. Univ. Sci. Budap. Rolando Eötvös, Sect. Math. 35, 129-132 (1992). [Reviewer: L.Tóth (Cluj)] , 11A67
Zbl 817.05056  •  Erdös, Paul; Luczak, Tomasz; Spencer, Joel , Subgraphs of large minimal degree. ,
Frieze, Alan (ed.) et al., Random graphs. Volume 2. Based on papers presented at the fourth international seminar on random graphs and probabilistic methods in combinatorics, held in Poznan, Poland, August 7-11, 1989. Chichester: Wiley, Wiley-Interscience Publication. 59-66 (1992). , 05C80
Zbl 829.05033  •  Chen, Hang; Schwenk, Allen J.; Erdös, Paul , Tournaments that share several common moments with their complements. ,
Bull. Inst. Comb. Appl. 4, 65-89 (1992). , 05C20 11B75
Zbl 829.05055  •  Alavi, Yousef; Liu, Jiuqiang; McCanna, Joseph; Erdös, Paul , On the minimum size of graphs with a given bandwidth. ,
Bull. Inst. Comb. Appl. 6, 22-32 (1992). , 05C78 68R10 05C35
Zbl 842.01021  •  Erdös, Paul , Obituary of my friend and coauthor Tibor Gallai. ,
Geombinatorics 2, No.1, 5-6 (1992); corrections ibid. 2, No.2, 37 (1992). , 01A70 01A60
Zbl 848.05049  •  Erdös, Paul; Fon-Der-Flaas, D.; Kostochka, A.V.; Tuza, Zs. , Small transversals in uniform hypergraphs. ,
Sib. Adv. Math. 2, No.1, 82-88 (1992). , 05C65
Zbl 850.52004  •  Erdös, Paul , Diameters of point sets. ,
Geombinatorics 1, No.4, 4 (1992). , 52A37
Zbl 850.52006  •  Erdös, Paul , Distances determined by points in the plane. ,
Geombinatorics 2, No.1, 7 (1992). , 52C10
Zbl 850.52007  •  Erdös, Paul , Distances determined by points in the plane. II. ,
Geombinatorics 2, No.2, 24 (1992); Corrected version ibid. 2, No.3, 65 (1993). , 52C10
Zbl 882.05077  •  Erdös, Paul; Simonovits, M.; Sós, Vera T.; Rao, S.B. , On totally supercompact graphs. ,
Sankhya, Ser. A 54, Spec. Vol., 155-167 (1992). , 05C35

© European Mathematical Society & FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag

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